Chapter 13

Minerva was slightly nervous about her masters test the next morning, even though it had been explained to her several times she still did not fully understand how in Merlin’s name it was going to work. It had been a long hard month of fourteen hour days as she struggled to master her magic in a way she believed could not be done. In fact it had taken the trickery of Lord Emerald Eyes taking her wand and making her think he turned it to ash before she even gave herself the chance of doing what she thought was the impossible.

That was not the only thing that had distracted her over the past month, when Albus woke up on the forest floor he was furious. And once he reached the castle and realized what Harold had done he was absolutely livid. If it were not for the magic dampening field the borderline dark spells Albus had fired off in Harold’s direction would have killed him. What little respect she had for the man was killed in that moment. How he intended to fulfill his duties of Headmaster now that he was permanently banned from the grounds she could not fathom nor at this point could she care.

His odd demands that she show up at his slightest whim at his borrowed room in Hogsmeade for updates on the happenings up at the castle, was quickly put to a stop much to her relief.

Sighing, if she kept up this trip down memory lane she would not get any rest tonight, and she needed to be her best the next morning. Picking up the vial of sleep potion Minerva quickly downed it and laid down on her pillow and pulled the covers up and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Waking up and getting dressed in the strange style clothing that had been provided Minerva checked her image one last time in the mirror before exiting the guest rooms and walking towards the dining area. She had been warned to make sure she ate more than normal, as she would be burning up a large amount of energy during the testing. Sitting down at the table a large amount of food appeared before her and she just stared at sheer volume.

Half an hour later and very uncomfortable with the amount she ate Minerva slowly made her way to the testing hall. She told herself to stop acting like a seventh year waiting to take her NEWT’S, after all she passed her masters in the Wizarding world without the slightest problems.

Harry smiled as he saw Minerva all nervous standing in the middle of the room waiting to be told what to do.

Picking up the testing bands off the table Harry walked over to where Minerva was waiting and told her as he handed her the first band, “After all the practice you have done over the past month you will do fine, so relax. The first band goes across your forehead, while the other two are for your wrists.”

Bands in place Minerva asked as she tugged her sleeves back down, “What happens now?”

“Now? Now you access your magic and conjure up a chair, something that reclines I think. Then sit down and we will go over what you need to do for the test.” Harry told her as he retook his own seat, setting down the column from the box and placing the testing jewel on the column that he removed the bands from.

Closing her eyes to visualize one of the muggle recliners she had seen last year while introducing the magical world to a muggle born student, Minerva slowly reached inside her and touched her magic as she waved her hand and conjured the chair. Opening her eyes she let herself feel a slight sense of relief when she noticed the chair was exactly as she pictured it. Sitting down gingerly and then when the recliner held up under her weight more firmly Minerva noticed the jewel she had hardly spared a glance at was now glowing.

Smiling when he saw Minerva conjure the recliner and noticed the jewel that measured power output was now glowing Harry leaned forward across the table to explain just how the test would be administered, “This jewel measures if you have enough control and power to be considered ready to be taking this test, as you can see by its glow you are ready, judged so by magic.”

“The test is a simple one, for the next two hours you will start by casting the basics of your craft through the most advanced and complex transfiguration you know. Each building on what you have already performed. The test is over when the jewel turns purple and magic gives you your mark on the back of your hand and or temple,” Harry told her as he pointed out the jewel before standing up.

“I will leave you to it then, and I will return in two hours time,” Harry told her as he made his way to the door.

Stopping at the doorframe Harry looked over his shoulder and told her as he opened the door, “Your time starts as soon as you cast your first spell. Oh, you will find all sorts of objects on the side table you can use in your transfigurations.”

Closing the door firmly behind him with a grin, Harry had to wonder how long it would be before Minerva cast her first spell.

Walking along the corridor that led to his office Harry really did not feel like working on expansion plans or any of the other myriad of plans or proposals that crossed his desk for approval right now. Taking a side passage that led through the greenhouses he used for meditation Harry soon found himself outside overlooking the novice classes that also had the Gryffindor trio attending.

For some reason in this world Pettigrew never accepted his Hogwarts letter, choosing instead to go to Durmstrang, or more likely having it chosen for him.

Leaning on the balcony Harry watched the novice class as they went through the steps necessary to do simple conjurations without the crutch of a focusing object. The High Elf’s gave focusing rings to their children and as they grew into their powers the body absorbed the ring gradually until it totally disappeared.

His own wand he had turned into rings lasted about three weeks before his body absorbed them, it was a slight shock to wake up one morning and find they were gone, he was frantic all of two minutes until he summoned, without thinking, one of the texts from his library that explained what happened.

“Sorry to interrupt you my Lord,” Aerma one of the candidates for the position of captain of the guards joined Harry at the balcony and joined his lord in gazing at the novice class.

“Problems Aerma?” Harry asked not taking his eyes off James and his friends.

“No my Lord, all the candidates for the captain of your guard have now gathered on the training field near the gorge and await your arrival so that the testing of our skills may commence,” Aerma told him his body showing the eagerness he felt even if his voice did not.

Harry laughed and told him, “So eager for a sparring match are we?”

Nodding his head as a smile grew on his face Aerma replied jovially, “Aye that I am, one I plan to win my Lord.”

Letting his magic engulf his body Harry leapt to the top of the railing like some giant jungle cat and told the startled Elf with a wicked grin, “Meet you on the field.”

Harry then turned and leapt into the air and did several acrobatic twists and twirls before landing on his feet and walking away like he had just stepped off the stairs normally.

