Minutes of the Associate Deans’ Council Meeting

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Present: Corinne Benedetto (SNL), Anne Brennan (EM), Greg Brewster (CTI), Judy Bundra (Music), Peggy Burke (Student Affairs), Caryn Chaden (Academic Affairs), Dean Corrin (Theatre), Marie Donovan, Liz Friedman (Education), John Glatz (CTI), Nancy Hill (Commerce), Randy Honold (LA&S), Doug Murphy (SNL), Lucy Rinehart (LA&S), Rob Ryan (Commerce), Cindy Summers (Student Affairs), Bruno Teboul (Communication), Diana White (Law), Midge Wilson (LA&S), Joan Wishau (Commerce)

Guests: Todd Hover, Jeff Johnson (IS), Beth Murphy, Liz Ortiz (Diversity), Elizabeth Rossman (TLA), Terry Steinbach (CCP)

1. President’s Diversity Council

Liz Ortiz described the purpose of the President’s Diversity Council, which is comprised of 30 members, who serve on 5 committees. Liz and Beth Murphy, Chair of the Student Recruitment and Retention Committee, explained their student initiatives. How do we reach students who are struggling? How do we establish an “environment of care”? Many approaches are being considered, e.g., information required of all course syllabi. It was noted that we need to educate faculty, who are in the position to identify students at risk. Caryn pointed out that Jodi Cressman and TLA have put together a website, “Teaching and Learning Commons,” which will list resources particularly helpful to adjunct faculty. We will be notified when this goes live.

Action: We have been asked to fill out a survey of programs that target diverse students within our colleges and return it to Beth Murphy. She will distribute this electronically.

2. Curriculum Changes

Terry Steinbach brought an issue from Students Records regarding the deadlines for curriculum changes. If proposals are due on a given date, when does the change become effective? Dean recalled that the original CAP proposal regarded deadlines as submission dates. The changes become effective as soon as SR can process and post the information.

3. IS

· Data Mart: Is being converted to Data Warehouse

· Faculty CV data: Data are being entered by temps working with Kelly Johnson in Academic Affairs

· Online advising system: Is now available to 7200 students and 700 Faculty/Staff.

· PS Upgrades: IS is working on customizations, with a “go-live” date of July 3/4. It was pointed out that accommodations need to be made for Premiere during that time period.

· WIMBA: The pilot for the virtual communication system has been completed, and anyone who would like to try it should contact Todd Hover in IS, or write .

· ePortfolio: IS has contacted a vendor who will be conducting a demonstrations soon. If anyone would like to be invited to the demo, they should contact Todd Hover.

· Black Board Updates: Last weekend, IS tried to do the updates, and it didn’t work. They will try again this Friday.

· Clickers: If you would like a clicker, contact Todd. The system will be available in most all classrooms, on both campuses. There is a 1 ½ hour training session from ITD. E-mail ITD if you wish to have someone give a demonstration for a group of your faculty.

4. Supplemental Instruction

Elizabeth Rossman gave a presentation on the peer-assistance program available for select courses (accounting, biology, chemistry, economics, and math) which have a high withdrawal or failure rate. A brochure was distributed describing these services which include review sessions given by a student leader. The service is provided at no cost to students.

5. Late Adds

Caryn reported that the Provost and David Kalsbeek discussed the problem of late adds and this suggestion was made: During the 1st week, students can add classes themselves; in the 2nd week, offices can add classes with instructor approval; after that, a fine is levied, but at week 6 (or some other point), no adds will be processed. Discussion followed. It was noted that we have a case of academic integrity violation for a student who was not enrolled in a class. Alternatives were discussed: should faculty sign off on class rosters? More to follow.

6. Scheduling

Caryn informed us that the Loop scheduling problem for undergraduate day classes has been solved. Now everyone will follow the CTI schedule in September 2008. The question was raised about the finals schedule, and Terry said that CAP will take this on, along with their oversight of the academic calendar.

7. Advising

Caryn told us about a survey is being conducted of advising services by college, and a report will be given in the winter.

8. Repeat Policy

Dean and John presented a proposal with changes to the current repeat policy. Students will be required to see an advisor before being able to register for a course a 3rd time, and they added a graduate policy similar to the undergraduate policy.

Action: We are asked to read this proposal carefully, discuss it within our college offices, and report back to the group with feedback. If endorsed in the January meeting, we will submit the proposal to CAP.

9. Faculty Handbook

Judy reported that the process for writing the Faculty Handbook has been revised. Now the relevant FC committees will propose any policy changes, which will be sent to Faculty Council and the Handbook committee. Promotion and Tenure Policy will be the first policy addressed.

Many thanks to Education for a wonderful holiday treat.

Next meeting: January 22, 2008. Happy New Year!