From Revd Peter Hillman, Director of St Mark's College, Diocesan Residential Youth Centre, Saffron Walden:-

From the 3rd to 6th July this year a group of us will be taking part in the annual Bradwell pilgrimage. Bradwell is the place where the gospel was first brought to Essex by St Cedd and so, each year, people from the Diocese gather to celebrate and give thanks for the seeds first sewn by this great man of faith.

Most people attend by travelling by car but not us!

A team from St Mark's College will be taking 4 days to walk the 50 miles from St Mark's to St Peter's Chapel, Bradwell and are looking to raise £3,000 in sponsorship. This will allow for the much needed refurbishment of the College Common Room used by hundreds of people each year. So, if you would like to sponsor us you can do so online using the link

We will, of course, also be using the pilgrimage for its traditional aim, that of a spiritual discipline. We will be using the physical nature of the challenge to pray for people along the way as we carry large stones in our packs with the names of those for whom we seek to intercede written on them. If you would like your name to be included, or that of a friend or loved one, please add that information to the text box on the online form, or speak to me directly - you don't need to pay for us to pray for you - that is our privilege and pleasure!

Thank you for your support,

Revd Peter Hillman

Director - St Mark's College

07866 493886

Office: 01763 837272

Look at our website -

Parish of the Icknield Way Villages

Sunday 9 June

The Second Sunday After Trinity

“…Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment…”

Matthew 22: 37-38

10.00am Great Chishill

A family Holy Communion service with crèche and

Sunday Clubs. (Children for Sunday Clubs to be

taken to The Rectory before the service please)

Readings: Esther 4: 1-17 Matthew 22: 34-40

Please join us for refreshments after the service.

Next Week

9am Strethall

A BCP Holy Communion Service

Readings: Galatians 2: 15-end Luke 7:36-8:3

10.00am Chrishall

A family service starting at 10am with coffee and pastries followed by the service at 10.40am. We will also be celebrating the baptism of George and Henry Arnott.

We seek to:— be Christ-centred and prayerful;

— acknowledge the authority of scripture;

— share fellowship; — show love for others;

— welcome and accept all

Events this Week

Monday 10 June

9.10am Morning Prayer at Great Chishill

2pm The Monday Afternoon Rectory Group at 1 Hall Lane, Great Chishill

Wednesday 12 June

10.45 – 11.45am Church Mice (for pre-schoolers) at Chrishall Methodist Hall

Thursday 13 June

11.30am Funeral of Mary Clark at Little Chishill

Friday 14 June

10.30am Heydon DCC meeting


‘Summer Sounds’ at Chrishall

‘Summer Sounds’ at Chrishall on 16 June offers a wonderful opportunity to hear professional musicians.

A 30 piece orchestra, supported by Village Voices, will perform Mozart’s Requiem, followed by LSO principal violinist Ian McDonough and piano maestro David Boarder, performing English music for violin and piano.

Tickets at £10 include a complimentary glass of interval wine. Contact the church office for tickets.

Calling all keyboard players

Organists are becoming dying breed! Come and join a workshop led by Jonathan Lilley, assistant organist at Ely Cathedral on Tuesday 18 June, 4.30 – 6.30 pm at All Saints Church, Melbourn. All ages welcome!

You will have a chance to play on a keyboard in the church and the organ. If you are interested please contact Julie Draper 01763 260323 or Pauline Penfold 01763 260163

Royston Choral Society "fine music made locally"

Royston Choral Society’s June Concert will be at Great Chishill United Reform Church in Barley Road on Saturday 29 June 7.30pm and will include music for all tastes. Tickets £10, £8 (concessions) and £1 ‘still at school ‘available from choir members and Royston Library.

There will be a retiring collection to help the church raise money to rebuild part of the flint wall around the graveyard which has collapsed. Further information from Heather Howard 01763 249058

Heydon Summer Fayre

On Saturday 6 July Heydon will be having a Summer Fayre at Heydon Place, by kind permission of Edward and Melanie Chandler. The fayre will start at 10.30am until 1.30pm and will have bric a brac, stalls, activities for children, a brunch BBQ and refreshments. Everyone very welcome! (including dogs on leads)

Entry £2 with under 14’s free. In aid of church funds and local charity.

St Swithun’s Songs of Praise

On Sunday 14 July there will be a Songs of Praise at St Swithun’s, Great Chishill. There will be a Strawberry Tea at 5pm followed by Songs of Praise at 6pm. Please join us for this lovely event.

The 2013 Annual Tennis Tournament

On Saturday 31 August on private courts throughout the Parish. Players of all standards are welcomed. Details and entry forms available from the church office.


Parish Quiet Day – Saturday 14th September

Holy Trinity Church, Heydon and Heydon Place Garden

led by The Revd Francis Mason

Growing Leaders Course 2013 -2014

The Deanery of Saffron Walden is collaborating to run a course this autumn entitled Growing Leaders.

The course has two aims:

· to help you discern what God might be asking you to do

· to see if God could be asking you to take on some further responsibility within the life of the Church

The course runs for 10 months, with a monthly meeting on a Thursday evening from 7.45 to 9.45pm, apart from January when we spend a Friday evening and Saturday together at St Mark’s College. Between these get-togethers, you will meet individually with your ‘mentor’, someone chosen to help you to reflect on what you are learning through the course.

The course themes are: firm foundations, key skills, and keeping faithful in Christian leadership. The first session will be on 19th September.

If you are interested and would like more information please contact Andy.