Of course the only one who bought Harry’s act were those on the other side of his lands that had not seen what he had just done.

James and Sirius who had been talking to Remus now that class was over, looked at him sharply as he had yet to answer them, following their friends gaze towards the main building they watched stunned as the lord of these lands jumped into the air and landed softly on his feet, acting like he had not just done that awe inspiring act of acrobatics.

Looking up from where he was gathering his notes and teaching aides the old scholar noticed the stillness that was not typical for the release of class, just in time to notice Lord Arkenea’ghymn land softly on the ground like a large jungle cat.

Using his ability to see magic the old scholar chuckled when he saw the spiraling path that led from the edge of the balcony to the ground seems the lord is in a playful mood.

“Ah, it is amazing what one can do when they have full control over their magic isn’t it?” The scholar told his class as they were still following Lord Arkenea’ghymn with awe filled eyes.

Seeing Aerma running down the stairs in an attempt to follow the retreating lord, it was not too difficult to put two and two together to get the answer. Deciding that most of the boys would be following the two as soon as they found out about the contest about to commence that would decide who became the captain of the guard, the scholar clapped his hands together to get the boys attention. “All right class…it seems that everyone has gathered for the show of skills that will determine the next Captain of the Guard. Valar protect me if I was to keep you from watching, so we will go down as a group and I expect you to be on your best behavior,” The old Scholar warned the now excited students.

Sitting down at the outskirts of the marked off training area, James and his friends ended up near the three Lords of the other kingdoms without realizing who they were.

Harry walked into the center of the dueling pitch and glanced at the warriors gathered along two of the sides before calling out, “Those that wish to compete for the post of Captain of the Guard step forward.”

After some jostling among the gathered crowd there were soon six warriors standing in front of him.

Nodding his head Harry told them, “I am sure that all of you are quite proficient in the use of weapons and unarmed combat or you would not be standing here, so the contest will be of a magical nature, the best magical warrior will be awarded the position of Captain with the others being lieutenants if you wish.”

Smiling Harry told them the rules, “No magic that will cause permanent disability or death is to be used against one another, and if you wish to mix in non magical weapons you may. Whichever of you remains standing at the end will become the new Captain.”

Moving to the center of the pitch Harry added with his back towards the group, “Just remember this is a contest to showcase your magical skills. Oh…Yes before I forget I will spar with the winner.”

Sitting down on the ground cross-legged in the middle of the pitch, Harry made a few motions with his hands and slowly started to rise in the air until he was well above the pitch, “Begin.”

Aerma looked around in confusion at the other contestants for a moment before catching something moving out of the corner of his eye, ducking to the side he barely moved in time to miss being hit with some type of stunning charm.

Harry watched with interest as the six warriors battled it out amongst themselves down below, for the most part they were superb fighters, though several of them were clearly outclassed from the start. Soon there were only two warriors left and they were perfectly matched.

Standing up by uncrossing his legs and letting them straighten underneath him Harry slowly floated to the ground, “You are both perfectly matched, do either of you wish to concede the job to the other?” Smiling at the negative nods from both Elves, Harry told them, “You have fifteen minutes to prepare yourselves for a new challenge, I shall be your opponent, and the one who can last the longest against me shall win.”

They both looked at Harry slightly shocked and like he was just a little bit on the crazy side, after all they were the two most skilled warriors in all the kingdoms.

The evil smirk that crossed Harry’s face as he started to warm up would have frightened the two warriors if they had a chance to see it, too bad his back was turned as he faced away from them.

Turning around Harry asked them as he stood there shimmering, “Who’s first then?”

Feeling pretty full of himself, after all how many Lords actually mastered the skills of the warrior Aerma’s opponent stepped forward, “I will, and what happens when we best you?”

“That will not happen,” Harry let the glee he was feeling at the thought of combat show on his face.

A little arrogant and more than a little put off from the Lords attitude he attacked swiftly, rapidly throwing high power battle spells wanting to take the Lord down as quickly as possible to teach him a lesson, a lesson that battle was for the warriors not the rulers.

Eyes widening ever so slightly as the battle spells made their way towards him Harry let the smile of joy he was feeling show on his face as he held up one hand and made a circular motion with his palm face forward while he mumbled a few words.

Aerma was troubled and shocked when he saw the battle magic streaking towards Lord Arkenea’ghymn, About to move forward to intercept the spells by placing himself in their path he froze when the spells were caught in what looked like a vortex and gathered into a ball of energy in the Palm of Lord Arkenea’ghymn’s hand.

Enraged to see his best battle magic stopped so easily, he summoned his sword and charged the young lord who was examining the captured spells.

Sensing the lethality of the spells that had been cast at him Harry closed his fist around the energy absorbing it as he took on a darker look. Seeing the Elvin warrior charging at him with his long sword in motion towards his head Harry was starting to get pissed off. Sidestepping another of the more lethal spells sent his way. Harry ducked under the sword by stepping forward and around the spells that had been cast. “So that’s the way you want to play it,” Harry told him darkly.

“So be it.” Harry said as he took several steps sideways and placed his hand on a jeweled runic inlay on his belt and fed it a burst of his magic.

Fully enraged and not able to control either his emotions or actions Lasly attacked, his rage intent on destroying who he thought was mocking him. In some small part of his brain that still held the last of his reason Lasly was horrified as the Lord of the Fourth Kingdom transformed in front of his eyes into one of the mythical Blood Elves as the blood red armor covered his body and head.