Ms. Coates’ Weekly Newsletter
August 8, 2016
A note from the teacher
Welcome to First Grade!!! J
I am so excited for the opportunity to be your child’s teacher this year! Your child will be learning a lot, and by working together we can ensure that your child is successful. I hold very high expectations for each student in academics and behavior. Support and encouragement at home makes a huge difference in your child’s success.
Each Monday a newsletter will be sent home for your information. If I have your email address, I will be sending it to your email. If you do not receive a newsletter please let me know.

(270) 737-7371 - school / What We Are Learning
Reading: We will be reading Froggy Goes to School. We are learning about the elements of a story, recalling details from a story, and sequencing.
Math: We are reviewing counting to 100. Students will be learning about making estimates and using different counting strategies.
Writing: We are practicing correct letter formation.
Science: We are learning about frogs.
Spelling Words:
We will not have spelling words this week. Once Literacy First testing is finished, a list will be sent home each Monday, as well as in the newsletter.
Word Wall Words:
Review of first 25 sight words:
the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, he, was, for, on, are, at, be, this, have, from, or, one, had, by, me
Your child needs to read these words without sounding them out and be able to spell them correctly. These words will be used for independent center work and in daily writing. / Classroom Rules
1.  Follow directions quickly.
2.  Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3.  Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
4.  Make smart choices.
5.  Keep your dear teacher happy.
You will be receiving a calendar each month showing your student’s behavior. Please initial each day and keep in the green folder.
Thank you!
Vocabulary Words:
glared, pretended, dashed, flagpole, squirmed, carton, hissed
*These words are introduced on Monday with the story of the week. Help your child understand and use these words in a sentence each week. / BOX TOPS: We do collect box tops at RES. Your child will earn points for each box top brought in and will get to “buy” prizes from the box top store. Please send in any box tops in a baggie with your child’s name.
FUN FRIDAY: Each Friday, students will receive a drink, snack, and get to watch an educational video clip or do a fun activity. This is a reward for good behavior all week. If students have one bad color during the week, they will lose either their drink or snack. If students have two or more bad colors, they will lose their drink and snack. This should give extra incentive to receive those good colors all week! J