Nursing Council Agenda
Milton Hall room 85 or via video conference
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 — 2-3 pm
Action Items:
● T. Keller will send a copy of the NMNEC Shared Classes Schematic to S. Stovall and L. Grant
● L. Grant will update the Nursing Council website to reflect credentials of committee members
Attendees: C. Estrada, T. Lopez, T. Keller, A. Reinhardt, P. Schultz, L. Grant, S. Stovall
1. Review of prior meeting minutes
a. Meeting minutes from the previous July meeting were reviewed and approved
2. Campus Updates – all
NMSU-LC Undergraduate - BSN has started fall semester. There are clinical faculty challenges in Santa Fe because of a large admitted group of students. There is a retreat in the planning stages for BSN faculty, which will occur at New Mexico Tech.
NMSU-LC Graduate - A post-master’s certificates approved last May and five students were admitted to that program, which will result in the graduation of psych mental health practitioners. There are also a number of DNP students that can pursue the psych/mental health specialization.
DACC - Nursing program is fully accredited for five years. Standard 6, which is the section related to outcomes and is often a sticking point for programs, was not an issue. There were no areas identified for development in the curriculum section. LPN program will need to be accredited separate from the ADN program. DACC is fully staffed at this point, but will have two positions (one new) open soon.
NMSU-C - The Program has over 40 students. Congratulations were extended to the program for it’s positive NCLEX pass rate. The program’s next ACEN visit will be in February of 2019. There is a mid-October (10/15) meeting with NMNEC to discuss concerns related to curriculum.
3. Review of Nursing Council webpage:
Credentials need to be added to the Nursing Council committee member contact sheet.
4. HLC multi-location site visit:
There will be a multi-location site visit on Monday, October 12 visit from HLC. Representatives from HLC will want to meet with faculty, staff, and students. P. Schultz and A. Reinhardt will be in Alamogordo during the visit.
5. NMNEC updates:
NMNEC structure explained as a statewide common curriculum leading.
6. ACEN news
Awaiting further information on the status of ACEN.
7. Next meeting:
November 18