Minutes of the 2009 Annual Meeting

Garden Grove, Calif.

21 Feb. 2009

Chief Commander Creighton C. Maynard Jr., SN, convened the meeting at 0900.

USPS Chaplain Lou Reitz, AP, led the invocation, which was followed by the presentation of the U.S. and Canadian colors, the Pledge of Allegiance led by N/F/Lt Frank E. Dougherty, AP, and the singing of the U.S. and Canadian national anthems.

The national secretary declared a quorum present.

R/C Allan W. Lakin, SN, Committee on Rules chairman, explained the annual meeting voting procedures.

Introduction of Past Chief Commanders

P/C/C Ernie Marshburn, SN, introduced the past chief commanders present in the order they served:

P/C/C Richard W. Miner, SN, 1986-1987 (Birmingham/9)

P/C/C Gillette E. Gordon, SN, 1992-1993 (Diablo/25)

P/C/C L.M. Barnes III, SN, 1996-1997 (Rocky Mount/27)

P/C/C Lance J. Jensen, SN, 2000-2001 (Bellevue/16)

P/C/C Theodore H. Smith, SN, 2002-2003 (Grosse Pointe/9)

P/C/C G. Leslie Johnson, SN, 2004-2005 (Diablo/25)

C/C Maynard introduced P/C/C Ernie Marshburn, SN (Tar River/27), who served as chief commander from 2006 to 2007.

Approval of the Minutes

C/C Maynard announced that, with no objections, the minutes of the 6 Sept. 2008 Governing Board Meeting would be approved as distributed.

C/C Maynard entertained a motion to confirm the 6 Sept. 2008 Governing Board ratification of Operating Committee actions reflected in the subsequent minutes of its meeting held on 3 Sept. 2008. The Governing Board ADOPTED the motion. (2009-AM-1)

The chief entertained a motion to ratify the actions that were taken by the OCom at its 6 Dec. 2008 meeting and published in the minutes of that meeting. The Governing Board ADOPTED the motion. (2009-AM-2)

P/R/C William E. Husted, SN, introduced the following honored guests:

$ Rear Admiral Timothy S. Sullivan, Deputy Commander Pacific Area Coast Guard

$ Lt. Commander John Taylor, USCG, Assistant, America’s Waterway Watch Program Manager

$ Capt. Paul Widenheff, USCG, Captain of the Port, Los Angeles Long Beach

$ Jeff Hoedt, chief, USCG Office of Boating Safety Division

$ John Malatak, USCG, Chief of Program Operations for the Dept. Of Homeland Security

$ Bob Gavin, USCG, Office of Vessel Activities

$ Lt. Command Mark Wetzler, NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

$ Ken Forster, NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

$ Therese Pierce, chief , NOAA Weather

$ Wayne Weeks, NOAA, Meterologist.

$ Richard Schwartz, founder and chairman, Boat U.S.

$ Jimmie Homberg, past national commodore, Sea Scouts, BSA

$ Charles Holmes, national community alliance director, Boy Scouts of America

$ Keith Christopher, national events manager, Boy Scouts of America

$ Monica Traylor, national bowson and youth president, Boy Scouts of America

$ Peter Trogden, president, Weems & Plath

$ Keith Jackson, president, Maritech Industries

$ Steve Prime, Gowrie, Barden & Britt

$ Jake Hill, McGriff, Seibels & Williams

$ Michael Cunningham, In Focus

$ Victor Conder, pacific area commodore, USCG Auxiliary

$ Harry Cole, chief commander, Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, who introduced the CPS bridge and other CPS members in attendance

$ Virgil Chambers, executive director, National Safe Boating Council

$ Capt. Richard Moore, National Association of State Boating Law Administrators

$ Ray Tsuneyoshi, director, California Department of Boating and Waterways

C/C Maynard and Penny Burke, Citizens Corp Preparedness Division, signed an affiliate agreement.

Stf/C Horst Boettge, presented the Cooperative Charting Golden Eagle award to P/C Richard Snapp, AP, Houston/21, which was accepted by D/C Jean Hamilton, SN.

Lt Cdr Mark Wetzler, assisted by Kenneth Forster, senior cartographer, NOAA, National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey, presented the following 2008 Cooperative Charting Awards for outstanding contributions to the charting and geodetic programs:

The number one individual: Richard C. Snapp, AP, Houston/21

The number one squadron: Houston Sail & Power Squadron/21

The number one district: District 21

NOAA Coast Survey Award: Karl E. Fernandes, Houston/21, for excelling in the Cooperative Charting Program for five years

USPS Safety Awards

C/C Maynard presented a USPS Safety Award to James A. Jones Jr., AP; Gerald D. Cross, P; and Rich LaRosa of Olympia Sail & Power Squadron/16.

