Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Deployment Guide

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack

Published: June 2013

Document Version: 1.2, 06/14/13

Changes in this version:

·  Updated section 7.5 to remove the following:
“In addition, create one external DNS record for the FQDN of the Front End pool for each external IP address of the Front End Servers.”

Abstract: The Microsoft Lync® Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack features include integration with Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook, and other communication technologies. The Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack enables customers to manage geographically dispersed offices and mobile users in a way that reduces travel expenses, while maintaining highly collaborative team environments. This document describes the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack, and includes information about how to deploy and configure it.

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Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.

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1 Overview of the Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack 1

1.1 Understanding the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack 1

1.2 How to get the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Software 2

1.3 What’s Available in the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack 2

1.3.1 Comparing versions of the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack 2

1.4 Known Issues 12

2 Determining Your Infrastructure Requirements 12

2.1 Hardware Requirements 13

2.1.1 Hardware Requirements for Servers Running Lync Server 2013 13

2.1.2 Hardware Requirements for Back End Servers and Other Database Servers 13

2.2 Integration with Exchange Server 14

2.3 Network Infrastructure Requirements 15

2.4 Domain Name System (DNS) Requirements 15

2.5 Active Directory Domain Services Requirements 16

2.6 Load Balancing Requirements 16

2.7 Port and Protocol Requirements 16

2.8 Certificate Requirements 16

2.9 Software Requirements 16

2.10 Reverse Proxy Configuration 16

3 Understanding the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack 17

3.1 About Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack User Types 17

3.2 Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack Server Roles 17

3.3 Lync Server 2013 Control Panel 18

4 Planning for the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack 18

4.1 Example Topology 18

4.1.1 About the Example Topology 18

4.2 Flexible Systems Scaling 20

4.3 Role-specific Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance 20

5 Migrating from the Lync Server 2010 Multitenant Hosting Pack 21

5.1 Migration Prerequisites 21

5.2 Performing the Migration 22

5.3 Migrating Tenants 23

5.3.1 Known Limitations 24

5.3.2 Prerequisities 24 PoolMapping.csv 24 Migrate-TenantOrgV2.ps1 24

6 Deploying a New Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Deployment 30

6.1 Deploying the Topology 31

6.2 Change the Name and Domain of the Server Running Lync Server 32

6.3 Installation Media 32

6.4 Install the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack 33

7 Define the Topology 34

7.1 Create a Front End Pool 35

7.2 Configure Front End Servers 35

7.3 Update the SQL Server Databases 36

7.4 Add Server Roles 36

7.5 Deploy Edge Servers 36

7.6 Define the Edge Topology 37

7.7 Monitoring 37

8 Post-Installation Configuration 37

8.1 Install Additional Components 37

8.2 Modify Lync Server Management Shell 38

8.3 Update Active Directory for Hosted Management Services 38

8.4 Global Client Policies for Address Book Web Query 38

8.5 Lync Server Dial Plans 39

8.6 Integration with on-premises PBX or Call Center 39

8.7 Changing the Root OU 40

8.8 Configuring Mobility 41

9 Provisioning Tenant Organizations 41

9.1 Create and Secure the Organizational Units 41

9.2 Set TenantId and ObjectId 41

9.2.1 Set the DomainUrlMap Attribute 43

9.3 Add UPN Suffix to Tenant OU 43

9.4 Create Tenant SIP Domain 43

9.5 Configure Exchange Email 44

9.6 Configure Exchange Unified Messaging 44

9.6.1 Create Tenant Exchange Dial Plan and Exchange UM Mailbox Policy 44

9.6.2 Assign Tenant Dial Plan to All Available Exchange UM Servers 45

9.6.3 Update Exchange UM/Lync Server Integration Configuration 45

9.6.4 Create Lync Server Contacts for Exchange UM Subscriber Access 46

10 Configuring Federation 48

10.1.1 Enabling a Tenant for Federation 48

10.1.2 Getting Tenant Federation Settings 48

10.2 Configure Tenant Federation Settings 49

10.2.1 Configuring federation with an on-premises deployment in another organization 49

10.2.2 Configuring federation with other Hosting Pack deployments 50

10.2.3 Configuring federation with a Lync Online tenant 51

10.2.4 Configure Federation Between Lync Server On-Premises and Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack 51

