NEWSLETTER (January – May 2016) for
P.O. BOX 10819, KAMPALA, UGANDA , tel.256772837938,256)772440016 email:
Greetings to you all in Jesus’s name! The year 2015 ended miraculously in as short a time as it came!! Oh how years move so fast! I am always reminded of the hymn O God, our help in ages past…especially the following words: “Time like an ever rolling stream bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten… a thousand ages in Thy sight are like an evening gone; short as the watch that ends the night…”!!! What big lesson do you and I learn from running time? I personally learn we need to work hard tirelessly using every opportunity to work for the kingdom of GOD, since we are not going to be here on earth for long! Our Lord JESUS said let’s work while there is still day before darkness comes and covers the land. Friends, let us ask ourselves-- do you surely feel the urgency to win souls or do great commission urgently in your life? If NOT then we need to wake up from sleep for the harvest is plentiful yet the laborers are few. You can participate in one way or the other to fulfill the Great Commission by either praying for missionary work, or giving moral support to evangelists, pastors, teachers of the word, etc. or financially support the great commission. Remember, there is no convenient time: ALL TIME is the right time to preach his word. TIMOTHY was advised to PREACH THE WORD IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON! May the Lord bless you as you read this newsletter bearing the urgency of spreading the good news to the hurting world.
In July 2015 a van was purchased by NEW SONG CHURCH at the cost of 7000 U.S. dollars by kind friends from Winter, WI, Jersey Shore, PA, and Ohio. This was a real miracle which we had been praying for more than 20 years by our ministry since 1992 when the ministry was registered in Uganda Government.!! Glory be to GOD! The van was dedicated one Sunday in mid-July at NEW SONG CHURCH, Kampala city branch at MULAGO Hill. All prayer team members laid hands on the vehicle and dedicated it to the Lord to be used for evangelizing Uganda.
1) KAIHURA VILLAGE. On August 15th to 19th a gospel crusade was held every evening for five days at the small village of KAIHURA in TOORO kingdom of the Batooro tribe in western Uganda. A total of 36 mature people came forward to receive Christ! Guest speakers were PASTOR LUCAS MWESIGE, PASTOR RICHARD NYAKAANA, and PASTOR KIM. Pastor Richard was greatly used in the evangelistic word while Pastor Kim was used greatly in the area of deliverance of seekers from witchcraft in an area with manifestation of demons and evil spirits. Choirs from neighboring churches participated in marvelous ministry through music. One day of the crusade rain burst forth suddenly and all the equipment for the public address system was rushed to the church VAN thus saving it from being destroyed by water!
NEW CHURCH OPENS IN KAIHURA VILLAGE A new church was opened and started that Sunday in that village i.e. NEW SONG CHURCH KAIHURA with about 26 people attending, a direct result of the crusade that week! But by November 2015 the number of believers had tripled, so that there were no longer enough chairs anymore!! Mats are used for children and sometimes women. Sometimes people stand in windows when we cannot afford to hire chairs. In that village the local government had built a hall many years ago but failed to complete it due to lack of funds. Dogs were sleeping in that hall with no windows and no doors! Pastor Richard went to the chiefs and asked for permission to use the hall for the new church. The chiefs held a special meeting with him and accepted him to use the hall by paying 200 dollars per year (hiring fee) plus doing regular repairs and improvements, cementing and fixing in doors. He paid it for 1 year ending August 2016 and so far he has put in front doors plus office door and cemented the altar. On Sunday 11th November 2015, the new church was launched officially by inviting all chiefs of the area and the king of the kingdom plus district commissioner. The king did not come but sent a certain chief to represent him at the occasion. The chairman of pastors in the district came also. It was a great day with different choirs from various churches singing for the Lord. It was a great day as one of the chiefs who was a Christian said he has banned witchcraft from that village.
