American Government

2106310 – Course Syllabus

Mr. Iacono – Social Studies – Room 670

(904) 547-8340 x22544


This course is informative and rewarding. It is better to have an understanding of what is expected from you as a student and what I am promising you as a teacher. These expectations and procedures will allow us the best opportunity to accomplish all the goals we set as individuals and as a class. Always remember, “It’s your education”, make the best of it.

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to enable students to gain an understanding of American government and political behavior that is essential for effective citizenship and active involvement in a democratic American society.

Course Goals

Students successfully completing this course will be prepared to:

Ø Describe and compare important facts, concepts, and theories pertaining to American government and politics

Ø Explain typical patterns of political processes and behavior and their consequences

Ø Interpret basic data relevant to American government and politics

Ø Critically analyze relevant theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop connections throughout the course

Ø Meet state and district requirements for graduation

Course Outline

To help students meet these goals, the course will cover the following topics.

Unit 1: Foundations of American Government (Ch. 1-4)

§ Principles of Government

§ Origins of American Government

§ The Constitution

§ Federalism

Unit 2: Political Behavior (Ch. 5-9)

§ Political Parties

§ Voting and Voter Behavior

§ Electoral Process

§ Linkage Institutions

Unit 3: The Legislative Branch (Ch. 10-12)

§ Congress

§ Powers of Congress

§ Actions of Congress

Unit 4: The Executive Branch (Ch. 13-17)

§ The President

§ Actions of the President

§ Bureaucracy

§ Policy

Unit 5: The Judicial Branch (Ch. 18-21)

§ The Federal Court System

§ Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights

§ Equal Justice Under the Law

*Comparative government systems (Ch. 22&23) as well as state and local government (Ch. 24&25) will be interwoven throughout the course at appropriate times through discussions, readings and current events.

Class Description

Students will be expected to engage in classroom discussions and activities about the current study topic because education is not received, it is achieved. Therefore, students are expected to be active participants in their education and will be provided various platforms from which to achieve, such as:

- Group Collaboration - Current Events - Active Reflection

- Note Taking - Home Assignments - Class Discussions

- Written Assessments - Text Readings (American Government: Pearson)

Class Expectations

Classroom Environment: The following is the initial foundation on which our class will be built.

Respect: Positive words and actions for yourself and others you talk with or about. Be nice.

Order: Leave your area better than when you arrived. Keep our classroom clean!

Patience: Wait quietly and calmly until you are called upon. Raise your hand.

Effort: Be prepared for everything you are asked to do and do your best. Be on time.

Safety: Create no physical harm to yourself or those you learn with. Stay seated.

** In accordance with school policy, cell phones, I-pods, or any other electrical devices are not permitted in class without the expressed permission of the instructor. Also no hats, hoods or other non-religious headgear may be worn.

Academic Success Plan

Binders: All students are encouraged to keep a 3-ring binder for each unit of the course. The binders will aid each student in organizing materials that will be essential to their success on the final exam. The binder could be organized using dividers for class notes, handouts and formal notes.

Daily Assignments: Doing work at home is beneficial to your performance in school. I will only assign homework that will improve your understanding of any given topic. Therefore, since I am making an attempt to not waste your time please do not waste our time. Come to class prepared to the best of your ability so you can contribute to our class in a positive and productive manner. There will be daily reading assignment checks (DRAC’s). These will consist of questions based on the previous night’s reading assignment. All assignments will be given in a unit learning plan as well as posted online at, our group code is 3un7gn.

Current Events: There will be a weekly current event assignment. The current event will focus on government and politics. Current event’s from reputable political/news based sources such as, but not limited to, are necessary.

Quizzes/Tests: There will be announced quizzes. These will consist of questions based on the previous lessons and/or assignments. There will also be announced chapter tests. The format of the tests will be based on the end of course final exam model, consisting of multiple choice questions.

Projects/Classwork/Other Assignments: There will be projects, learning activities, and assignments throughout the course to help further your understanding of course content.

Final Exam: The Final Exam will be cumulative and is necessary for course completion and to receive credit for graduation.

Team Work: If you have a problem or a question that you would like to discuss, you can see me before school, after school, schedule a time, or when I am otherwise unoccupied with another student (Period 7 planning). Also, you can call me or email me with any questions, concerns or problems. Nothing is too big for us to overcome together. Go Bears!!


Attendance: Regular attendance and active participation are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. Absences will be dealt with in accordance with school policy. If you miss an assessment due to an excused absence, it can be made up but quickly. Only excused absences allow you to make up an assessment. Try to be at school so you don’t miss out. I want you to want to be here!

Tardiness: When you are late to class you miss out on valuable information and this can cause you to be at a disadvantage. Arrive on time and if you are late, enter the room quietly and present to me your pass or reason for being late. Unexcused tardies will be dealt with according to school policy.

Procedures Continued…

Grading: The grade you earn will be calculated using a weighted points system. The percentages and categories are as follows:

Summative Assessments (70%)

(Tests, Projects & Papers)

Formative Assessments (30%)

(DRAC’s, Current Events & Classwork)

Grading Guidelines: Your quarterly grades are calculated based on academic achievement only. Students are expected to submit assigned material(s) during class on the due date, unless you were out on an excused absence. Only assignments submitted on the due date in class will be eligible to earn the total points possible. Assignments that are submitted after class and/or the due date but before the completion of a topic can only earn a maximum of seventy-five percent of the total points possible. A student will earn a zero prior to the end of a topic until work is completed. Also, absolutely no work will be accepted once the topic and/or marking period has ended and a zero will remain. In order to have students demonstrate mastery, one additional opportunity on one summative assessment will be given per academic quarter but only when ALL of the following has been met:

1. Student earned less than 75% of the total points possible on the assessment.

2. Student completed ALL assignments prior to the initial assessment.

3. Student has revised the original assessment prior to the additional opportunity.

4. Student has met with the teacher for additional instruction.

5. Student is present at the time designated for the additional opportunity.

The score on the additional opportunity will be recorded but not to exceed 75%. The original score will be recorded in the event that the new score is lower than the original score. Quarterly letter grades will be reported according to the following scale:

A = 90-100 Outstanding

B = 80-89 Above Average

C = 70-79 Average

D = 60-69 Lowest Acceptable

F = 0-59 Failure

I = 0 Incomplete

Grades can be reviewed by parents/guardians and students at the Home Access Center located on the web at:

American Government

Course Syllabus Acknowledgement


This acknowledgment page serves as notification to the instructor that the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) are aware of the essentials and expectations pertaining to the American Government course. Please read, sign, detach and return this page to Mr. Iacono.

I, _______________________________, have read and understand what is expected of me for the

Print Student Name

American Government course.

Student Signature: ________________________________

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read and understand what is expected of my child for the American Government course.

Parent or Guardian/ Signature: ________________________________

Print Parent or Guardian Name: ________________________________

Parent or Guardian Email: ________________________________