BoatU.S./USPS Civic Service Award

R/C Husted introduced BoatU.S. founder and CEO Richard Schwartz and BoatU.S. Program Manager Ted Sensenbrenner, who presented the 2008 Boat U.S./USPS Civic Service Award to District 13. Honorable mention awards were presented to Golden Corner Lakes Sail/26 and Peace River/22; 3rd place - Hampton Roads/5; 2nd place - Jones Beach/3, and 1st place - Olympia/16.

Above and Beyond Award

R/C Jean Hamilton, SN, reported receiving a request from Chief Petty Officer James Martinelli, Training Officer, Naval Expeditionary Combat Command, to recognize several USPS members for assisting his unit. In early 2007, U.S. Navy Inshore Boat Unit 25, Marine Expeditionary Security Force Boat Detachment 422, was mobilized for Middle Eastern Deployment. CPO Martinelli contacted Robert Phillips, Northern New Jersey Sail & Power Squadron/4, and requested assistance in training and sharpening the unit’s basic navigation skills prior to deployment. On short notice and at their own expense, five Northern New Jersey Sail & Power Squadron members trained six members of the unit and provided training materials and resources at no charge. As a result of that training, Inshore Boat Unit 25 successfully deployed without incident. R/C Hamilton reported that CPO Martinelli requested the following members be recognized for their actions and contributions in support of the War on Terror, including P/D/C David Meshulam, AP; P/C S. Robert Phillips, SN; P/C Ronnie S. Phillips, SN; Christopher M. Kelly, AP, and Louise Kelly, AP. D/C Richard Zucchi, AP, accepted awards on behalf of these members to recognize their efforts to go “above and beyond.”

C/C Maynard announced an attendance of 574.

2009 Honorary Members

- XXX - Annual Meeting 21 Feb. 2009

Admiral Thad Allen

Penny Burke

Virgil Chambers

Kenneth Forster

Bill Gossard

William Griswold

Arlyn Hendricks

Jeff Hoedt

Nick Kerigan

Capt John Lowell

Karen Marsh

Richard Moore

Duane Morrison

Therese Pierce

Richard Schwartz

Monica Traylor

Peter Trogdon

Ray Tsuneyoshi

Ruth Wood

Charles Wurster

- XXX - Annual Meeting 21 Feb. 2009

Approval of the Minutes

Hearing no objections, C/C Maynard approved the 23 Feb. 2008 Annual Meeting minutes as distributed.

2009 Emeritus Members

C/C Maynard presented Emeritus Member Awards to P/C Gordon F. Bavor, AP, Saugatuck River/2 and Howard A. Diedrich, AP, Ft. Wayne/29.

2009 Life Members

C/C Maynard recognized members in attendance who achieved life member status in 2009. He announced that the 2009 life members received life member certificates at a reception on Friday, 20 Feb. 2009. They will receive plaques, pins and cards at their district spring conferences or at another suitable occasion. The life members for 2009 are:

