Mission Printing, Inc.
30 years of commitment
2707 Medlin Dr.
Arlington, TX 76015

Board of Trustees
Tom Garner, President
Richard Renfro, vice president
Doug Jarvis, Secretary
Roy Thomas, Treasurer
Darrell Allen
Calvin Hammons
Richard Renfro
Tom Sarratt, Jr.
Vendall W. Dollarhide
cell 817-504-1834

Office Administrators
Mary Carroll
department communication, mail volunteer supervisor, newsletter, email,
shipping, etc.
Jessie Lee Caskey
Alice Walker
bookkeeping, call center,
proofing, etc.
7:00 AM-2:00 PM / Mission Printing Ships
Sea Container to Ghana
On October 24th, nine Christians gathered at the Mission Printing building to load a
20 ft. sea container that would eventually arrive in Ghana some time in December. Those that were here to load the container: Alma Arterburn, Bruce & Mary Carroll, Michael Carroll, Vendall Dollarhide, Tom Garner, Steve Hetherington, Richard Renfro, Bill Saathoff, and Clint Walton.
This list does not include all of the people that packed the boxes or worked on the material in some other way.
The container was filled with 30,000 lbs.
of Bible studies for Ghana. The cost was $8,3637. Compare that to the cost of $98,100 if we had mailed the same
amount of material in individual parcels. That is a savings in the area of $89,500!
The material will be shipped to Willie
Gley in Accra, Ghana. He has the facilities to store and distribute the material. He will also serve as our contact for other congregations and individuals that might
Mission Printing is making plans to ship containers to Nigeria and India as well.
We are committed to getting the word of God into the hands of people throughout the world. We are also committed to
being good stewards of the resources that God blesses us with through your gifts. / need material in the future.
To give you a better idea of how much material was included in the container, consider these numbers:
30,000 lbs
750,000 books
937,500 ft. (total length of paper)
178 miles (total length of paper)
104,167 football fields (length of paper)
Allen, Patsy
Chandler, Charles & Sue
Ashworth, R.M. (Maury)
Ashworth, Hene
Ashworth, Ray
Ashworth, Hene
Batot, Nancy
Ryon, Anna
Baxter, Able
Guthrie, Morris & Melba
Hobby, David & Karen
Berger, Billie
Fallis, Hazel
Skinner, Dorothy
Bingham, Gwen
Renfro, Richard & Carolyn
Ross, J.C. & Dessie
Scott, Mary
Bonham, Lee
Garner, Frances
Bowman, Norma
Wasner, Hans & Mary
Brother of Edna Brown
Wight, John & Nancy
Buchanan, Martha
McNeil, Dick & Barbara
Carroll, Alieen
Jones, Curry & Pat
Cope, Doug
Paul, Grady & Ruth
Cremeen, Bob
Jones, Curry & Pat
Dahlstrom, Harry & Chris
Chandler, Charles & Sue
Dilks, Don & Mary
Russwurm, Rusty & Sue
Dollar, Wanda
Garner, Frances
Smithfield church of Christ
Dubeak, Jared
Garner, Frances
Duncan, Ruth
Fallis, Hazel
Evans, Buela
Tarver, Cleo & Judy
Farquhar, Eddie Faye
Farquhar, Jean
Father of Doug Martin
Fallis, Hazel
Fitts, Joy Winters
Stanglin, Ernest & Jackie
Ford, Jack
Cotham, Perry
Guthrie, Morris & Melba
Foster, Steve
Cathey, Emery & Ann Zene
Cook, Nell
Dry, Johnnie
Parrish, Robert & Margaret
Pressley, Loy & Kaye
Savage, Jerome & Leah
Snyder, John & France
George, Tim
Lewellyn, Jess & Ann
Grizzle, Wanda
Hubbard, Sue / Donna Hall
Tarver, Cleo & Judy
Hanlon, Opal
Renfro, Richard & Carolyn
Ross, J.C. & Dessie
Scott, Mary
Vaughn, Keith & Cindy
Harrison Jr., W.A. “Dub”
Chandler, Charles & Sue
Hayes, Helen
Hartin, Hubert & Walterrene
Holley, Phil
Holley, Leliah
Howard, Betty
Nelson, Vinus & Jean
Howard, Louise
Chandler, Charles & Sue
Jean, Garland
Ham,mons, Calvin & Betty
Kemplin, Thelma
Chandler, Charles & Sue
King, Ruth
Guthrie, Morris & Melba
Kuster, Vli
Guthrie, Morris & Melba
LaPine, James
Ramsay, Nancy
Lemley, Ruby
Paul, Grady & Ruth
Ray, Gary & Lucreta
Loya, Kathy
Knowles, Mary Ann
Malone, Marguerite
Depue, Pamela Mathis
Mathis, William Edward “Bill”
Paul, Grady & Ruth
Marion, Rex
Fallis, Hazel
Martin, Joe Bob
Tarver, Cleo & Judy
Maynard, Carl
Wasner, Hans & Mary
McCaslin, Mildred
Cotham, Perry
Miller, Don
Hobby, David & Karen
Mitchell, Billy
Fallis, Hazel
Mother of Mrs. Johnie Wright
McKee, Doris
Mouser, DaMah
Paul, Grady & Ruth
Patino, Pauline
Nelson, Agnes
Patrick, Robert
Paul, Grady & Ruth
Pearcy, Loraine
Shour, Carol
Pearcy, Odeal