10.2.5 Adding Domains to the Tenant Block List 51

10.2.6 Clearing the Tenant Block List 52

10.2.7 Clearing the Tenant Allow List 52

10.2.8 Resetting Tenant to Allow All Domains Except Those Listed on the Block List 52

11 Create Tenant DNS Records 53

11.1 Create Tenant Meeting Simple URLs 53

11.1.1 Import the Required Modules for Windows PowerShell 53

11.1.2 Configure the Simple URL to Use the Back-end Database 54

11.1.3 Get Tenant Organization ID 54

11.1.4 Create the Simple URLs for a Tenant Organization 55

11.1.5 Set the Simple URL DNS Name 56

12 Provisioning Tenant Users 56

12.1 Enable Tenant Users for Exchange UM 56

12.2 Set User TenantID, GroupingID, and ObjectId 57

12.2.1 Known Issue 58

12.3 Configure the user Base Simple URL with the Tenant Organization’s Base URL 59

12.4 Enable Tenants for Lync Server 60

12.5 Set Address Book Policy for Tenant User 60

12.6 Providing the Lync Server 2013 Interface for online meeting 61

13 Overview of the Audio Conferencing Provider 61

13.1 Integrating with Audio Conferencing Provider 61

13.2 Provisioning with Audio Conferencing Provider 62

13.3 Integration Workflows with Audio Conferencing Provider 63

13.3.1 Create and Schedule a Web Conference 63

13.3.2 Activate a Conference 63

13.3.3 Join Conference by Using Conferencing Dial-out 64

13.3.4 Audio Bridging Sequence 65

13.3.5 Use Audio Controls from Lync Server 65

13.4 Known Issues 66

14 Code Samples 67

14.1 Prerequisites 67

14.2 Dependencies 67

14.3 Provision a Tenant Organization 68

14.3.1 Create and Secure Organizational Unit 68

14.3.2 Enable the Tenant Organization 68

14.3.3 Add an Additional SIP Domain to the Tenant Organization 70

14.3.4 Adding Domains to the Tenant Allow List for Federation 72

14.3.5 Adding Domains to the Tenant Block List for Federation 74

14.3.6 Removing Domains from the Tenant Allow List for Federation 75

14.3.7 Removing Domains from the Tenant Block List for Federation 76

14.3.8 Allowing all Domains for Tenant Federation 77

14.3.9 Enabling a Tenant for Federation 78

14.3.10 Enabling Federation between two Hosted Tenants 79

14.4 Provision Tenant Users 81

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Deployment Guide

Overview of the Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack

Microsoft® Lync® Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack is a unified communications (UC) solution for telecom and hosting providers. Unified communications is a way for telecom and hosting providers to expand their service offering to their current customers.

The Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack features include integration with Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook®, and other communication technologies. The Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack enables customers to manage geographically dispersed offices and mobile users in a way that reduces travel expenses, while maintaining highly collaborative team environments. This increased integration of communication channels translates to improved organizational flexibility that is often difficult to find in larger enterprise organizations.

For more information and additional resources about Lync hosting, see “Partner Hosted Lync” at and “Microsoft Lync Server Multitenant Pack for Partner Hosting Resources”

1.1  Understanding the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack

This section describes how the Hosting Pack integrates with the core system infrastructure. To better understand the overall system it helps to define unified communications, Lync Server, and the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack.

Unified communications (UC) is a system that integrates platforms for communications including email, voice mail, telephony, instant messaging (IM), and voice and video conferencing. UC solutions are installed on the client’s core systems, adding a UC layer to the overall infrastructure. This UC layer adds integration and interconnects the communications systems with the organization’s core system services.

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 is a family of servers functioning as UC servers that integrate with all the Microsoft line-of-business software. Lync Server adds these new communication possibilities within the organization. A Lync Server and Exchange Server layer provide system integration between Exchange and other communication systems like IM, presence, voice and video calls, desktop sharing, file transfer, and ad hoc conferences.

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack is a special deployment configuration scoped for hosting or telecom services providers. The solution enables service providers to host multitenant Lync Server instances shared across multiple customer environments. In addition, the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack solution includes an add-on layer that allows our partners to build communication packages that use the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack to integrate with the core layer.

1.2  How to get the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Software

A license is required to use the software. To download and install the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack software, you need to log on to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center at

1.3  What’s Available in the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack

The features that integrate with other components and applications include the following:

·  PresenceA collection of attributes that provides an indication of a person's status, activity, location, willingness to communicate, and contact information.

·  Instant messaging (IM)A form of real-time text-based communication.

