
New Mexico PreK - Embedded EIs w/ Rubric Language

The following can be embedded in any of the 4 required Portfolios and additional Creativity Sample:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
EI #6.1 - Converses effectively in his or her home language, English, or Sign language for a variety of purposes relating to real experiences and different audiences. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines / Combines signs or words to describe what they are doing (i.e., “Me jump”). / Combines three signs or words following the subject-verb-object word order. / Uses three to four word sentences to express self. / Uses five to six word sentences to express ideas. / Uses complex questions and/or statements of seven or more words to present and get information. / Uses two connected sentences to express ideas and reply with relevant information to questions and comments of others. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines
EI #17.4 – Expresses cultural influences from home, neighborhood and community. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines / Identifies family members. / Names family members. / Shares information about own family members. / Shares information about his or her community (such as school, neighborhood, and/or church) / Begins to share information about his or her family’s cultural knowledge, beliefs, values, and/or customs (beyond common holiday traditions) / Frequently shares information about his or her family’s cultural knowledge, beliefs, values, and or customs (beyond common holiday traditions). / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines
EI #20.1 – Plays and interacts with various children, sharing experiences and ideas with others. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines / Plays alone or watches other children most of the time. / Observes and imitates other children’s activities most of the time. / Plays alongside other children (rather than interactively) most of the time. / Interacts with other children sharing objects and talking back and forth as they play for several minutes without cooperative idea sharing / Interacts with other children, sharing objects, conversation, and ideas to cooperate in play activities. / Develops and/or extends themes in cooperative work/play activities / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines
EI #20.2 – Uses and accepts negotiation, compromise, and discussion to resolve conflicts. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines / Waits for something he or she wants to have or do only with adult help. / Can wait for something he or she wants to have or do without adult help some of the time. / Uses and accepts negotiation, compromise, and discussion to resolve conflicts only when mediated by teacher talk and assistance. / With teacher guidance, generates own ideas of appropriate ways to handle conflicts and comes to an agreeable solution. / Tries to work through conflicts with peers in appropriate ways (may or may not end up needing teacher help.) / More frequently initiates and successfully completes conflict resolution with minimal adult assistance. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines
EI #25.3 – Role-plays to express feelings, to dramatize stories, to try out social behaviors observed in adults, and reenact real-life roles and experiences. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines / Interacts with dolls, stuffed animals, or props in pretend play / Adds dress-up clothes or other items to pretend play. / Imitates real-life roles and experiences in simple role-plays. / Incorporates one or two social behavior observed in adults and expression of one or two feelings in role-playing real-life roles and experiences. / Incorporates more than two social behaviors and/or expression of more than two feelings when role-playing real-life roles and experiences so that a more complex story is dramatized. / Communicates feelings and tries out social behaviors with increasing self-regulation in dramatic play situations with other children. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines
EI #27.1 – Focuses and completes a variety of tasks, activities, projects and experiences. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines / Shows interest in favorite child-initiated activities over and over again. / Begins to show interest in adult-initiated activities. / Stays with a task for up to five minutes; may give up when problems arise. / Stays with a task for five to 10 minutes and attempts to solve problems that arise. / Stays with a task for more than 10 minutes and attempts to solve problems that arise. / Stays focused on an activity for more than 10 minutes and ignores most distractions. / Refer to the Early Learning Guidelines