Michael D. Parrish (PA-06) Backgrounder
Positive Findingsü Active member of the military
ü Board member of group supporting troops and their families
ü Helped start two companies / Negative Findings
ü Donated over $5,000 to Republicans including Romney and McCain
ü Received 1 personal tax lien, company received 3 tax liens
ü Companies have been sued over 8 times
ü Named in corruption suit
Michael D. Parrish is the CEO of Daleco Resources Corporation, a Pennsylvania-based natural resources company. Prior to heading Daleco, Parrish founded two businesses. He was a co-founder, and the former Chairman and CEO, of Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corps, an environmental-business and acquisition firm. Parrish also founded Equisol, LLC, an industrial water solutions company. Parrish has served in the U.S. Army for 28 years and currently serves as a Colonel. He is a board member and former Vice Chairman of Liberty USO, an organization supporting troops and their families.
Parrish’s companies have been the subjects of at least nine lawsuits since 2011, including a civil suit alleging corruption, in which Parrish is personally named as a defendant. Additionally, three states have filed tax liens against Equisol totaling $1,160 and Parrish himself received a tax lien from the state of California in 1999 for over $2,000. Since 2008, Parrish has donated over $5,000 to Republicans, including Mitt Romney, John McCain and Tom Corbett.
· BORN: October 1963
· HOME: Malvern, Pennsylvania
· EDUCATION: BSME in Aerospace Engineering, United States Military Academy at West Point (1985); MS in Aeronautical Engineering and Astrophysics, Stanford University (1995); MBA, University of Pennsylvania (2002)
· MILITARY: Colonel (IRR), U.S. Army (1985-Present)
· PROFESSIONAL: Strategic Initiatives Manager, General Electric (1998-2000); E-Business Manager, General Electric (2000-2002); Global Logistics Manager, General Electric (2002-2003); President and CEO, Equisol LLC (2003-2009); Chairman and CEO, Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corp. (2009-2012); CEO, Daleco Resources Corporation (2012-Present)
· ORGANIZATIONS: Vice Chairman, Liberty USO (2007-2013)
Parrish is the CEO of Daleco Resources Corporation
Since 2012, Parrish has served as the CEO of Daleco Resources Corporation, a publicly-traded natural resources company. [LinkedIn, accessed 10/15/13]
Co-Founder and Former Chairman of Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corp.
Parrish is the co-founder of Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corps (EIHC), where he served as the Chairman and CEO from 2009 to 2012. [LinkedIn, accessed 10/15/13]
EIHC is an acquisition and management company that focuses on businesses that provide environmental infrastructure services, such as water treatment. [EIHC website, accessed 10/15/13]
2013: Parrish and EIHC Named in Lawsuit Alleging Corruption
In 2013, Parrish, along with Equisol, LLC, and Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corps, were named as defendants in a civil suit filed by Martin Hodas, alleging racketeering and corruption. [PACER.gov, Case No. 1:2013cv06674, Filed 9/20/13]
Founder and Former President of Equisol, LLC
Parrish is the Founder of Equisol LLC, a subsidiary of Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corps, where he served as the President and CEO from 2003 to 2009. [LinkedIn, accessed 10/15/13]
The company, described as an “equipment solutions provider specializing in the water and wastewater industry,” was created to address needs of industrial and commercial businesses in controlling water treatment chemicals used in their water. [Equisol, LLC, EIHC website, accessed 10/15/13]
Had Three Tax Liens Since 2006
As of October 2013, Equisol, LLC has received three tax liens. In 2006, the state of Maryland filed a tax lien against Equisol for $208.07. In 2007, Equisol received a tax lien from the state of Tennessee for $206 and in 2009, the state of Ohio filed a tax lien against the company for $746. [Nexis Bankruptcy, Judgments & Liens Search, accessed, 10/15/13]
Named in at Least 12 Civil Suits
The following table lists the civil suits associated with Equisol, LLC:
Debtor / Filing Date / Location / Amount / CreditorEquisol, LLC / 4/24/14 / Hunterdon County, NJ / $12,949 / Waltron LLC
Equisol, LLC / 11/08/13 / Montgomery County, PA / $8,231 / Ryan Herco Products Corp
Equisol, LLC / 10/29/13 / Harris County, TX / $4,891 / Puffer Sweiven
Equisol, LLC / 9/09/13 / Montgomery County, PA / $7,378 / Siemens Industry, Inc
Equisol, LLC / 11/09/12 / Montgomery County, PA / N/a / Ryan Herco Products Corp
Equisol, LLC / 10/22/12 / Montgomery County, PA / N/a / Waco Instruments, Inc
Equisol, LLC / 10/16/12 / Bucks County, PA / N/a / Sigma Controls and Systems Inc
Equisol, LLC / 3/07/12 / Lafayette District Court, LA / $45,524 / KDM Sales and Service Inc
Equisol, LLC / 4/28/11 / Calcasieu City Court, LA / $5,284 / Wholesale Elect Supply Houston
Equisol, LLC / 3/03/11 / Sulphur City Court, LA / $6,295 / Wholesale Elect Supply Houston
Equisol, LLC / 2/02/11 / Montgomery County, PA / N/a / Hartford Underwriters
[Nexis Bankruptcy, Judgments & Liens Search, accessed, 12/16/14]
2013: Parrish and Equisol Named in Lawsuit Alleging Corruption
In 2013, Parrish, along with Equisol, LLC, and Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corps, were named as defendants in a civil suit filed by Martin Hodas, alleging racketeering and corruption. [PACER.gov, Case No. 1:2013cv06674, Filed 9/20/13]
2009: Equisol Acquired by Xiom Corp., Parrish Becomes Chairman, CEO, and President of Xiom and EIHC
In December 2009, Xiom Corp, completed a transaction to acquire 100% of the equity interests of Equisol, LLC. According to a Xiom Corp. press release, “with the closing of the acquisition Michael D. Parrish becomes the Chairman, CEO, and President of both the Company [Xiom Corp.] and EIHC.” [Xiom Corp. Press Release, 12/08/09]
2008: 7th Fastest Growing Private Environmental Services Company in the U.S.
