MicroWorlds Project Grading Rubric

Name: Section:

Unit Topic: Unit Grade Level:

Is your project a sample of what your students will make, or

a teaching tool

What is/are your unit question(s)?

How will this project support your unit?

Criteria / Possible
Points / Self Evalu-ation / Instructor Evaluation
Project meets minimum requirements: / Category total: 2.0
At least 2 procedures and 2 pages plus 4 more of your choice for a total of 8 pages and procedures / 2.0
All required printed materials are stapled together in one stack and handed in / Category total: 1.0
·  This rubric is filled out (electronically; not by hand) and on the top of the stack.
·  A legible printout of each project page [you may need to make the textbox opaque] is included in the stack.
·  The contents of any text boxes that have a scrollbar are printed out and included in the stack.
·  A printout(s) of all procedures is included in the stack.
·  The stack is turned in to MH 316 by the deadline posted in the class schedule. / 0.5
Your MicroWorlds file is emailed to by the deadline posted in the class schedule. (Please put “MicroWorlds Final Project” followed by your section number in the subject line.) / 0.5
Project is of the highest caliber to be used in the classroom / Category total: 4.0
Project relates to unit; student could potentially learn something from experiencing/creating the project; project is interesting/ captivating. / 1.5
Navigation is obvious (user can tell what to do to get to the next desired location) and accurate (buttons go where they say they’ll go). All procedures work (no messages appear in command center). Project is fully functional in Presentation Mode. / 1.5
Presentation is appropriate to grade level (text readability, graphics, concept difficulty...); graphics enhance the project / 0.5
Text is grammatically correct (including button names) / 0.5
Total: / 7.0
Bonus: ½ a point for each additional quality page / Max 2 pts.
Bonus: ½ a point for each additional procedure / Max 3 pts.