


Miss Rodeo Estelline, Junior Miss Rodeo Estelline, and Estelline Rodeo Princess symbolize the young women of South Dakota wishing to further promote the sport of rodeo and the western way of life. Each is the ideal American and represents rodeo and South Dakota with enthusiasm and pride. While spreading goodwill for Estelline and South Dakota, they will acquire life experiences for their futures.

Miss Rodeo Estelline, Junior Miss Rodeo Estelline, and Estelline Rodeo Princess serve as ambassadors for our rodeo and the City of Estelline portraying excellence in sportsmanship, high moral and ethical character, and reflect careful and humane treatment of animals. They are expected to act, speak, and dress according to the prestige of the title as well as have an understanding of the great sport of rodeo.


All Contestants shall:

1. Be residents of South Dakota or willing to establish a SD residency if planning to compete for the titles of Miss Rodeo South Dakota or Junior Miss Rodeo South Dakota. Queen contestants must be between the ages of 18 to 23 as of December 31, 2016 [to assure eligibility for the Miss Rodeo South Dakota Pageant in 2018].

2. Junior Miss Rodeo Estelline contestants must be between the ages of 13-17 as of December 31, 2016.

3. Princess contestants must be between the ages of 8-12 as of December 31, 2016.

4. Commit to abiding by all rules and regulations presented to them upon signing the entry form.

5. Never have been married or pregnant and must continue as such throughout the title year.

6. Submit the required entry fee of $20.00. Please make check payable to the Estelline Rodeo.

7. Submit proof of age (i.e. copy/picture of their birth certificate or driver's license).

8. Provide a color head & shoulders photograph (with hat) in an email attachment.

9. Be available for the dates of June 16-17, 2017.

10. Have sufficient riding skills to participate in the horsemanship competition, and shall compete on the same horse throughout the pageant. Winners must ride in the rodeo parade. Contestants are not required to own a horse, but must have a horse available during the Estelline Rodeo. Horses should be tolerant of a rodeo environment including music, flags, and crowds.


Contestants will be judged in horsemanship, personality, and appearance categories by a panel of at least 3 judges.


1. Tie-down and spurs are NOT allowed during the horsemanship competition and split reins are required.

2. Each contestant will ride a required pattern on their horse, approach the judges, and dismount for questioning. Queen and Junior Queen contestants will remount and walk to gate, they will be handed a flag and will do a flag run. Princess contestants will lead their horses from the arena, remount, then begin a flag run.

3. Contestants will finish with a presentation run [carrying a flag].

4. Horsemanship attire is to consist of blue jeans, white western long sleeve shirt, hat, boots, and belt of choice.


1. Each contestant will have a private personal interview with the judges [each contestant will be asked the same questions during this interview].

2. During the morning session, each contestant will deliver a speech (2 minutes in length) on: Estelline Rodeo Days, My Horse, The Best Rodeo Event, or the State of South Dakota. Speeches should be memorized.

3. Contestants will answer 2 age appropriate impromptu question following their speech. Topics can range from rodeo knowledge to current events. [these questions will be selected by the judges and will be drawn for following the contestant’s speech]

4. All contestants will model their choice of western wear just prior to giving their speech. While they model a MC will read the contestant’s biography.


1. General appearance will be judged during the entire pageant.

2. Contestants are encouraged to wear the same outfit for the morning session including the speech and interview. This can be a western dress, skirt outfit, or pant outfit.

Pageant Information:

1. A complete pageant schedule, score sheets, horsemanship patterns, and all other information will be provided to all contestants at least 2 weeks before the start of the pageant.

2. If a contestant does not have access to a horse, please contact the committee prior to the contest. [We will try to find a suitable mount.]

3. The order of competition will be drawn for.