2) KYEGEGWA DISTRICT. On 17th January 2016 another crusade was held in a village called KAKABARA with the objective of encouraging our 2 existing NEW SONG CHURCHES in that area. So the crusade was for 2 days. Speakers were PASTOR KYALIGONZA PATRICK, PASTOR ABEL and PASTOR RICHARD NYAKAANA. Many people turned up from the whole region . Using our projector to show Christian films all the 2 nights brought excitement to the entire area with lots of people streaming to the crusade. During the mornings we had discipleship classes for men and youth by PASTOR RICHARD NYAKAANA and MADAM CLAIRE NYAKAANA disciple the women of Kakabara Church for 2 days.
1) In September KAIHURA INTERGRETED SECONDRY SCHOOL invited our evangelistic team to address and speak to the entire school. The headmistress of this school is a Moslem lady who welcomed us happily to the main auditorium. Our singing group first sung a lot of special music by NEWSONG BAND led by PASTOR RICHARD with his guitar. The hall was packed with students. At the end of his message PASTOR RICHARD made an altar call and 30 students committed their lives to Jesus (see photo)!
2) In October 2015 our schools outreach team was invited to evangelize students in KYABIGAGIRE TEACHERS COLLEGE MUKUNYU. PASTOR RICHAR D NYAKAANA was the guest of honor to address student teachers who were about to enter exams. The entire evening was filled with gospel music and everyone prayed a prayer of repentance. That Sunday many student teachers wanted to come to New Song Church Kaihura. Pastor Richard had to drive several rounds with about 20 students in one VAN when some were sitting on each other laps in order to fit in the VAN and be taken to church.
GOSPEL FILMS MINISTRY WITH PROJECTOR Last year in July PASTOR RICHARD bought a projector in Washington DC before returning to Uganda (courtesy by our friends in OHIO church) and returned with it to Uganda with a purpose to show gospel films. This projector was used to show gospel films for the advance team before those crusades and after crusades mentioned above. Also, every Sunday evening at 6pm at the new church KAIHURA NEW SONG CHURCH we would show different Christian films. The response to these gospel films has been very amazing!! People fill the whole church while others stand both inside and outside in windows! Both non-Christians and Christians from other churches come so we are normally forced to hire chairs those evenings…many committed their lives to Christ through such Sunday evenings. One Moslem couple came to watch the films one Sunday evening in September. At the end of the film after praying a dismissal prayer this couple MR RAJABU and MAGRET came to PASTOR RICHARD and just said we want to accept Christ so he can change our lives! MR RAJABU is now a member of this new church involved in serving as church building maintenance officer. GOD is good!
YOUTH PICNIC. The youth had a Christmas picnic on 23rd December at NGEZI COMPOUND. Our new 7-passenger van carried almost 24 youth per trip!
NEW SONG CHILD CARE. On 23rd December our children played a Christmas play and all our 45 sponsored poor orphans were fed with free food and given clothes. About 180 kids still need clothes and tuition scholarships.
In the month of October last year at the new church a miracle took place. A certain mad man in a neighboring village called RUHOKO was brought with ropes tied around his hands by his relatives (because he was very violent and beating up people in his village). His sister and parents hired a pick up car and brought him to our new church during morning hours on Thursday. The only person who was at our church at that time was PASTOR KIM and another young man called Ambrose. The relatives were not Christians but had been advised that our church could pray for him to get healed. PASTOR KIM our youth pastor prayed the whole day for him while the whole town gathered to watch the violent mad man screaming as KIM prayed. At the end of the day the man was delivered and KIM ordered the relatives to remove the ropes! The relatives were scared at first and didn’t want to release him from ropes but KIM assured them that he is healed in JESUS name. Indeed the man was COMPLETELY HEALED and the whole village was shocked at this miracle.
1) OUR new church NEW SONG CHURCH in KAIHURA VILLAGE urgently needs at least 200 chairs each@ cost of 10 dollars per chair that is 2000 dollars.
2) Our newly constructed classroom (see at right) for 1stelementary class starting next year in February for our orphans kids’ school needs to be completed by roofing it by December 2016, putting in doors and windows, cementing it, at approximate total cost of 5000 U.S. dollars.