·  Data and desktop sharingA feature that allows users to share files, use whiteboard, and display their desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants.

·  ConferencingTwo-way video and audio transmissions between users in multiple locations.

·  Unified MessagingThis feature is available only in combination with Microsoft Exchange Server. An application that consolidates a user's voice mail, fax, and email into one mailbox, so that the user only needs to check a single location for messages, regardless of type. The email server is the platform for all types of messages, making it unnecessary to maintain separate voice mail and email infrastructures.

·  Private branch exchange (PBX) replacementUC integration with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems can replace traditional phone exchange systems.

Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack partner feature set includes:

·  AppliancesHand and head set I/O devices.

·  Conferencing server gateway videoReal-time IP video, voice, and data services.

·  Audio conferencing providerIntegration with hosted conferencing systems.

·  Short Message Service (SMS)Text messaging systems used by phones and mobile communication systems.

1.3.1  Comparing versions of the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack

The following table compares the features available in the Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack 2010 and 2013.

Feature Comparison: Lync Server 2010 Multitenant Hosting Pack and Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack

Feature / Lync Server 2010 Hosting Pack / Lync Server 2013 Hosting Pack /
1 to 1 and multi-party IM/Presence / Yes / Yes
Contacts list / Yes / Yes
Address Book Service Web Query service / Yes / Yes
Distribution List Expansion protocol (DLX) / Yes / Yes
Instant Messaging (IM)
Point-to-point IM / Yes / Yes
Multiparty/Group IM / Yes / Yes
Persistent Chat / No / No
PC to PC audio/video dial out calling / Yes / Yes
File transfer / Yes / Yes
Mobile VoIP to PC audio / No / Yes
Click to communicate from Office apps / Yes / Yes
Interactive contact card in Office 2010 and Office 2013 / Yes / Yes
Lync skill search in SharePoint Server (on-premises) / Yes / Yes
Lync skill search in SharePoint Online / No / No
Privacy mode / No / No
Client Support
Lync Client 2010 and Lync Client 2013 / Yes / Yes
Web app for joining scheduled meetings / Yes / Yes
Rich attendee client (joining meetings) / Yes / Yes
Mac attendee client / Yes / Yes
CWA (2007 R2) / No / No
OC 2007 R2 / No / No
Lync phone edition (Lync-based IP phones) / No / No
Support expected in a future release
Lync Attendant client (receptionist rich client) / No / Yes
Lync Server 2010 version
Communicator Mobile (Windows Phone 6.x) / No / No
Lync Mobile / No / Yes
Lync desktop client / Yes / Yes
Mac Messenger / Yes / Yes
Attendee (meeting only) / Yes / Yes
Lync Mobile clients
(for Android, Windows Phone, iPhone) / Yes
(If provisioned) / Yes
(If provisioned)
Conferencing and Online Meetings
Meeting attendee capacity / 250 / 250
Point-to-point audio/video / Yes / Yes
Video conferencing over IP / Yes / Yes
Audio conferencing over IP only / Yes / Yes
Meeting recording / Yes / Yes
Registration / No / No
Public Events page / No / No
Customer branding / No / No
Customer invitations / No / No
Managed Q&A / No / No
Virtual breakout rooms / No / No
Easy Assist / No / No
Desktop sharing / Yes / Yes
Application sharing / Yes / Yes
White boarding and annotation / Yes / Yes
Office document upload / No / No
PowerPoint upload / Yes / Yes
Polling / Yes / Yes
Unauthenticated in Web App (reach) / Yes / Yes
Unauthenticated attendee (rich client) / Yes / Yes
Scheduled conferences using Outlook plugin / Yes / Yes
Round table support / Yes / Yes
Lobby / Yes / Yes
Integration with select partners for PSTN audio conferencing (ACP) / Yes / Yes
Provisioning for approved ACP partners for Office 365 customers / No / No
Scheduling an online meeting in OWA / No / Yes
Client side recording and playback / Yes / Yes
Cloud side recording and playback / No / No
Authenticated experience in Web app (reach) / No / No
Generate a link to a scheduled meeting via web page / Yes / Yes
PSTN audio conferencing in MCUs / Yes
via audio conferencing provider / Yes
via audio conferencing provider
1:1 Chat / Yes / Yes
Backstage/Content Preview for Presenters / Yes / Yes
Mute / Unmute all attendees / No / Yes
Mute / Unmute individual attendees / Yes / Yes