The above scholarships are available to assist Doctoral and Master’s (which have a research component of 50% or more) who are registered at the University of Cape Town to proceed to an approved international institution for purposes of a visiting scholars programme, for research, or for attendance at specific and approved courses. The awards are intended for individual senior students and have been established for skills development and to enhance the research activities being conducted for the completion of the degree.

·  Applicants must NOT be employed as full-time members of staff.
·  Individuals who are employed for more than 20 hours a week are ineligible.
·  Individuals receiving funding from an alternative UCT GOB source are ineligible (including IAPO, faculties, etc).
·  Only students in the first and second years of Master’s study and the first, second or third years of doctoral study, will be considered.
·  Doctoral students who successfully apply in the 3rd year of study may use their grants in the 4th year of study on condition that they are registered at the time of travel and for the full duration of their stay.
·  3rd year Masters and 4th year PhD students are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply in the 3rd or 4th year respectively.
·  Honours students are not eligible to apply.
·  It must be noted that the Postgraduate Studies Funding Committee reserves the right to give preference to applicants who have not previously spent time at an international institution.

NOTE: There are two rounds of application/award per annum:

v  Students applying to travel abroad in March/April, May, June, July, and August , September/October 2015 must submit their applications by no later than 28 February 2015.

v  Students applying to travel abroad in September/October, November, December 2015 and January, February and March/April 2016 must submit their applications by no later than 31 August 2015.


1. Students who receive these awards MUST remain registered as full-time students for the full duration of the time spent away.
2. Values of the Scholarships are variable. The Scholarships are intended to ASSIST as far as possible with the costs of travel and do not offer to provide full-cost support. Applicants are expected to source the balance of funds from another source.
3. The scholarships are tenable for a minimum of two months, and to a maximum of ten months and are once-off awards.
4. Students are required to remain registered at UCT as full-time students during this time.
5. No applications for renewal or extension will be considered. The awards are restricted to one award per student, per DEGREE. Where students are upgraded from the Master’s degree, a second application can be submitted at Doctoral level, but only after 12 months of registration at Doctoral level.
6. The awards may be used towards the cost of travel and subsistence, accommodation and/or academic fees as part of a visiting scholars programme or similar arrangement. COSTS TO COVER RESEARCH RUNNING COSTS (SUCH AS FIELD-WORK AND/OR CONFERENCES) WILL NOT BE COVERED.
7. Applicants are required to obtain information on local subsistence costs from the host institution. A copy of such correspondence MUST be included with the application.
8. Applicants are required to provide a financial statement giving details of funding received FROM ALL SOURCES for the current degree including funding for the proposed travel, and any international conferences or other research trips.
9. UCT Scholarships for International Travel and UCT Conference Travel Grants cannot be held concurrently in any one year.
10. The content/programme of the proposed study/research to be undertaken at an approved international institution must relate directly to the research being conducted for the student’s degree.
11. The content/programme of research must be supported in writing by the applicant’s HOD and Supervisor as part of the student’s application, and a statement of the anticipated relevant research output resulting from the proposed travel, must be recorded in the space provided on the Application Form.
12. In addition to the proposed output, successful applicants are required to submit a full report on the work completed and the time spent at the international institution. The reports must be submitted to the DVC for Research and Innovation, c/o the Post Graduate Centre & Funding Office within three weeks of the student’s return to UCT. The report must illustrate the value of the time spent abroad and confirm that the anticipated research output will be forthcoming. Such reports may be included or referred to in the University’s Annual Research Report. Failure to submit the required report will result in cancellation of the scholarship and withdrawal of the funds provided.
13. Before payment can be made for any award offered, successful applicants are required to show evidence that the balance of funds required has been secured.
14. Applicants must complete the UCT Scholarships for International Travel Application Form, available from the Postgraduate Funding Office or on-line at
15. The application form must be accompanied by the following documents and must be submitted to The Postgraduate Funding Office; Upper Level – Otto Beit Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town:
·  An abbreviated research proposal no longer than TWO A4 pages which has been signed by the applicant’s supervisor.
·  A report written by the applicant’s supervisor on the applicant’s academic progress.
·  Where applicants are in the SECOND year of the Master’s, or the THIRD year of the PhD degrees, a WORKPLAN giving full details of the time-frame for completion of the degree is required. Applications sent in without this document will not be considered.
·  A full description (clearly indicating the travel dates) of the visit/programme/study/research to be carried out at the proposed international institution.
·  A letter or document from an appropriate official/academic at the proposed international institution, indicating the proposed tenure for which the applicant has been accepted and that he/she will be accommodated.
·  Motivation (this is not the same as the required Progress Report) by the Head of the Department and Supervisor.
·  A full Budget – showing the source of costing references and the exchange-rate used. Information obtained from the host institution on local subsistence costs must be attached, inclusive of quotations to support the summary of costs.
·  A CV including all publications. Please limit this to no more than A4 page for the CV only.