3) Our public address system for evangelism requires a POWER Generator because we are doing a lot of evangelism/ showing films in rural/village areas where there is NO ELECTRICITY. So we desperately need a power generator costing about 300-500 dollars.
4) Last year we increased the number of poor/orphan children we pay for education . Now we have 45 children but still have around 180 children on waiting list . Each kid requires 20 dollars per month scholarship tuition only or 50 dollars for both tuition feeding and uniform.
5) A secular radio has offered us to start an evangelistic program at 20 dollars for 30 minutes every week starting in August 2016
6) Maintenance for the new ministry van vehicle and fuel (gas )requires about 150 dollars per month.
7) Our MUSIC SCHOOL needs pianos and guitars. Idle portable pianos and guitars are welcome!
1) Starting in August this year2016 we shall be targeting to open a new church every month in different villages. We hope by MAY next year 2017 we shall have opened 10 churches in 10 different villages in Uganda. That means every month we shall be holding one crusade.
2) A secular radio station has offered us to use 30 minutes of evangelizing the whole kingdom of Tooro tribe (a population of 6 million people) a message of repentance every week at cost of 20 dollars airtime without production cost. (In some years ahead we are dreaming to have NEW SONG FM RADIO station in western Uganda.)
3) a Bible college to train ministers is needed. Right now every Saturday evening (3 to 5pm) PASTOR RICHARD trains church leaders from any church around TOORO KINGDOM.
Last year late November I shared to the elders and all leaders of NEW SONG CHURCHES in Uganda in executive meeting about how the lord challenged me in 2014 while in Wisconsin doing a revival in a certain church. The Lord asked me whether I love the lost souls of American people or just only care for Uganda and Africa but only come to America for conferences , to get evangelistic resources and leave Americans to perish?! The Lord told how we African ministers need to give back to our spiritual fathers in America (remember America sent many missionaries in Africa in past decades) by helping restore AMERICA TO HER FIRST LOVE FOR GOD. All the leaders of our NEW SONG CHURCH in Uganda agreed with me and gave me permission to be spending at least 4 months every year doing revival in various churches in America. Why? Because the Christian life is wishy washy with serious lukewarm churches and dwindling backsliding congregations in America. So my congregation gave me permission to do missionary work while I keep monitoring the work of GOD in Uganda through phone and my wife oversees the churches while I am in America. In March 2016 I returned to America to fulfill that call of RESTORING AMERICANS FIRST LOVE and camped in Pennsylvania with my good friend PASTOR CHARLIE WINKELMAN and his wife LAURA.
so far I have reached out and been a guest speaker of repentance and revival in 6 churches in April and May 2016 in Pennsylvania, namely:
1) JERSEY SHORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH where 1 person came forward after altar call.
2) DIAMOND STREET Pentecostal church where 9 people came forward after altar call.
3) BETHEL LINDEN CHURCH where the whole congregation raised hands responding to the message of revival. This church even hung a Uganda flag in the church during my visit making my visit a mission Sunday.
4) CONVENANT CENTRAL Presbyterian church in Williamsport. Here 12 people came forward to restore their love for GOD and 1 sick person was brought not walking but was healed instantly.
5) GREAT ISLAND CHURCH in Lock Haven PA there 4 people came forward to be counselled and be prayed for after church service.
6) BLOOMSBURG Presbyterian church. This church has advertised through the press to the whole community around to come for repentance and hear this preacher from Africa.
7) Churches scheduled to be preached in still are Wooster Baptist Church in Ohio; Pennsylvania churches: Northern Light Church in Jersey Shore, Berwick Presbyterian Church; Assembly of God church in Wisconsin, and several more! Pastor Richard’s preaching schedule is full before he returns to Uganda on August the 2nd.
Facebook: Evangelist Richard Nyakaana
Cell phone while in America: 971-570-0287 Uganda 011(256)772837938