Student Government Association


1499 N. State St., Rm. 1114, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752 Ext. 1520

28237 La Piedra Rd., Rm. 1018A, Menifee, CA 92584 (951) 672-6752 Ext. 2225

Agenda for Regular Meeting

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Student Government Association of Mt. San Jacinto College will meet, commencing at 12:30 P.M. on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 in room 805-MVC, and room 1111-SJC. The starting time listed for the meeting is approximate. Public testimony will be invited in conjunction with discussion on each item.

I. Opening of Meeting

A. Call to Order

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call

1. Executive Branch

2. Legislative Branch

3. Judicial Branch

4. Board Representative

5. ASB Advisor

6. Staff Support

7. Members at Large

D. Review and Approval of 12/14/10 SGA Meeting Minutes

Motion Second

E. Review and Approval of 01/18/11 SGA Meeting Minutes

Motion Second

F. Approval of and Swearing in of SGA Senators:

Jose Morales MVC

Noemi Garcia SJC

Joan Cobabag MVC

Motion Second

II. Board Reports and Information Items

A. Executive Officers’ Reports

B. Senators’ Reports

C. Student Trustee’s Report

D. Staff Reports

E. Members-at-Large

F. Committee Representative Reports

III. Public Comment

This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Student Government Association on issues not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of 5 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per topic shall be enforced.

IV. Discussion Items

A. “Pay it Forward”-Running Theme for SGA BBQs Spring 2011

B. Speakers on Campus to Address Student Needs-Mini Grant

C. Purchase New Storage Unit at SJC

V. Action Items

A. New Business

1. SGA Chargebacks for Printing – not to exceed $47.97

Motion Second

2. Revision to expenses for Welcome Back BBQ 1/25/11- SJC and 1/27/11-MVC

Food costs from MSJC Café - $4,800.00 did not include tax – new total is $5220.00

Motion Second

B. Club Business [block vote] Motion Second

1. Communications Studies Club

a. Speed Dating for Valentine’s Day Week of Valentine’s Day

b. Talent Show/Open Mic Night The first week of March

c. Comedy Show Week Before Finals

2. FAVE Club

a. Reimburse Jerome Billins for dinner for Fright Night ($28.10)

b. Reimburse Stephen Reyes for pizza for Fright Night ($30.45)

c. Reimburse Zack Taylor for gas for an Outreach event for Heritage High School

3. Mu Alpha Theta

a. Sell Pies for every SGA BBQ Event

4. Phi Theta Kappa

a. Events:

i. PTK Blood drives SJC 1/27/11, MVC 2/1/11 9:00-2:00

ii. PTK Orientations, SJC 2/22/11 room 102 and 2/23/11 room 200

iii. PTK Orientations MVC, 2/23/11 room 503 and 2/25/11 room 503

iv. SP11 Induction and Awards Ceremony, 3/27/11

v. PTK Conference

b. Expenditures:

i. Additional Funds for 2010 Food and Toy drive Reimbursements “Not to Exceed $850”

ii. Reimburse Dr. Nick Reeves for Food and toy drive items purchased:

iii. UPS store boxes $81

iv. Donation food from Stater Bros $295.83

v. Gift cards for donating to families, $128.18

vi. Ticketmaster gift cards for Lakers tickets, as a thank you to the Albertsons employee that got food


Total: $755.58

vii. Reimbursement to Christina Yamanaka for breakfast items for volunteers at food and toy drive, $49.71

viii. Reimbursement to dr. Nick Reeves for PTK Planning meeting breakfast at Marie Callenders, “Not

to exceed $100”

vix. MSJC Chargebacks for On Campus Catering e-waste BBQ event on 10/28/10, $175

x. Open PO for Sp11, up to 150 memberships. “Not to exceed $7500”

xi. PTK Regional Conference in San Francisco 3/4/11-3/5/11, 5 officers and 1 advisor, “Not to

exceed $3000”

xii. Funding for SP11 Induction Ceremony, “Not to exceed $2500”

xiii. Funding for Awards ceremony, “Not to exceed $750”

5. Upward Bound

a. Club Charter Approval

VI. Adjournment Motion Second

Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the SGA Office at (951) 487-3380 prior to the meeting.

MSJC Student Government Association meetings are open and minutes recorded per The Brown Act of California. Minutes shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with The Brown Act.

The next scheduled meeting will be on Tuesday, 02/08/11, commencing at 12:30 p.m. via video conferencing.

MVC will meet in Room 805 [951-639-5840] and SJC in Room 1111 [phone number]

Conference Room Numbers SGA Contact Information

MVC-Room 805 (639-5888)

SJC-Room 1111(487- )