Modified Lesson Plan
Based on PESS Approach to Teaching Dance Unit 17 Citroen car
By the end of this unit pupils will be able to:
- Identify what makes a skill, idea or action successful
- Describe repetition using a verse-chorus structure
- Create and perform a combined solo and group dance that demonstrates verse-chorus structure
- Perform with greater accuracy and sustain over appropriate periods of time
- Communicate ideas deliberately to convey meaning to an audience
Outcomes for this lesson
- Create and perform a combined group and whole class dance that demonstrates verse-chorus structure
- Use repetition effectively
- Perform with greater accuracy and sustain over appropriate periods of time
Warm Up: Samantha and Jess
’Beat it’ by Michael Jackson
Stretch: Ella and Ffion
Pupils practise and refine their dance so far, trying to improve the aspects identified last lesson. (Accuracy/Fluency)
Track 17 – PESS Approach to Teaching Dance – KS2 Audio CD.
Explain that today we are going to create the second verse. The focus for the second verse is ‘Robotic body-popping’ that is performed mainly standing up. Watch the body-popping video clip of Tobias Mead from Britain’s Got Talent 2010 Audition Week 1. Pupils explore their own body-popping moves. Pupils work in fours preferably with pupils other than those they have worked with so far to explore different body popping moves. Explain that whatever moves they perform they must be able to move easily from it back to the chorus.
Create a ’Body-popping’ phrase that lasts for at least 16 counts of the music. Agree with the class how many counts they will have for this section. (Prob end up being 32= 4x8)
Highlight high quality actions and encourage imaginative/effective use of direction, and spatial arrangement.
Perform your ’Body-popping’ phrase to another group and receive feedback. Then perform your ‘Start and Verse 1 followed by your ‘Chorus’ phrase followed by your moon walk/robot walk to your ‘body popping’ phrase followed by your ‘Chorus’ phrase. Teacher videos whole class.
Teacher-led evaluation: watch the video: What were the ‘Wow’ factors? Why were they ‘Wow’ factors for you? Which choreographic devices (direction/spatial arrangements) did you use? Identify aspects you want to improve for next week.