Membership Interview
The following is a statement of my faith and my commitment to the body of Christ as I seek to enter membership at my local church.
Home Phone______Work Phone______
Cell Phone______Email______
My Story
Please write below in your own words how you came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Who influenced you to first visit our church?
Requirements To Become A Member
1. I’ve accepted Jesus Christ into my life and know him personally
as my savior and Lord. (Please check the most appropriate statement for you.) Before coming to this church, I was:
__a pre-Christian without active church involvement.
__a Christian but not actively attending a church.
__attending a church but not a Christian.
__a Christian and active member/participant in church.
2. I have been baptized.
__yes, when?______
__planning on it before membership weekend
__let’s talk
3. I’ve completed (or will complete) all my Follower’s Life homework or makeup work including my membership interview appointment:
__will soon (by ______)
__let’s talk
Responsibilities Of Membership
1. I will regularly attend a weekly worship celebration.
__not really
__let’s talk
2. I will be involved in a Life Group for discipleship, nurture and accountability.
__not really
__let’s talk
__already in a group, the leaders are: ______
3. I am committed to consistent tithing to my local church’s ministry
and to go beyond as God leads.
__yes, I am already giving 10% of my income
__not really
__let’s talk about my plan for reaching a tithe
4. I will take advantage of adult education classes for continued learning and discipleship.
__not really
__let’s talk
5. I will, upon completion of my membership interview
appointment, strive to consistently use my spiritual gifts as I
minister to others.
__not really
__let’s talk
After taking the spiritual gifts inventory, in which three gift areas did you score highest?
Gift Score
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
What did you identify as your ministry passion (p. 101 in Following Jesus)?
What is your ministry interaction style (p. 102 in Following Jesus)?
Quadrant 1- People / Quadrant 2- TaskQuadrant 3- Lead, Organize, Plan / Quadrant 4- Support, Behind the Scenes
Based upon your spiritual giftedness, ministry passion, and ministry interaction style, please list any ministry(ies) in which you’re currently involved or in which you would like to serve. Keep in mind our challenge to you to commit to a primary ministry and serve fully there.
What personal spiritual disciplines are you practicing to grow in your faith? (Bible study, prayer, giving, journaling, meditation, fasting, etc.)
Describe how you are growing as a follower of Jesus. How is your life changing as a result of being in relationship with Jesus?
I understand the requirements and responsibilities of membership listed above. I hereby commit myself to the Lord Jesus and his body – the church. I will strive to live out my membership commitments in a way that honors Christ so Christ’s kingdom is advanced.
Date______ Page 4