of the
NEPCO HOA General Membership Meeting
September 15, 2007
The bimonthly NEPCO general membership meeting was held Saturday, 15 September 2007, at the Monument Town Hall from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
Attendance: The following homeowner association’s representatives from NEPCO members were present:
Bent Tree Property Owners Association, Duane Fitch
Copper Ridge Homeowner’s Association, Olin Gordon
Donala Club Villa HOA, Walter Paul
Eagle Villas Owners Association, Alice Sweatman (and Dennis Beasley)
Gleneagle Civic Association, David Powell
Gleneagle #3 Homeowner’s Association, Connie Hemmer
Kings Deer Homeowners Association, Allen Alchian
Kingswood Property Owners Association, Harry Davis
Paradise Villas, Glenn Scott
Pleasant View, Victoria Anderson
Ridge at Fox Run Homeowners Association, Dave Patton
Sun Hills Association, Bill Eckert
Sunrise Townhome Association, Don Hart
Woodmoor Improvement Association, Hans Post
NEPCO Board members present were Walter Paul (President), Bob Swedenburg (Secretary), Kim Scherschligt (Treasurer), and Dave Patton (Facilitator). George Diestelkamp (Vice President and LUC Chairman) was absent. A quorum was present.
NEPCO’s guest was Mr. Carl Schueler, Long Range Planning Manager with the Development Services Department of El Paso County.
Opening: Walter Paul, President, opened the NEPCO meeting at 10:00 AM. Walter welcomed all attendees and our guest speaker, Mr. Carl Schueler. Walter introduced the NEPCO Board members, and then asked each representative and guest attending to introduce themselves and the HOA they represent.
Secretary Report:
New Members: Bob Swedenburg, Secretary, welcomed three new HOAs to NEPCO. They are Copper Ridge Homeowner’s Association (Olin Gordon is NEPCO Rep), Kingswood Property Owners Association (Harry Davis is NEPCO Rep), and Red Rock Ranch Homeowner’s Association (Joline Lee is NEPCO Rep)
Minutes Approval: Bob noted that the NEPCO minutes from the July general NEPCO meeting have not been completed, but will be written soon and distributed. All meeting minutes are on the NEPCO website at www.nepco.org.
Treasurer Report:
Financial Status: Kim Scherschligt, Treasurer, provided a summary of financial transactions since the last meeting. Kim stated that all financial transactions are maintained by the Treasurer, and this information is available to any NEPCO member requesting it. She reported the current balance is $2711.95.
New Members: Kim stated that the three new members have paid prorated dues for the 2006-2007 NEPCO year, and welcomed them to NEPCO. She stated that other HOAs have contacted her for information to join in response to our reach-out program and mailing of CDs with NEPCO information to a wide distribution of HOAs in northern El Paso County.
Invoices Coming: Kim reminded everyone that she will be preparing dues invoices for the 2007-2008 NEPCO year that will be emailed to all members. The NEPCO fiscal year begins October 1st.
Land Use Committee Report: George Diestelkamp, NEPCO LUC Chairman, was absent and no report was provided; however, a LUC item concerning a possible development of townhomes on the Gleneagle Golf Course driving range was brought forward and discussed.
Gleneagle Golf Course Possible Development: Dennis Beasley, President of Eagle Villas Owners Association, provided information for a discussion on a possible development of townhomes on the Gleneagle Golf Course driving range. A summary follows:
- The Gleneagle Golf Course needs to completely replace the antiquated irrigation system at a cost of approximately $1.3M and has reviewed options to provide the financing
- Their selected option, at this time, is to develop and sell 52 patio homes, each of 1500-2000 square feet, on the existing driving range, and build 4 detached homes on new lots adjoining 4 separate holes throughout the golf course
- The driving range adjoins the Eagle Villas homes, and construction of the patio homes will seriously degrade the mountain views of Eagle Villas residents and affect their quality of life in other areas as well
- Eagle Villas is against such a development
- The golf course is currently zoned RR-5, meaning 5 acre lots
- A traffic study has been completed
- There has been no formal submission to the county yet for the development, but the developer has had two “early assistance visits” with the county officials
- The developer, Thomas & Thomas, has scheduled a neighborhood meeting via written letter to discuss the situation with all concerned homeowners
- The neighborhood meeting is set for 25 September 2007 at 6:00 PM at the Gleneagle Clubhouse
- Eagle Villas has prepared a flyer for distribution announcing this meeting and voicing concern over this development plan
- There was lengthy discussion, questions, and answers by Dennis as well as our guest speaker, Mr. Carl Schueler
Data Repository. As a reminder, the LUC has established a repository for all land use data sent to NEPCO for review including the sketch plans, preliminary plats, etc. in a section of the Monument Library so that any NEPCO member can have ready access to these large items. In the interest of efficiency, it is best to contact George prior to accessing the plans in the library.
