Ford Motor Company

Commercial Truck

Special Vehicle Engineering

20901 Oakwood Blvd.

Dearborn, Michigan 48124

Date: February 1, 2016

To: Ford Truck Upfitters, Aftermarket Component Manufacturers and Equipment Installers, NTEA and SEMA Members

Subject: Commercial Truck Measuring Session : 201 7 MY F-Series Super Duty Pickup and Chassis Cab

You are invited to a measuring session for the 2017MY F-Series Super Duty Pickup and Chassis Cab on Wednesday April 27, 2016. At the measuring sessions, attendees will be provided with advanced 2017 product information for the F-Series Super Duty, access to program engineers and be allowed to examine pre-production 2017 vehicles. These vehicles are “production representative” as possible and may aid your development process for future upfits.

The Measuring Sessions will be held at the Ford Conference and Event Center, Dearborn, Michigan.

A total of two measuring sessions will be held on Wednesday April 27th (half-day sessions):

· Morning Session: 8:00AM – 12:00PM

· Afternoon Session: 1:00PM – 5:00PM

Please note sign-in/registration will begin 45 minutes prior to each session.

Due to the expected number of attendees and the limited amount of trucks, we will not allow the use of digital measuring devices (for interior or exterior scanning) during session hours. If you have need to perform digital scanning, contact Ford BBAS for special arrangements, following the event.

You must complete and return (email to ) the attached reservation form no later than March 3 1. Please specify which session is best for you. A confirmation letter with map and list of area hotels will be e-mailed to you shortly after we receive your reservation form. Sessions will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Complete the form on our website: .

SEMA members should direct any questions with regards to this event to Sherry Kollien via e-mail: . Please direct questions or special needs to Ford Truck Body Builders Advisory Service via e-mail: or phone: 877-840-4338.


Ken Tyburski

Ford Commercial Truck Special Vehicle Engineering

Commercial Truck Measuring Session: 201 7 MY F-Series Super Duty

Complete this form and return for attendance to the 2017MY F-Series Super Duty Commercial Truck Measuring Sessions by no later than March 3 1, 2016. The sessions will be held at the Ford Conference and Event Center in Dearborn, Michigan on Wednesday April 27th. Limit two persons per company. Additional openings may be available after March 31th, -- contact BBAS for availability. Maps and hotel information will be e-mailed to attendees with confirmation.

Company: ______________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip Code: _______________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________________________

Fax: ____________________________________________________________

E-Mail: __________________________________________________________

Contact: _________________________________________________________

Please specify the session you like to attend.

Morning Session (8AM to 12 Noon), April 27______________

Afternoon Session (1PM to 5PM), April 27 ______________

OPTIONAL - Please submit questions you would like information on:

Complete the form on our website:

Ford Truck Body Builders Advisory Service

Phone: (877) 840-4338
