My Utopian Project:
The Perfect World through My Eyes
An Introduction:
In the novel The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, Jona, the protagonist, lives in a world that on the surface is seemingly perfect. Everything and everyone are under control. In his world, no one experiences pain, war, fear, etc. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in what is identified as The Community.
When Jona turns twelve, he is singled out to receive exclusive training from an elderly man known as The Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of true pain as well as the pleasure of life. He is chosen to learn the truth, which once received there is no turning back.
What is a utopia?
The term utopia, in its most common and generally positive meaning, refers to an imaginary, ideal civilization, which may range from a city to an entire world and may be regarded as possible in the future, although not currently existent. What are the denotation and connotations of this word?
General Directions: The Utopia Project should contain each of the following items
without exception. All items written in paragraph or essay form must be typed using
the Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and 12 pitch. Each page must include
visuals. No exceptions!
Coversheet: Your task is not an easy one. From what you know about utopian societies,
you will create your own utopia. You have free reign over this project as long as it is reasonable. Do not ask me to judge whether or not I think you are on the correct track. You must evaluate your work of art to ensure that you have included all specifications and that you express your idea(s) precisely. First, you must start with a cover sheet. Design a cover sheet that is both visually pleasing, and tells something about you. Use symbols, colors, cutouts, etc. Include a name and motto that represent the overall theme of your utopia. Be sure to place your name in an inconspicuous place on the coversheet.
Page One: Decorate the name of your utopia. Explain the meaning of the name and why you chose it
to represent your world. This should be written in paragraph form. You may not simply use
your name as the utopia’s name. The name should be symbolic.
Page Two: Choose a leader. Discuss why you chose this person as a leader over another.
Describe this person's character and personality traits. Why did you choose this person as
your leader? Who makes the decisions? What type of government would you create? (You
are not allowed to choose yourself.)
Page Three: What is your national anthem (include the lyrics and the writer) tree, symbol, flower,
etc. What is the typical type of music played? What is the national color? Create a flag.
Explain the colors and the symbols included within the flag. How does the flag represent the
world you have created? What is the national spoken language?
Page Four: What are the beliefs of your society? What are the laws? What are the
consequences for breaking the laws? What religion will be followed and why? This should be
written in paragraph form.
Page Five: Where will your utopia be located? What is the location? What is the climate like?
Why have you chosen this location?
Page Six: Create a perfect world poem. You must have at least five stanzas. Each stanza must be at
least a quatrain in length. It is your choice to on what type of poem you seek to create. Be
sure that it follows a pattern. Use alliteration, rhythm, rhyme or free verse, personification,
and other elements of poetry. Examine concrete poetry closely. You will gain extra credit if
you choose to create a concrete poem to represent your perfect world.
Page Seven: Describe your economy. Do you have a barter system, a capitalist system, etc.?
Page Eight: From your perspective, why do you feel your world should be considered a utopia?
Use the denotation of the term and its connotation to support your view.
Page Nine: You may add any other info pertaining to your utopia on this page.
Please do not cut this sheet.
Be sure to vary the manner in which you compose your project. You should not simply respond to the questions. The above information should be used as a guide. Be creative.
***Present Your Utopia to the class.***
This project is due on or before January 17, 2014.
Student Signature Date
Parent Signature Date