Shour, Carol
Phillips, Daphne
Springer, Wilson & Frances
Pitts, John
Caskey, Jessie Lee
Garner, Tom & Ouida
Guthrie, Morris & Melba
Hiltibidal, Jessie
Lewellyn, Jess & Ann
McLeroy, Lorene
Tarver, Cleo & Judy
Pollock, Dale
Nelson, Agnes / Vincent, Roy & Jettie
Wallace, Rick & Sissy
Rabe, Jimmie
Snyder, John & Frances
Ramos, Nicolas
Beavers, Gene & Joyce
Shipley, George & Bertie
Ramsay, Nancy
Beavers, Gene & Joyce
Thornton, Charles & Norma
Vincent, Roy & Jettie
Rogers, Sheryl (Ashworth)
Ashworth, Ilene
Smalling, Wayne
Caskey, David & Dinah
Caskey, Jessie Lee
Tarver, Cleo & Judy
Smith, Grace Tutor
McNeil, Dick & Barbara
Springer, Janiece
Beavers, Gene & Joyce
Vincent, Roy & Jettie
Starnes, Arlene
Cotham, Perry
Thornton, Corinne
Dawdy, Dot
Sneed, Thelda
Trigg, Johnny
Paul, Grady & Ruth
Truitt, Lucille
Lewellyn, Jess & Ann
Vick, Clyde
Cathey, Emery & Ann Zene
Cook, Nell
Dry, Johnnie
Pressley, Loy & Kaye
Snyder, John & Frances
Watson. Margaret
Beavers, Gene & Joyce
Shipley, George & Bertie
Vincent, Roy & Jettie
Wallace, Rick & Sissy
Weaver, Johnnie Mae
Walker, Dorris & Janie
Williams, Shirley
Moulder, Janette
Wilson-West, Kimberly
Ramsay, Nancy
Anniversary Honors
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Baggett
McKenney, Frank & Anita
Birthday Honors
Chloe Smith (2nd)
Dollarhide Family
Courtney Dollarhide (5th)
Dollarhide Family
Sherry (Coonrod) Brown
Dollarhide Family
A.C. Massey (59th)
Dollarhide Family
Janet Massey (59th)
Dollarhide Family
Jim Truitt (65th)
Lewellyn, Jess & Ann
Memorial & Honors
September 1 to November 30, 2009
Thank you very much for allowing us to join you by using your printed pages in teaching Christ to any and all who wish to learn more about Jesus. We admire all the great husband and wife team that started Mission Printing 30 years ago. Guy and Jessie Lee Caskey, and the many others who have done so much over the years to bring Jesus Christ into the homes of people all over the world. You have made our job easier by allowing us to use your material to train the young and old and to reach the lost.
Wesley Murphey
W.B.S Ministry
Crestview Church of Christ
Waco, TX
We feel from your newsletters that you all enjoy doing what you do! Isn’t it wonderful! Congratulations on 30 years!
George & Edith Philley
Coquille, OR
I have received your material in the past and I am pleased to have read the genuine spiritual food you offer to everybody in the form of the printed page. I prayed that God would bless you in this work for Him.
God has blessed me abundantly in this life and so I’m able to help others who don’t have the booklets and other study aids to help them understand God’s holy word.
Thank you for spreading the gospel as you do and for being the laborers in Lord’s fields.
The reading of the word of God can reach so many who are not acquainted with God. l pray that many who don’t know their God will search His word for newness of life. I know Mission Printing can help people understand His word more fully.
Betty Taylor
Coldwater, MI
I think you do a really good work at Mission Printing!
Janet Austin
Woodlands Park Church of Christ
Mansfield, TX / From the Heart of a Child …
What I’m Thankful For
By Caleb Dollarhide (10 years old)
Keller Church of Christ (Keller, TX)
I’m thankful for Mission Printing because of all the books they may to help people find God and be stronger.
I’m also thankful for GOD, because He created me and you! I’m thankful for everything that He gives us. Clothes, food, shelter, family animals, and everything else he made. I’m thankful for any chance I have to do things for God.
I’m thankful for Memonna and everything that she taught me before going to meet Jesus. I’m also thankful for Memonna because she taught me about the United States of America and how to play dominoes.
I’m thankful for Dad for protecting me and giving me all the things that I need to live.
I’m thankful for Mom. She loves me and she’s my special friend. I know I make her upset sometimes, but no matter what she never stops loving me. I’m thankful that Mom likes helping my school get better.
I’m thankful for my brother Tyler for being so nice and complimenting me all the time. Well a lot of the time. I love to play legos with him, too.