In 2008, INC Magazine recognized Equisol as the 7th fastest growing private environmental services company in America. [Bloomberg, 3/09/11]
NOTE: Further research necessary into all court cases and liens.
Named in $50,000 Civil Suit
In 2011, Parrish was a defendant in a civil case brought by Penn Liberty Bank for $50,321. [Nexis comprehensive person search, accessed 10/15/13]
NOTE: Further research necessary.
1999: Had State Tax Lien For Over $2,000
In 1999, the state of California filed a tax lien against Parrish for $2,133. [Nexis comprehensive person search, accessed 10/15/13]
NOTE: Further research necessary.
Donated Over $5,500 to Republicans
Parrish has donated a total of $3,525 to the following Republican candidates and organizations:
Date / Organization / Amount6/30/11 / Romney for President / $1,000
10/15/08 / Manion for Congress / $250
9/23/08 / Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania / $275
7/31/08 / John McCain 2008 / $2,000
[Political Moneyline, accessed 10/15/13]
Donated $2,000 to Gov. Tom Corbett
In 2010, Parrish gave $2,000 to Tom Corbett’s gubernatorial campaign. [FollowtheMoney, accessed 10/15/13]
1998-2003: Worked at General Electric
From 1998 to 2003, Parrish worked at General Electric. From 1998-2000, he was a Manager of Strategic Initiatives, then from 2000-2002, Parrish worked as Managing Director of E-Business. Finally, from 2002-2003, Parrish worked as General Manager of global logistics. [LinkedIn, accessed 10/15/13]
Former Vice Chairman for Military Non-Profit, Liberty USO
From 2007 to 2013, Parrish served as the Vice Chairman of Liberty USO, a division of the United Service Organizations that serves the Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey region. [LinkedIn, accessed 10/15/13]
…”Liberty USO is the bridge between the civilian population and our service members. In times of war and peace, Liberty USO has delivered its special brand of support, comfort, morale boosting and recreational activities to service members and their families,” the group’s website stated. [LibertyUSO.org, accessed 10/15/13]
2013: Serves on Liberty USO Board of Directors
As of October 2013, Parrish is a member of Liberty USO’s board of directors. [Profile, EIHC website, accessed 10/15/13]
Board Member of Delaware Valley Industrial Resources Council
In 2013, Parrish served on the board of directors for the Delaware Industrial Resources Council. [Profile, EIHC website, accessed 10/15/13]
Is an Active Colonel of the U.S. Army
Parrish has served in the U.S. Army since 1985. As of October 2013, Parrish is a Colonel under the Individual Ready Reserves (IRR) program. [LinkedIn, accessed 10/15/13]
Parrish is an Army Aviator and a member of the Army Acquisition Corps. [Profile, EIHC website, accessed 10/15/13]
Property Records
As of October 2013, the following is a list of potential properties where Parrish has lived:
27 FOX RIDGE DR.MALVERN, PA 19355-2876
68-1025 N KANIKU DR UNIT 319
133 OLD RD
[Nexis Person Search, accessed 10/15/13]
Failed to Pay Property Taxes on Time
Records from the Chester County Tax Claim Bureau showed that Parrish failed to pay his property taxes on time for three years. As of January 30, 2014, Parrish had yet to pay his 2013 property taxes. No tax liens had been filed against Parrish or his wife. By December 2014, all of Parrish’s property taxes had been paid, according to the Chester County Tax Claim Bureau. [Grand Central Consulting Memo, 2/24/14; Chester County Tax Claim Bureau]
No Evidence of Criminal Record
As of October 2013, there was no evidence that Mike Parrish had a criminal record. [Nexis criminal record search, accessed 10/15/13]
However, Parrish has been cited for the following traffic infractions:
Date / Offense / Disposition1/28/13 / Operat Veh w/o Valid Inspect / Guilty
8/07/12 / Failure to Stop at Red Signal / Guilty of lesser charge
8/06/12 / Overtime Parking Unlawful / Guilty
[Nexis comprehensive person search, accessed 10/15/13]
Searches Performed in this Document:
Nexis news search, Pennsylvania News Sources (Mike w/2 Parrish) and (Michael w/2 Parrish)
Nexis public record search
Google, “Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corps,” “Equisol,” “Daleco Resources Corporation,” “Michael D. Parrish Pennsylvania”
Political Moneyline
Further Research Necessary
Nexis news search of “Equisol LLC,” “Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corp.” and “Daleco Resources Corporation”
In-depth analysis of associated litigation
In-depth public records search
In-depth local news coverage search
Important Note on This Document
Please keep in mind at all times that this is preliminary research, and further research will be necessary on Michael Parrish. It is strongly recommended that you contact the DCCC’s Research Department for more information and in the event that you intend to use material from this report for public communications purposes. Thank you.
Completed 10/16/13
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