NUTR 4301 – Career Exploration in Nutrition & Foods



Are you in the DPD Track? ☐Yes ☐ No: If Yes, Complete this entire form. If NO, you are required to include this form in your portfolio but you do not have to complete the table. However, please include comments at the very end of the table in the comment space.

Expected Date of Graduation:

Directions: The KRDs for individuals graduating from a didactic program are listed on the following pages. Our program strives to provide this knowledge through the curriculum. Please take the time to carefully consider the work you have completed in classes and complete this form as directed. Please complete this form electronically (it is fine of your answers cause the form to extend over more pages). At the end of the form, please include any comments about changes you would like to see in the curriculum.

Column A: Beginning on the next page, review each of the Knowledge Requirements that extend across the top of each section (e.g. KR 1.1) along with the Learning Outcomes in Column A.

Column B: Use the scale to indicate how well confident you are that you achieved the learning outcome in at least one of your classes
1 = not confident; 2 = somewhat confident; 3 = confident; 4 = very confident

Column C: list at least one course (from the list provided) in which you felt you learned this process/knowledge. If you have no experience with the learning outcome, write N/A in Column C.

List of Courses

NUTR / 1362 / Food Systems / NUTR / 4367 / Food Systems - Production Management
NUTR / 1162 / Food Systems Lab / NUTR / 4167 / Food Systems - Production & Mgt. Lab
NUTR / 2360 / Nutrition Science / FCS / 4303 / Research Procedures
NUTR / 2361 / Nutritional Assessment / FCS / 4347 / Family Policy
NUTR / 2362 / Food Science / CHEM / 1341 / General Chemistry I
NUTR / 2162 / Food Science Lab / CHEM / 1342 / General Chemistry II
NUTR / 3363 / Nutrition for Wellness and Fitness / CHEM / 2330 / Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
NUTR / 3366 / Advanced Food Science / CHEM / 2350 / Biochemistry and Metabolism
NUTR / 3166 / Advanced Food Science Lab / BIO / 1320 / Modern Biology I, Molecules, Cells Physiology
NUTR / 4301 / Career Exploration in Nutrition Foods / BIO / 2430 / Human Physiology and Anatomy
NUTR / 4304 / Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals / BIO / 2440 / Principles of Microbiology
NUTR / 4360 / Medical Nutrition Therapy / ACC / 2301 / Accounting in Organizations and Society
NUTR / 4361 / Biochemical Nutrition / AG / 3319 / International Food and Fiber Systems
NUTR / 4362 / Nutrition and Genetics / ENG / 3303 / Technical Writing
NUTR / 4363 / Nutrition Counseling and Education / PSY / 1310 / Introduction to Psychology
NUTR / 4365 / Nutrition in the Life Span
1. Scientific and Evidence Base of Practice: integration of scientific information and research into practice
A. Learning Outcomes / B. Did you achieve?
1 = not confident
2 = somewhat confident
3 = confident
4 = very confident / C. How did you achieve?
[Name/describe at least 1 course from list (by number” and include an example, such as assignment]
KRD 1.1: The curriculum must reflect the scientific basis of the dietetics profession and must include research methodology, interpretation of research literature and integration of research principles into evidence-based practice.
2. Professional Practice Expectations: beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors for the professional dietitian level of practice.
KRD 2.1: The curriculum must include opportunities to develop a variety of communication skills sufficient for entry into pre-professional practice.
KRD 2.2: The curriculum must provide principles and techniques of effective counseling methods.
KRD 2.3: The curriculum must include opportunities to understand governance of dietetics practice, such as the Scope of Dietetics Practice and the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics; and interdisciplinary relationships in various practice settings.
3. Clinical and Customer Services: development and delivery of information, products and services to individuals, groups and populations
KRD 3.1: The curriculum must reflect the principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy and the practice of the nutrition care process, including principles and methods of assessment, diagnosis, identification and implementation of interventions and strategies for monitoring and evaluation.
KRD 3.2: The curriculum must include the role of environment, food, nutrition and lifestyle choices in health promotion and disease prevention.
KRD 3.3: The curriculum must include education and behavior change theories and techniques.
4. Practice Management and Use of Resources: strategic application of principles of management and systems in the provision of services to individuals and organizations
KRD 4.1: The curriculum must include management and business theories and principles required to deliver programs and services.
KRD 4.2: The curriculum must include content related to quality management of food and nutrition services.
KRD 4.3: The curriculum must include the fundamentals of public policy, including the legislative and regulatory basis of dietetics practice.
KRD 4.4: The curriculum must include content related to health care systems.
KRD 4.5: The curriculum must include content related to coding and billing of dietetics/nutrition services to obtain reimbursement for services from public or private insurers.
5. Support Knowledge: knowledge underlying the requirements specified above.
KRD 5.1: The food and food systems foundation of the dietetics profession must be evident in the curriculum. Course content must include the principles of food science and food systems, techniques of food preparation and application to the development, modification and evaluation of recipes, menus and food products acceptable to diverse groups.
KRD 5.2: The physical and biological science foundation of the dietetics profession must be evident in the curriculum. Course content must include organic chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, genetics, microbiology, pharmacology, statistics, nutrient metabolism and nutrition across the lifespan.
KRD 5.3: The behavioral and social science foundation of the dietetics profession must be evident in the curriculum. Course content must include concepts of human behavior and diversity, such as psychology, sociology or anthropology

Comments: Please comment on the nutrition and foods curriculum/courses. What are the strengths of the program? Weaknesses? Are there any specific changes you would like to see?