Meta SEO Title: Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Instagram Video - a City of Villages

Meta SEO Description: Ranelagh is Dublin’s original village, home to Craft butches and traditional bakeries with European coffee houses. Check out our Instagram tour.

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Once located on the very outskirts of the city, Ranelagh is Dublin’s original village. Currently a haven for foodies and coffee connoisseurs, the original small-town feeling of this village has not been lost. Craft butchers and traditional bakeries still lie nestled amongst European style coffee houses and an array of restaurants that offer the best of world cuisines. Many famous poets, musicians and artists, such as Luke Kelly and Glen Hansard, have at one stage drawn inspiration from Ranelagh and called this place home.

dublin: a city of villages

Dublin is a city of villages. Each village serves a different purpose and houses a particular breed of Dubliner. The poets, the artists, the dreamers, the fashionistas, the foodies, the storytellers and the true-blues, they have all carved out little havens, villages of like-mindedness within the patchwork of the city.

You can haggle for a vintage treasure in Dublin’s Antique Quarter, Scuba dive from Howth Pier and grab a gourmet coffee in Ranelagh all within the same day, all within the same city.

These distinct villages are connected by the winding streets, cobbled laneways, and flowing waterways that make up the veins and arteries of this city. Every corner, every twist and every turn offers explorers the possibility of surprise, the opportunity to uncover the true character of the city. In an attempt to capture the essence of Dublin we have created vignettes of these villages, below are a few fleeting moments stolen from the heart of the city.


Once located on the very outskirts of the city, Ranelagh is Dublin’s original village. Over the last century as the city grew larger and its borders grew, Ranelagh was adopted into the fabric of city. Currently a haven for foodies and coffee connoisseurs, the original small-town feeling of this village has not been lost. Craft butchers and traditional bakeries still lie nestled amongst European style coffee houses and an array of restaurants that offer the best of world cuisines.

Many famous poets, musicians and artists, such as Luke Kelly and Glen Hansard, have at one stage drawn inspiration from Ranelagh and called this place home. The majority of the locals you will find here today are students and young professionals; they imbue the area with a vibrancy that works in tandem with the slow paced nature of village life. This mix of youth and tradition creates a unique, effortlessly cool yet calm vibe that needs to be experienced first hand to be understood.