July 11, 2017

The Board of Trustees of Marion Township, Marion County, Ohio met in its regular meeting. Mr. Ballinger called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with the following members and visitors present:

Mr. Larry Ballinger Present Mr. Lynn Clabaugh Present

Ms. Karen McCleary Present Ms. Sheila Perin Present

EMPLOYEES: Charlie Fosnaugh, Chief Meddles, Larry Brown, Jeff Harbaugh, Darrin Hollenbaugh, Nathan Clark

GUESTS: Mike Yost, Bryan McCleary, Kathie Seckel, Josh Daniels, Roger Ruth, Dave Stieber, Rev. Willie McGary, Dale King, Marvin Owens, (illegible signature), and Dave Ewonce



All correspondence has been emailed or distributed to the Board of Trustees.

Ms. McCleary made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the June 20 meeting; seconded by Mr. Clabaugh. Motion carried. Mr. Clabaugh made a motion to approve the Special meeting minutes from June30, 2017. Seconded by Mr. Ballinger.

The opening of bids for the Belmont sewer project was held. Josh Daniels submitted a bid for Dennis Ave. $20,800. Belmont project $42,100.00 Forest Hill Dr. $18,800.00

Mark Pickens – Forest Hill $15,760. Dennis Ave. $25,250.00. Belmont project $37,500.

Mr. Brown will review the bids before announcing the final bid results.


Jackson Insurance representatives were in attendance. Kathie Seckel provided insight into the latest developments on this situation. Jeff Harbaugh informed the Board of Trustees that the union held a special meeting last night (07-10-17) and have agreed to pay the $850 charge for the paperwork that Patty Garner will be initiating. Mr. Clabaugh made a motion to provide approval for the union to proceed with coverage of the expense of a plan document and monitoring of this plan document with Jackson Insurance. Mr. Ballinger seconded the motion. Roll call as follows: Mr. Ballinger, yes; Ms. McCleary, yes; Mr. Clabaugh, yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Ewonce from BE Solutions provided an update to the employee health insurance. He explained the situation with OPEC and Jefferson Health Plan. This is an ongoing problem as far as litigation is involved and could be years before there is a solution.

Ms. McCleary read a proclamation for RobotWorx. They are celebrating 25 years in business and will be holding an open house celebration on August 4, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm located at their facility at 370 W. Fairground St.

Township and fire records – still working on this project.

Real estate property update – no new updates.

Levy discussion – Mr. Brown presented information he received on road levies that he received from the Ohio Township Association. No new discussion held regarding the fire levy.


Ms. Perin presented preliminary budget figures to the Board. After review, Ms. McCleary made a motion to approve the preliminary budget for 2018; Mr. Clabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ms. Perin will submit 2018 budget figures by the deadline of July 20 to the county auditor.

Zoning Report


Call from Ted Graham about the cars for sale at Ziebart. Checked with Ziebart and they have a state permit for a car lot at that site.


William Roberts 281 Kenton Galion Rd. W. Deck $25

Daniel Yost 488 Cottage St. Storage shed $25

Larry Underwood 1945 Matheny Ave Garage $54

Hunts Fence 1279 Woodridge Rd. Fence $25

Road Department Report

Edgefield Dr. 15-inch tile reconnected behind 377 Edgefield Dr. Two inches of rain on Friday July 7, 2017 resulted with no water backup on the road.
Water way opened on west end of Isel Ave. across from open ditch. During Friday’s rain, the storm water was flowing to catch basin on south side of Van Atta Ave.
Tentative paving date for Marion Township roads is August. Shelly & Sands will notify us before they start.
Durapatching continues between rain days. Currently on Hickory Dr. & Shellbark St.

Fire Department Report

Scheduled annual pump and ladder testing. Pump testing July 11th and ladder testing July 18th

313 in for repair broken oil cooler and rear brakes

Exhaust system is nearing completion. Waiting on electric hook up and training

Chief has requested to cancel contract with Fire House Reporting. Nothing returned back yet.

Received our EMS Grant little over $4,000.00. Can be used on needed EMS equipment.

Weings repaired Station 1 HVAC system.

Health Insurance forms are being requested to shop around for pricing. Dave from BE will expand on this in meeting.

Shifts have started doing Fire Safety inspections

EMS QC is still going on and very beneficial.

Medic 303 2008 Freightliner should be considered for replacement end of 2018 or first part of 2019 Cost $190,000.00. At that point we would be able to start re-chassis rather than buying all new. Save money.

Our current Dodge Medic is working out good.

Ladder 311 replacement is long overdue. 1990 Sutphen with over 100,000 miles. Department is still in running for AFG. If this fails to assist us, trustees need to consider a lease to purchase for new one. $880,000.00. Roughly 10yr lease/purchase $100,000.00 no money down. Payment would go down, as well as interest cost, if money used up front.

Medic and ladder are just some thoughts for major expenses in future.

With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Mr. Ballinger to adjourn. Ms.

Clabaugh seconded the motion and roll call was as follows: Mr. Clabaugh, yes; Ms. McCleary, yes, Mr. Ballinger, yes. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at

7:08 pm.

____________________________________ Mr. Larry Ballinger, Chairman

____________________________________ Ms. Karen McCleary, Vice-Chairman

____________________________________ Mr. Lynn Clabugh, Trustee

____________________________________ Ms. Sheila Perin, Fiscal Officer

All formal actions of the Board of Trustees of Marion Township concerning and relating to the adoption of resolutions and /or motions passed at this meeting were adopted in the meeting open to the public, in compliance with the law, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.