ABATE of Ohio

Franklin County Minutes

August 3, 2014

Meeting was called to order by Randy Paul at 12:02.

Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence and the mission statement.

No new members or Guest

Welcome by Harley Stock

Roll Call – officers present: Kolman Fuzy, Harley Stock, Randy Paul, Kim Chafin, Tony Losego, Brian Nissley, Monica Leach, J.R. Gantner, and Kathy Gantner

Motion made to waive the reading of the minutes from the July meeting by Robin Pickens – second by Tony Losego. Motion carried

Old Business:

Delaware Night Run – Will be held on Aug. 9th and we will be going to 2 covered bridges and 2 boat launches. Anyone who would like to help with the run, please see Harley. Registration will begin at 4pm at Tavern 42. Flyers are available.

Officers Reports

Treasures report – Kim Chafin

Begin Balance / $1056.00
in / $163.00
out / $216.00
earmark / $60.00
to Abate State / $0
end balance / $943.00

Motion to accept the Treasurers report make by Kolman Fuzy second by Sam Mortley

Yes – 19 No – 0 abstain- 1 Motion carried

Legislative Report – J.R. Gantner

·  Universal Helmet Law – New recommendations were made by US Center for Disease Control and Prevention is based on faulty reasoning, American Motorcyclist Association reports. The task force produced no study of its own. They merely looked at other studies and drew a general conclusion. AMA strongly encourages the use of protective gear, but adults should have the right to voluntarily decide for themselves.

·  Safety Community in DC that is trying to destroy motorcycling as we know it by mixing facts and fiction. All these groups work to influence government for stricter safety regulations. One common factor of all these groups is that they hate motorcycles. The alarm the general public distorted facts and only partial information. Motorcycle deaths are on the rise, BUT so are registrations. By not giving the facts in a consistent way. If fatalities are given per 100,000 registered riders, deaths are down. A fact the safety community do not want published. We need to speak with our elected officials during the August break and ask them to pass another transportation bill that will continue the motorcycle safety grant. Education and awareness is one of the best safety regulations we can have.

·  A Lone complaint forces CHP to remove lane-splitting from the website. A longtime state employee who conducts training sessions claimed that “underground regulations” by distributing guidelines for safe lane splitting. The guidelines were taken off the website denying the public vital safety information. Lane splitting is still allowed in CA, and motorcycle riders use the technique to relieve traffic congestion. But now riders and the public do not have guidelines for safe execution of the technique.

·  A bi-partisan resolution before the US House of Reps congratulates and commends the AMA on its 90th anniversary as the nation’s premier advocate for motorcyclist and the motorcycle lifestyle.

·  Right of way Bill – has been attached to a clean bill and is still in process.

Sue Nissley added - a new law has been given to law enforcement that bicycles have been defined as a vehicle and the regulations concerning their right of way on the roads.

Products – Kolman Fuzy

·  Pricing is being gathered from several local companies and from the company used by Region 8. To keep the cost low, prepayment may be necessary when the shirts are ordered. More information will be brought to the next meeting.

-  Joe Pickens suggested that we get shirts made in the USA. Kolman will look into that option, the cost and what the local companies offer that as an option.

Technology – Tony Losego

·  If any information needs to be added to the website, please send it to him.

Coordinator – Harley Stock

·  Harley attended an event in Delaware put on by the Sisterhood of the Phoenix. He manned the Abate product trailer and was successful in giving out information about Abate at the event.

·  Toy Run – Committee to present plans next meeting. Melissa is working on getting some corporate sponsors to defray the cost of the food line and other expenses of the Toy Run. If you want to participate on the committee, Harley will announce when the next committee meeting will be held.

Co-Coordinator – Brian Nissley

·  Commenting on the new law - Bicycles have their own lane on some city streets, but they also have the responsibility to obey traffic laws.

Regional – Kolman Fuzy

Future dates to keep in mind.

·  Night Run – August 9th

·  Pickaway Anniversary Run – September 20th

·  Toy Run – start gathering auction items.

·  Winter Meeting place – nominations will be taken September through November with voting at the November meeting. New meeting place will begin in December. If you wish to nominate a meeting place, please talk to the owners before bringing it to the meeting.

·  September Meeting – Nominations for 2015 officers will begin and continue through December. Voting for officers will take place during the December meeting.

MRF – Robin Pickins

·  Any tickets that have not been sold for the Abate Foundation Raffle Bike need to be turned into the State office. Or brought to Margaritaville to be sold the night of the raffle. Raffle is August 23 at Margaritaville in Sandusky.

·  MOTM 2014 –information is in the outspoken for those wanting to attend the conference and for those wanting to ride out to Kansas City together. The Abate group will be leaving on Wednesday, staying overnight in Illinois, and arriving at MOTM on Thursday.

·  Bo Essic – has been added as Co-chair for the June Jam Committee 2015.

New Business: -none

Year Pins:

Randy Paul – 8 years

Brian & Sue Nissley – 9 years

Monica Leach – 19 years

Kolman Fuzy – 20 years

Non-ABATE Announcements or Events: none

Comments for the good of the Order:

- Roger Wright – How is the information being given out to the public about the new bicycles laws?

- Sue Nissley – the only way the public receives the information is by getting a ticket or if the news media spreads the information. Look at ORC for more information.

Randy Paul - Motorcycle Ohio has a new CEO Chuck Styler. Chuck said that Motorcycle Ohio is in need of instructors for the Basic Rider Courses. If you are interested, Randy can get you in touch with Chuck.

Motion to Adjourn - by Robin Pickins – second by Brian Nissley.

Buy a day at the office - $59.00

Special Draw – won by Randy Paul – Randy donated $42.00 back.

Submitted by:

Kathy Gantner

Franklin Co. Secretary