October 9, 2013

Grange Hall PTA Meeting

Location: GHES library

Attendees Paige Schultz, Samantha McMillian, Kelly Dyer , Laura Hare, Diane Harring, Deedi Trabosh, Mary Ann McCrum, Erica Sjurseth, Beth Anne Sayegh, Paul D. Britt, Jr., Mildred Britt, Linda Haer, Jessica Drahms, Jen Bristow, Kipra Neirman,

Meeting called to order at 6:05 by Paige.

Unfinished Business

· Approval of meeting minutes from September, Diane Harring made a motion, Deedi Trabosh seconded.

· Kipra Neirman noted a concern about wanting advance notice of teacher’s making request at PTA meetings.

· Jessica Drahms from first grade came to thank the PTA for their purchase of the book cart for first grade. She read a few testimonials from parents. She feels other grades will have an interest in doing the same thing.

· Reflections Update. Updated on advertising and judging panel. All going well

New Business:

· 3rd Grade funding request. Beth Anne Sayegh spoke on behalf of the third grade teachers. They wanted help purchasing Treasures Books. Mrs. Pre said the books are out of print so there is no way to purchase

· Student Activities: Erica Sjurseth reported McDonalds night is starting and will be the 3rd Wednesday 5 – 8. Stickers will be in soon and will put on teacher’s doors for them to give to kids. We will earn 10%. Skataway night. We pay $75 for building and everything else goes to us. Two nights planned so far – October and March. Beth Anne Sayegh suggested we do an adult dinner night auction because it can be a good fundraiser. Holiday Bazaar. The first Saturday in December 9-1. Will be selling breakfast, Santa pictures, all fired up ornaments (people pay $5), about 50 businesses have made donations

· Kelly Dyer – Grange Hall Ornament. We will move forward with this. Cost will be around $4 and we will charge $10. Flyer will go out for orders soon.

Office/Chair Reports:

Membership: We are still short of making 100%

Fundraiser: All orders have been sent off. Need to coordinate pick-up..

Carnival: Samantha McMillian reported that she still needs lots of volunteers and donations

Outreach: We earned $500 and received 3rd place in the jeans drive. Shelly McGee did a great job coordinating.

Spirit Wear: Website is mostly live. There are two screen prints and 1 embroidery available. Close orders by Nov 1

Treasurer’s Report: Deedi said she will start attaching the treasurer’s report to the meeting minutes. We had a big outlay for playground so need to be cautious on future projects. Should have about $10,000 coming in from fall fundraiser which is slightly over what was expected. Samantha noted that she feels we need a longer timeframe before approving special request.

Next Meeting is November 12, 2013

Meeting was adjourned by Paige at 7:00.

Submitted by Diane Harring, as the secretary was not able to attend the meeting