Name District/Squadron Name

Robert H. Alexander, SN 24/ Cincinnati

Josephine B. Altstetter, SN 9/Grosse Ile

Raymond O. Anderson, JN 11/Kinzua

James C. Barkley, SN 17/Knoxville

Richard A. Barth, N 22/Sarasota

Henry W. Bateman, JN 27/Charlotte

Ronald A. Beebe, AP 6/Syracuse

Gerard J. Bennett, SN 21/San Antonio

- XXX - Annual Meeting 21 Feb. 2009

Nance M. Bernard 5/Absecon Island

Howard M. Bernbaum, SN 23/Cocoa Beach

Craig Martin Beyer, AP 32/Coos Bay

William J. Bezdek, SN 9/Lansing

Robert E. Brightbill, S 5/Susquehannock

Roy R. Broman, N 9/Grosse Pointe

R. Keith Bulla, JN 27/Greensboro

Lloyd A. Burgess, JN 9/Dearborn

Thomas P. Butler Jr., AP 22/ Peace River

Abraham B. Cahill, SN 23/Jacksonville

Nathan Y. Carpenter, SN 21/Beaumont

Richard F. Cattermole, N 13/The Valley

Wiley D. Chapman Jr., AP 21/Orange

James H. Cloud, N 2/Darien

Edward L. Cornell, P 22/Apollo Beach

Denis L. Creazzi, SN 9/Grosse Ile

Douglas E. Crim, JN 16/Skagit Bay

Franklin D’Aurizio, AP 6/Rochester

Doris E. David, P 14/Cape Code

Marjorie J. Dorwart, SN 20/Calumet

Harvey A. Druker, SN 2/ Lake Candlewood

Jacqueline A. Dundon, SN 9/Grand Traverse Bay

Stephen M. Dunn, AP 13/The Valley

John J. Dwyer, AP 3/Captree

Harlan A. Eggert, AP 10/Duluth

Edward G. Eschner Jr., JN 6/Hamburg

Christina C. Estabrook, P 25/Sacramento

Stanley Feldman, P 3/Great South Bay

John E. Findley, AP 22/Sanibel Captiva

Robert A. Fiorentino, JN 12/Charles River

Willard A. Flowers, JN 21/Orange

Franz J. Forster, SN 9/Grosse Pointe

Harold L. Frost, AP 2/Captain Harbor

Carter B. S. Furr, AP 5/Elizabeth River

Laverne J. Gehm, AP 17/Huntsville

Elizabeth J. Glassell, AP 7/Rocky River

John Goetzman, P 10/Milwaukee

Stanley J. Gorzelany Jr., N 2/Penfield

Urban A. Grafton, S 9/St. Clair Shores

Richard Heckhaus, AP 5/Potomac River

Carol Herz, S 6/Susquenango

Lee F. Horney, AP 4/Shrewsbury

Lucille R. Horowitz, SN 4/Shrewsbury

Peggy E. Howland, P 2/Cross County

Nancy M. Husbands, AP 8/Vero Beach

Stephen P. Jerome, AP 18/Marblehead

Donna H. Johnson, SN 12/Pequossette

Barbara E. Johnson, P 16/Tacoma

William T. Johnson, SN 21/San Antonio

Heniette Kaiser-Fox, SN 4/Barnegat Bay

Elaine C. Keller, AP 28/Balboa

Mark A. Keltner, AP 28/Balboa

Elvin R. Konen, P 22/Naples

Charles A. LaCarrubba, JN 3/Great South Bay

Bud H. Lemke, AP 20/Skokie Valley

Richard A. Lewis, SN 14/Attleboro

Nils G. Lindman, SN 13/Santa Barbara

John N. Lingenfelter, AP 5/Susquehannock

Ronald H. Linhart, P 3/Captree

John H. Little, SN 19/Kennebec River

Robert B. Long, P 5/Main Line

Albert C. Lucas, SN 17/Johnson City

Frank R. Marobella, AP 12/Nobscot

Michael R. Marotta, AP 5/Trenton Falls

Earnest Guy Marshburn, SN 27/Tar River

Frederick A. Mason, SN 2/Berkshire

Creighton C. Maynard Jr., SN 21/Ft. Worth

Shaun McArdle, AP 28/San Diego

Donald R. McCorvie, JN 9/Lansing

Sarah W. McCurry, S 27/Shallotte River

James E. Meyers, SN 29/Columbus

Robert C. Michel, SN 4/Palisades

Joseph P. Miller, SN 22/Venice

C. A. Miller Jr., JN 21/Austin

Trent S. Milliken, P 23/ Cocoa Beach

Charles J. Milton, SN 20/Racine

Andrew J. Minardi, JN 30/St. Louis

Barbara A. Molnar, S 5/Blue Hen

Edwin A. Monette, S 21/Shreveport

William P.Morreau, AP 9/Grosse Ile

Jay H. Muntz, AP 8/Palm Beach

Jeremiah W. Murphy, SN 23/Titusville

James G. Nelson, AP 27/Cape Fear

Joseph H. Niesse Jr., JN 24/Hoosier

Lawrence M. Novak, SN 7/Cleveland

Leroy A. Nowak, SN 9/Grand Traverse Bay

Eileen Joanne Parker, SN 7/Cleveland

Russell H. Patrick, AP 2/Rowayton

Dennis G. Peterson, SN 10/ Hiawatha Valley

Consuela K. Reeder, AP 8/Key West

Charles P. Richardson Jr., JN 22/San Carlos Bay

Margaret E. Risberg, SN 4/Watchung

Joseph Roechlein 3/Patchogue Bay

Howard Rothstein, SN 22/St. Petersburg

James Ruth, JN 29/Marion

Dean E. Sanborn, AP 3/South Shore

Ingrid Fishbon Scaife, AP 13/Long Beach

Joyce F. Shaw, AP 26/Swamp Fox

