Membership Meeting MINUTES Guilford Basketball League
Thursday May 19th, 2016 Guilford Community Center 8pm-9:30pm
In attendance: Bruce Freeman, Chris Gambardella, Phil Goldberg, Damian Lynch, Kevin Lee, Allan Voytek, Bernadette Lafrance.
Meeting called to order. Scoops for Hoops ongoing at Ashleys-fundraiser recognizing Scott Markovich for Double Goal Coach Award and raising funds donated from sales for 2016-2017 scholarships(?$1,000 or so?).
Discussed looking into improved signage to promote early registration in the late summer and fall. Bernadette Lafrance to follow up.
Finances in good shape and Chris G to look into recommendations for fees for 2016-2017 season. Expenses have gone up but with stable cash balance may be able to sustain program for another year at current rates.
Reviewed preliminary dates for 2016 based upon past traditions and also school calendar which was recently published.
Began discussion of survey subcommittee and new rule proposals from Phil Goldberg. Due to low attendance and missing key board members-no voting took place. Some issues that came up for discussion:
· ?allowing press at end of games?
· Improving draft process and logistics
· Consider eliminating rec requirement from 7th and 8th grade players(Bruce Freeman challenged the committee to propose an arrangement that would ensure continued coaching and administrative/commissioner involvement in event several travel players and their volunteer parents took this option-otherwise there would be no one to run or coach the leagues)
· Improve rec practice consistency
· Set clear expectation of vendors for upcoming season to avoid delayed items.
· Establish clear expectations of travel players when playing rec
· Overall 92% had a positive to very positive rec experience
· 95% had a positive experience with child’s coach.
· Due to length of discussions did not get into depth with rule change proposals
o PCA YOUTH COACHING WORKSHOP Wed June 1st 6-7:30 Yale Golf Course
o GBL Meeting Thursday June 16th