Names: Tyler Stahl, Peter Mann

Standard: P.EN.04.41 Demonstrate how temperature can be increased in a substance by adding energy.

Grades: 3-5

Lesson Title: Does water change as it’s heated?

Lesson Overview

After completion of the lesson students will be able to:

- define heat, temperature, energy

- understand heat’s relationship to temperature

- understand what happens to water when it is heated

List of Materials

Beakers, Thermometer, Hot plate, Color dye


1. Ask the children to rub their hands together and say what they feel and observe.

2. Ask them to predict what happens when energy is added to water based on what they observed from the hands.

3. Distribute two beakers, one filled with hot water and the other filled with cold water. Put color dye in each beaker.

4. Have students draw what they observe.


1. What’s happening in the cold water? What’s happening in the hot water?

2. If you see a difference what is it and why?

Key terms

Heat – A form of energy transferred between systems by virtue of their temperature differences.

Energy – The property of a system that enables it to do work.

Temperature – The degree of hotness or coldness of a substance as measured by a thermometer.


1. Why do people go to the beach when it is sunny?


1. Have students pass up papers with drawings, key terms, and answers completed.

2. Ask for eight volunteers and split them into two groups of four, one being hot water group and the other being cold water group. Have them pretend they are water molecules and let the class decide how fast or slow the group members should move demonstrating the movement of water molecules in hot and cold water.