I’m thankful for my little sister Courtney. She is so cute, when she’s not being a pain. Such as when I was trying to write how I was thankful for her.
I’m thankful for Memother and PaPa. Memother is an artist and she helps me to draw better. PaPa is my buddy and I love spending time with him. They are awesome!
I’m thankful for Grandma. I don’t know a lot about her life, but I do know she loves me. I’m thankful that she comes to stay with us so she can hear about Jesus.
I’m thankful for the military because they fight to protect our freedom. They serve for justice and their love for our country. I’m also thankful for the army fighting in Iraq because they are trying to bring freedom to people that are hurting and scared.
I’m thankful for my friends because of the kindness, friendship, and love they give.
I’m especially thankful for the church. The family that is made to praise God. I’m thankful I can pray when I want to. That’s one freedom no one can steal from
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Mark 10:14-15
Norman Ok
Westside Church of Christ
Doug Wheeler
We appreciate Mission Printing’s material so much, Mission Printing provides such a service to our brotherhood with regard to spiritual material that we need to help evangelize the world. Thanks for the materials you get to me for Nigerian evangelism from time to time.
Nzerekore, Guinea, Africa
Timothy Tongor
Please send more Biblical material on the church and doctrines of the church. We also request that you send books on the Christian life. The brethren in the church of Christ here are in need of scriptural material.
We also plead that you pray for us so that we can grow spiritually in Christ and in the Heavenly Father
Solwezi, Zambia
Messenger Church of Christ
John Maseka
I am extremely happy and would like to thank you for you valuable assistance with books and Bibles. The material has contributed to improving the growth and good name of the church in our nation. The books have helped us to teach many people in our community. Some are even added to the Lord’s church while others come to congregate with us every Sunday.
Please send us more Bibles and study
books. I am sure that God, who began this good work in you, will continue to knit the threads of our ministries together so that many more souls will come to Christ.
Johannesburg South Africa
Ennerdale Church of Christ
Phillip King
Thank you very much for the material! We sure do appreciate it brethren. I will
distribute the books among the saints and
with our sister congregations nearby. We sincerely would like to ask if Mission
Printing could send us Bibles and hymn
books. We have a great need for these throughout our area. Once again THANK
Kwabeng Church of Christ
Abraham Arhin
I am happy to inform you that the material that I requested for my area is working to perfection. I distributed the books to the leaders of the denominational churches in my village and they are really studying them! We pray that in the future they will believe and turn to the one true church. Some of them have started visiting us during our worship time. Others have requested Bibles and Mission Printing material.
Agiripalli, Krishna District
Andhra Pradesh, India
Agiripalli Church of Christ
G. Jacob
Thank you very much for sending all the
books and Bibles! Praise the Lord for
working through you! All of the material is useful for teaching the lost and maturing the saved.
Kumba, Cameroon
Tabi Martin Ameli
Thank you very much for being part of our ministry.
We put into use the material that Mission Printing provided. The studies are used for evangelism and church growth.
We were handicapped in that we lacked quality material from which to teach.
Mission Printing has provided an abundant supply of Scripturally sound studies that will make us and our work more fruitful.
Seke, Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe
Arthur Mvududu
I would like to thank Mission Printing for
the material that you sent us. You sent us the Jesus Loves Us series. This series of lessons
has been very useful in our congregation in teaching the younger ones and for evangelizing the young people of our community.
One of the major problems we face in our
area is false doctrine. Our people are
suffering from an overdose of such
teachings. The material from Mission
Printing has greatly equipped us for this challenge. / Saltpond, Ghana
Emmanuel Hagan
Evangelism by the printed page has proved to be the most economical way of sending the gospel to the unreached. These PAPER MISSIONARIES are the best hope we have to reach the masses of lost souls. It is our goal to bring people closer to the word of God.
Montgomery, AL
Panama Street Church of Christ
Frank Chesser
We received the material that you sent us by the request of Whiley Ballard (University Church of Christ, Tyler, TX). We are most appreciative of the studies. We plan to use them in our work and evangelistic efforts
Kano, Kano State, Nigeria
Jingfa Nancwat
I write to acknowledge and to show our appreciation for the teaching material which Mission Printing sent to our congregation. I
am indeed happy to have them. I want to tell
you that they are very useful in my efforts to preach Christ.
Mission Printing’s material has really helped people in Nigeria. I am writing to my sponsoring congregation today about the assistance you are offering me!
Clonbrook Village, Guyana
Ann’s Grove Church of Christ &
Clonbrook Church of Christ
Feroze Baksh
We received the shipment of material you
sent to us and we are very grateful. We had
a campaign and gospel meeting July 6-10
and many of the materials were used.
Nineteen souls surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and were
immersed in water for the forgiveness of
their sins.
We are also doing follow-up work in the
Ann’s Grove area and are using the materials you sent. We are also grateful for the Jesus
Loves Us series which is being used as our children’s classroom curriculum at Ann’s Grove and Bee Hive. The songbooks are great too and we can use some more. THANKS for the materials. They are a great source of help to us in the work here.

Mission Printing
Needs Your Help