Facilitator Report: Dave Patton, Facilitator, reminded everyone of the next NEPCO meeting set for 3 Nov 07 that will feature a presentation by El Paso County Commissioner Wayne Williams followed by a Q&A session.
Program - Planning and Development in Tri-Lakes: Walter introduced our featured speaker, Mr. Carl Schueler. Mr. Schueler is the Long Range Planning Manager for the Development Services Department of El Paso County. He has addressed NEPCO on several occasions in the past. Carl described recent changes to the department organization and its procedures, and provided an update on some northern El Paso County land use activities. Key points are summarized below:
- The Planning Commission “advises” and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) “decides” on all county land use issues
- Neighborhood meetings are encouraged with developers prior to any formal submission of land use requests
- A “Project Planner” is assigned by the department for each formal submission, and this Project Planner is responsible to “shepherd” the process through the milestones and reviews of the submission
- The individual Project Planner should be the NEPCO point of contact for any land use submission. (The Project Planner for the Gleneagle Golf Course development is Carol Weber)
- Probably the most influential and critical milestone for residents who want to voice suggestions or concerns on a development is the re-zoning hearing
- Carl described the Monument Academy charter school to be developed in Woodmoor
- Carl stated that the Forest Lakes development west of I-25 is currently on hold
- Carl stated that there has been a huge slowdown on county developments due to (a) Monument annexing so much, and (b) new housing starts have slowed
- Struthers Ranch development is finishing up
- In progress are: Cherry Creek Crossing, Sural Ranch, Hilltop Pines, and Misty Acres
- In response to the question of how homeowners and HOAs can monitor what may be planned for nearby development, Carl answered that use of NEPCO, the Our Community News, and the county web site are the best ways to get information (although he stated that the county web site is in flux and not too reliable at this time)
- Public notification of land use proposals is made twice for each submission: prior to the Planning Commission hearing and prior to the BOCC meeting on the item. Carl stated that public notification is made in the Fountain Valley newspaper which is the paper of record for the county
- Carl recognized that the Fountain Valley newspaper is not often read – if ever – by anyone in northern El Paso County! (NOTE: Perhaps the NEPCO Land Use Committee should subscribe to this newspaper.)
- Carl said his department has a “procedures manual” for its activities, and NEPCO should request a copy
- The newly approved zoning codes are now in effect and on the county web site
- Go to www.elpasoco.com and click on “Development Services Department”
Old Business: Walter announced that he recently attended the Leadership Symposium. Hans Post of WIA said he attended the Tri-Lakes Regional Focus Conference at the USAF Academy with many Chambers of Commerce and our County Commissioner, Wayne Williams. He said the conference was very successful.
New Business: No new business was presented.
Closing: Walter thanked the HOA representatives for their attendance and participation. Walter thanked Mr. Carl Schueler for his time and many insights into the county planning process, and the attendees responded with applause for Mr. Schueler. Walter called for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made, a second was provided, and a vote to adjourn was received at 11:30 AM.
Next NEPCO Meeting: The next NEPCO General Membership meeting will be Saturday, November 3rd from 10:00 AM to noon, at the Monument Town Hall. Commissioner Wayne Williams will be our invited speaker. The Secretary will send an announcement to all NEPCO members prior to the meeting.
Bob Swedenburg Walter Paul
Secretary, NEPCO President, NEPCO