2014 – 2015

Table of Contents




Auxiliary Page 3

Beginning Band Page 3

Junior High Band Page 3

Performance Band Requirements Page 3

Advanced Band Page 3

Band Officers Page 3

Drum Major Page 4


Performances Page 4

Practices Page 4

Honor Bands

LBA All – Star Middle School Band Page 4

District VII Honor Bands Page 4

St. Mary Parish Honor Bands Page 5

St. Mary Parish Sixth Grade All – Star Band Page 5


Large Ensemble Festivals Page 5

District VII Solo & Ensemble Festival Page 5


Fund-Raiser Page 5

Awards Page 5


Storing Instruments Page 6

Personally Owned Instruments Page 6

School Owned Instruments Page 6

Repairs Page 6

Music Page 6
Instrument Accessories Page 7

Practice Rooms Page 7

Director’s Office & Other Rooms Page 7

Uniforms Page 7


Practicing Page 7

Daily Participation Page 8

Tests Page 8

Performance Grades Page 8

Chair Positions Page 8


Discipline Policy Page 9 Dropping and Adding Band Page 9

Band Jackets Page 10


Beginning Band Page 11

Instruments Page 11

Music Stores Page 11

Instrument Deadline Page 11

Band Room Rules Page 12

Performance Conflicts Page Page 13

Travel and Medical Form/Handbook Documentation Form Page 14

Performance Schedule Page 15


Welcome to the Centerville High School Band program. The following is a special handbook carefully designed to help parents and students understand all of the rules, policies and procedures associated with the Centerville High School Band. Please read this handbook carefully as there is a lot of information. After you read this handbook, please fill out the document sheet at the end and return it to me by the date on the sheet. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact me at the school at 836-5103 extension 6.


Parental support is necessary to keep the band functioning. Parents will be needed as chaperones for festival trips and parades. If any parent is able to assist as a chaperone, you may contact me at the school or send an email to me at .



Auxiliary is selected by audition only if there are enough band students to warrant it.


The beginning band is made up of 100% beginners who are mostly in 5th grade. A special part of the handbook is devoted to beginning band. It is located in the “Fifth Grade Band” section of the handbook.


The junior high band is comprised of students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. There will be special requirements that will be used to determine if a student is eligible for the junior high band. Below are the requirements that will be used.


1. Students must demonstrate outstanding practice skills at home, which are shown by the grades earned on playing tests.

2. Students must maintain a 70% (D) average for ALL nine week grading periods.

3. Students must attend ALL rehearsals and performances unless an acceptable excuse is given. (Please see rehearsals and performances for acceptable excuses.)

4. Students will be expected to practice and perform all music that is issued in this class. This includes all warm-up exercises, chorales, performance music, etc.

5. Students in this class will be expected to participate in the District VII Solo & Ensemble Festival and audition for the St. Mary Parish Honor Band.

6. Students must exhibit proper behavior during the school year. (See the discipline section of the band handbook for more information.)

If the band director feels that a student meets these requirements, that student will be allowed to join the junior high band.


The senior high advanced band is for students in grades 9th through 12th who have completed the junior high requirements.


In order to be selected for one of the following band officer positions, a student must exhibit proper behavior and be an outstanding leader in band. Students with any major referrals for disciplinary reasons will result in the student forfeiting his/her position. Additional requirements for each position can be found below.

Drum Major:

If there are enough band students to warrant a drum major, interested students will be selected through an audition process.




The junior high advanced band along with the senior high advanced band will have several performances throughout the school year. Performances will include: concerts, parades, festivals, basketball games, and other special performances. Because band is a performance oriented subject and performing takes a “team” effort, attendance at all performances will be mandatory. For your convenience, a list of performance dates will be available at the end of this handbook. The only performances that may not be scheduled at this time will be basketball games and the exact date of the District VII Large Ensemble Festival due to the schedules not being available.

* Please review the performance schedule carefully and list any performances that your child will not be able to attend on a special sheet entitled “Performance Conflicts” and return it by the deadline, which will be 30 days prior to each performance. However, if you know of any conflicts at the beginning of the school year, please send the information in as soon as possible in order that plans can be adjusted if necessary.


After school practices will be scheduled as necessary. Students and parents will be informed by letters and calendars well in advance of practices. Because the junior high band is split into several classes, it is impossible to get every student out of another class to rehearse for a performance. It is extremely important that students attend the scheduled rehearsals. Because of this, after school rehearsals will be graded. (Please see Grading for more information). After the rehearsal schedule is given out, please make every effort to check the schedule and let me know of any conflicts.

Since rehearsals are so important, students will be allowed only so many absences from rehearsals. When there are six or more rehearsals scheduled, a student will be allowed only two missed rehearsals. If there is only one rehearsal scheduled for a performance like a concert, all students must be at the scheduled rehearsal. In addition, if guest conductors are involved, all students are required to be at these rehearsals. The purpose for this is so the guest conductor does not waste his/her time coming to a rehearsal with only half of the band. If you have any questions, you may contact me at the school.


LBA All – Star Middle School Band:

The LBA All – Star middle school band comprised of students in grades 6th through 8th. The middle school band performs a concert in the summer time following two rehearsal days. Students who are interested in taking part in this honor band should inform the band director. Those names will then be submitted to the LBA Coordinator for nomination into the band. Only the students who will be able to attend this honor band and its’ rehearsals will have their names submitted. This is to avoid students dropping out at the last minute.

