ORL Student Engagement Program Proposal
RA/CA Name: Date Submitted:
Volunteer Organization:
Volunteer location (address):
Volunteer # needed:
Program Title:
Program date/start time/end time:
Description of Program:
Would you like this to be a FYSC event? Yes No
Remember: FYSC events must be submitted by the 24th of the prior month.
Advertising Methods Used (X): Flyers Posters Door tag flyers Luminis email
Facebook In The Loop Other:
When did/will advertising occur:
Are you requesting funds? Yes No If yes, how much?
Note: fund requests come through the Office of Residence Life
Breakdown of funds requested:(Please attach a Shopping cart or similar listing of costs)
Please note that it is mandatory to have 5 residents from your area present at your service program in order to receive credit and transportation for your event.
Important things to remember:
  • Email the proposal form, an expected allocated budget which includes a detailed list of items needed, and one sample copy of your advertisement.
  • Paperwork needs to be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to your activity.
  • Publicize the program at least 7 days in advance.
  • On the day/night of the activity, you must arrive at least 20 minutes early to set-up and remain present through the duration of the program and clean up at the conclusion of the event.
  • All unused goods must be returned to the Hall Office.
  • Have the residents that attended the program complete a program evaluation sheet.
  • Following the completion of the program, the RA/CA must submit receipts, left-over money, and other requested paperwork by 9:00 am the next business day to the Senior Resident Assistant. Failure to do so may result in you not getting the proper credit for your hard work.
  • When purchasing: remember that you are prohibited from certain types of stores. Prohibited types of stores: office supply (Staples, etc.), club membership (Costco, etc.), liquor, convenience, and gas
Before using the P card, ensure that you read over the P-Card check-list, as well as the P-Card Things to Remember form, located here: P:\Shared\Residence Life Student Staff\PROGRAMMING\P-Card Process

P:\Shared\Residence Life Student Staff\PROGRAMMING\Programming Procedures & Guidelines\CCEC\ORL Civic Program Proposal Form - CCEC.doc