Thomas E. Shouler, AP 20/Rockford

James W. Spencer, SN 19/Winooski Valley

Jannette S. Spencer, JN 19/Winooski Valley

Kenneth A. Spilke, JN 29/Columbus

Vernon D. Stevens, P 6/Oak Orchard

Frances j. Stevens, JN 22/ St. Petersburg

Wallace J. Stevenson, AP 5/Ocean City

John S. Storm, N 4/New York

Edward L. Taisarsky 1/Hartford

Charles K. Taylor, AP 27/Goldsboro

Bruce L. Thompson, AP 13/Ventura

Jerry L. Toepfer, AP 2/Mid-Hudson

Bernard Wachter, SN 15/Pensacola

Geraldine R. Walker, AP 5/Wilmington

Audrey M. Walker, S 16/Bremerton

Edward G. Walsh, SN 18/Beverly

Ronald J. Wanagel, P 13/Tres Rios

Robert A. Werner, JN 24/Cincinnati

Jack W. Wert, AP 22/Naples

Andrew Wetzel, JN 3/Moriches Bay

Walter H. Wiegert Jr., SN 1/Saybrook

Ray F. Wilhelm, P 7/Stark County

Thomas L. Wilkins, SN 29/Lima

Harold L. Willard, SN 5/Patuxent River

F. Patricia P. Zinn, AP 5/Sue Island

Harold N. Zitter, JN 8/Palm Beach

2008 Meritorious Service Awards

C/C Maynard, assisted by V/C Dvorak, presented Meritorious Service Awards to national officers completing their tours of duty:

V/C Richard E. Kyle, SN / National Educational Officer
V/C Joseph R. Mesenburg, SN / National Treasurer
R/C R.E. Brandenstein, SN / Marine Environment Committee
R/C J. Christopher Brown, SN / Instructor Development Comm
R/C L. D. Brown, SN / Committee on Nominations
R/C Thomas M. Derden, SN / Budget Off - Educational Dept
R/C Roberta L. Dougherty, AP / Membership Committee
R/C Michael J. Horowitz, JN / Finance Committee
R/C Robert A. Keller, SN / National Meetings Committee
RC Allan W. Lakin, SN / Committee on Rules
R/C Lois Neef, P / Auxiliary Advisory Committee
R/C Richard M. Peoples, SN / Asst. Treasurer/Budget Director
R/C William J. Robinson, SN / Auditing Committee
R/C Robert J. Sweet, SN / Asst. National Educational Officer
R/C V. Richard White, AP / Cooperative Charting Committee

Report of the Committee on Rules

R/C Allan W. Lakin, SN, chairman, Committee on Rules, summarized the chief commander’s 2008 activities and recommended awarding C/C Maynard his 25th merit mark. The Governing Board ADOPTED the motion. (2009-AM-3) P/C/C Barnes assisted R/C Lakin in presenting C/C Maynard his life member award.

R/C Lakin reported that the Committee on Rules recommended assigning Colonial Sail & Power Squadron to District 5. The Governing Board ADOPTED the motion. (2009-AM-4)

C/C Maynard joined R/C Lakin and presented squadron charters to Colonial Sail & Power Squadron/5 and The Valley Sail & Power Squadron/13.

R/C Lakin announced that D/Lt/C Art Pickard, SN, would be appointed as the staff commander for the Committee on Rules.

R/C Lakin announced that P/C Benjamin H. Sooy III, AP, would serve as parliamentarian for the 2009 Annual Meeting.

- XXX - Annual Meeting 21 Feb. 2009

Report of the Finance Committee

R/C Michael J. Horowitz, JN, reported that as of 30 Nov. 2008, invested funds totaled $2,924,405.36, and are divided into three major portfolios.

He reported that the USPS investment portfolio was valued at $802,950.34. The mutual funds for 12 months, on an adjusted basis, have lost $279,431.91, a negative return of 43.51 percent.

R/C Horowitz reported that the Endowment (Century) Fund was valued at $1,125,355.02. He reported that the mutual funds lost $114,532.62, through November 2008, a negative return of 38.9 percent.

R/C Horowitz reported that the district/squadron funds are in certificates of deposit totaling $996,100 as of 30 Nov. 2008. As the certificates of deposit mature, they will be placed in a money market fund to be held prior to distribution no later than 1 January 2010.

R/C Horowitz reported that the financial alarm test was $441,892 below the $3 million control limit.

R/C Horowitz moved that the Governing Board approve the appointment of Langdon & Co., of Garner, N.C., as independent auditors for fiscal year 2009. The Governing Board ADOPTED the motion. (2009-AM-5)