District VII Honor Bands:

District VII is the band district that serves schools in the following parishes: Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. John, St. Mary, Terrebonne, and parts of Ascension and St. James Parishes. Students in schools in these parishes are able to audition for one of three honor bands. The honor bands are: The All – Youth Honor Band for students in 6th and 7th grades, the Junior High Honor Band for students in 8th and 9th grades, and the Senior High Honor Band for students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. Students in this band are selected by audition. Students wishing to audition should see me for audition music. Auditions are held at a selected District VII school.

St. Mary Parish Honor Bands:

There are two St. Mary Parish honor bands for students. The Junior High Honor Band is for students in grades 6th through 8th and the Senior High Honor Band is for students in 9th through 12th grades. Auditions are held in January at a selected school in St. Mary Parish. Students in both senior high and junior high band must audition for parish honor band. If a student does not wish to participate in the honor band, he/she must let me know prior to the auditions. Honor band auditions will be worth a 100 point performance grade. There is a $10.00 fee for each student that auditions. Students who meet his/her fund-raising goal will have this fee paid for through the band fund-raiser. Students who do not meet the fund-raising goal will have to pay the fee. Because this fee is non-refundable, students who fail to show up to the auditions will be responsible for reimbursing the band. In addition, students who qualify for the honor band, but decide to drop out without prior notice will also be responsible for reimbursing the band.

St. Mary Parish All Star Band:

The St. Mary Parish All Star Band is an honor band for second year band students in St. Mary Parish. These are mostly sixth graders. Students are nominated by the directors according to their performance in the class room. The All Star Band practices twice before and once after the Thanksgiving Holidays. The all star band then performs a Christmas concert the Thursday following Thanksgiving. There is a $15.00 participation fee for each student in this band. Students who meet his/her fund-raising goal will have this fee paid for through the band fund-raiser. Students who do not meet the fund-raising goal will have to pay the fee. Because this fee is non-refundable, students who drop out or are removed from the all-star band will be responsible for reimbursing the band.


Large Ensemble Festivals:

The Junior High Performance Band will be participating in two or more large ensemble festivals during the school year. A list of festivals can be found on the performance schedule page.

Solo & Ensemble Festival:

The District VII Solo and Ensemble Festival is usually held here at Centerville High depending on the number of students participating. Students can perform up to one solo and two ensembles on the same instrument. There are fees for each solo and each ensemble member. Fees are set by the state and could change periodically. Students in performance band and advanced band will be required to participate in this festival which is held either in February or April. Students in grades 6th through 12th will receive a performance grade for participating in the Solo & Ensemble Festival.



Each year band students participate in various fund-raisers to offset band expenses that could be as high as $2000. Fund-raisers could include candy sales, parades, raffles, etc. Parades are mandatory performances for students in 6th through 12th grades as they are part of their grade. However, candy sales and raffles are not mandatory, but students are strongly encouraged to participate. If appropriate funds are not met, students will be required to pay fees depending on the amount raised. A copy of the band expenses, which includes student fees, is available upon request.


Student achievement awards are given out during the spring concert in May. Awards are given in the categories of Outstanding, Most Outstanding, and Most Improved. Other awards include the Director’s Award for Band that goes to the top 8th grade student, the Patrick S. Gilmore Award which goes to the second highest senior, and the John Philip Sousa Award which goes to the highest senior. Students earn award points by auditioning for honor bands, participating in honor bands if selected, participating in the solo & ensemble festival, and earning certain ratings. A list of possible ways to earn points is available upon request. Students are encouraged to participate in as many honor bands as possible in order to earn these points. If a student does not do the necessary work to earn an award and no other students are in that classification, the award will not be given that school year.



The band room will be opened from 7:50 – 7:55 a.m. daily for students to store instruments. Instruments should be stored neatly in the designated area of the storage room. Any misuse of the storage room will result in the loss of privileges for storing instruments. Instruments that are stolen due to improper storage will NOT be the responsibility of the band or the school. The instrument room is locked daily to prevent theft.


Personally owned instruments are instruments owned by the students. Students MUST take personally owned instruments home daily to ensure safety and to practice. Student who leaves a personally owned instrument at school risks the chance of damage and/or theft. The school will NOT be responsible for lost or stolen instruments left at school overnight.


There is a limited number of school owned instruments available for students. Therefore, a certain criteria will be used in allowing students to rent a school owned instrument. By renting a school owned instrument, the student must agree to

1. Practice the required amount of time at home.

2. Treat the instrument with proper care.

3. Pay the required rental fee of $10.00 per instrument.

If a student has met the criteria, that student will have first choice of the instrument each year he/she remains in band. However, if a student fails to practice and keep up with the band, the instrument will be issued to another student who is serious about band. If the instrument is issued to another student, the student who did not do the required work may remain in band provided that he/she supplies their own instrument. Also, students who damage instruments due to neglect or mistreatment will be required to pay the repair cost. Lost or stolen instruments due to improper storage will also be the responsibility of the student who rented the instrument.


Repairs to personally owned instruments should be done at a quality repair shop. If possible, repairs should be done over weekends or holidays. If a repair can not be done over weekends or holidays, students should bring in the repair tag in order to receive credit for the days without an instrument. Failure to bring a repair tag in will result in a lower grade for the days missed without an instrument. Major repairs to school owned instruments should be done through the school.