Enquiries: Mrs. Chantel Reed - telephone: 021 650 2205 9Dec2015



Incomplete, inappropriate and/or late applications will be disqualified

Name and Surname / Student Number
GENDER: / Male / Female / RACE: / African / Coloured / Indian / White
Are your Employed / Yes / No / Full-time / Part-time / If yes, indicate number of hours
Faculty in which you are registered / Department Name
Current Degree / Year of Study towards current Degree / 1ST / 2ND / 3rd
Date of first registration towards current degree / / /
Have you upgraded from a Master’s to Doctoral degree / YES / NO
If YES, please provide the date of upgrade below;
Thesis Title
Research Component of Degree / 100% / 50% / Less than 50%
Anticipated Research Output of applicant: (This information may be recorded here or in the required progress report).
Indicate Travel dates (e.g. January to March – 3 months)
Name of Institution and country
Total Amount requested
Have your been accepted by the Host institution / Yes / No
If No, please explain
Have you applied for additional funding / If YES, please complete section below
If NO, please provide a letter explaining why you have not done so
Name the source and amounts of any other subsides or grants towards your total costs (State whether such support has been confirmed or applied for).
Source of Award / Value of Award / Name of Award / * Applied for / Funds Received
* NOTE: Students are required to inform the PGC&FO of the outcome of the award within 1day of it being announced
Name of supervisor and amount being awarded by SUPERVISOR (State whether such support has been confirmed or applied for).
Source of Award / Value of Award / Name of Award / * Applied for / Funds Received
* NOTE: Students are required to inform the PGC&FO of the outcome of the award within 1day of it being announced
SUMMARY OF COSTS – Attach quotations to support the summary of costs
Are your quotations attached (please tick)
ACCOMMODATION (have you enquired about cheaper on-campus accommodation?) / ZAR
This amount must be consistent with the required information from the host information. / ZAR
OTHER (give detail) / ZAR

Name of Supervisor: …………………………………………...

Name of Head of Department …………………………………………

I (student name and student number)………………………………………...understand and undertake to comply with the

Conditions of this Scholarship.

Signature …………………………………………………………..Date …………………

I (supervisor’s name) ……………………………….……….certify that the information contained in the attached documents is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and a true reflection of the student’s requirements.

Signature ………………………………………………………Date …………………………..…..

Please note that incomplete and/or late applications will not be accepted.

Please consult the CHECKLIST below to ensure that you have submitted the required documents:

Documents Required
Note: Submission of ALL of the documents listed below is compulsory / Check (Tick)
1. Application Form
2. Academic Transcripts (if your previous degrees were achieved at an institution other than UCT)
NOTE: Attach copies of the unofficial transcript if you have not study at another University
3. An abbreviated Research proposal (no longer than 2 A4 pages duly signed by you and your Supervisor)
5. Proposed study/research at international institution
6. Proof of acceptance by international institution
7. Progress Report – Supervisor
4. A WORK-PLAN giving details of the time-frame for completion (2nd year Master’s and 3rd year PhD students only)
8. Individual letters of motivation (this is not the same as the required Progress Report) – Head of Department and Supervisor
9. Financial Statement giving details of funding received FROM ALL SOURCES for the current degree including funding for any international conferences or research trips.
10. Quotations – supporting the summary of costs.
11. Full Budget – showing source of costing references and exchange-rate used. Written information on local subsistence costs from the host institution must also be included.
12. A full CV including all publications (no longer than 2 A4 pages) where applicable
