Math 135 Business Calculus Semester XX

SAMPLE Syllabus



Office Hours:



Course Website:

Textbook: Calculus and Its Applications, 9th Edition, by Bittinger, & Ellenbogen, 2008

Calculators: You may use a non-graphing calculator in this class. A cell phone cannot be used as a calculator in this class.

Homework: It may be beneficial that you require your students to do homework online. Go to and create an account. If this is your first time using mymathlab, you may want to copy my course directly to your account (log-in, click create/copy a course, select copy a course, select copy from another instructor’s course, enter my course ID: Lee50484). If you need help let me know.

Examination Policy:

·  There will be three chapter exams & a comprehensive final exam.

·  Check class schedule for the final exam’s exact date and time

·  NO make-up exam except in extremely special circumstances

The University withdrawal policy will be strictly enforced: (Check Kathleen’s email)

·  MM-DD-YYYY: Last day for students to ADD with a permit. All permits expire at midnight on ______.

·  MM-DD-YYYY: Last day for students to DROP without a grade of “W”. Students drop using Titan Online.

·  MM-DD-YYYY: Last day the Math Department will be flexible on the approval of late withdrawal requests. Beginning MM-DD-YYYY, students must have a serious and compelling reason for withdrawing (e.g. medical reason) and must provide supporting documentation for their reason.

·  MM-DD-YYYY: Last day to withdraw with a truly serious and compelling reason that is clearly beyond the student’s control. Students must document their reason.

Research Project: One two-stage special take-home assignment will be made during the semester. This assignment may be worked in teams of three or four. The project will be assigned during the 6th week of the semester, and approximately three weeks will be allowed for the first stage, and three weeks will be allowed for the second stage. Your score (out of 60 points) will be based upon your written presentation as well as the mathematical content according to the following guidelines:

Mathematical Content (30 points): Your approach, procedure derivations, and calculations should be clear, complete, and correct.

Presentation and Style (20 points): Your project should include the general background of the problem along with your work and conclusions. The report should be a cohesive presentation that a reasonably literate individual who knows calculus can follow and appreciate. The report should not be written up as though you were solving a series of separate homework problems.

Grammar (5 points): You should use correct English.

Mathematical Notation (5 points): You should use correct and appropriate mathematical notation.

Extra Credit (up to 5 points): Any imaginative ideas, mathematical or artistic additions, historical background, etc., which go beyond normal expectations will be rewarded.

Grading: Your grade will be determined from a point system in which the following weighting scheme will be used:

A. Homework / 15%
B. Writing / 10%
C. Chapter Exams / 45%
D. Final Exam / 30%

The grade scale for your score determined from this system (not accounting for adjustments due to the departmental grade scale on the final exam) will be:

97 - 100% A+ 80% - 82.9% B-

93% - 96.9% A 77% - 79.9% C+

90% - 92.9% A- 70% - 76.9% C

87% - 89.9% B+ 60% - 69.9% D

83% - 86.9% B 0% - 59.9% F

Academic Integrity

Students who violate university standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including failure in the course and suspension from the university. Since dishonesty in any form harms the individual, other students, and the university, policies on academic integrity are strictly enforced. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: (1) copying from another student’s homework, quiz, or exam; (2) allowing another student to copy your work; and (3) copying homework solutions from the text solutions manual.

Prerequisite: Passing score on the ELM or exemption; three years of high school mathematics, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry; and Math115 or 125 or equivalent or a passing score on the Mathematics Qualifying Exam (MQE).

Course Objective: Math 135 is designed to provide the students with the knowledge and skills of mathematical analysis and quantitative reasoning. The course provides an overview of the greatest intellectual achievement of humankind, namely, calculus, including derivatives, integrals, and its application to the business and economics, including max-min problems. For the students majoring in accounting, business administration, economics, finance, information systems and decision science, management, and marketing, this course enhances their ability of critical thinking, problem solving, and communicating efficiently these perspectives.

Learning Goals:

(a)  To understand and appreciate the varied ways in which mathematics is used in problem-solving.

(b)  To understand and appreciate the varied applications of mathematics to real-world problems.

(c)  To perform appropriate numerical calculations, with knowledge of the underlying mathematics, and draw conclusions from the results.

(d)  To demonstrate knowledge of fundamental mathematical concepts, symbols, and principles.

(e)  To solve problems that require mathematical analysis and quantitative reasoning.

(f)  To summarize and present mathematical information with graphs and other forms that enhance comprehension.

(g)  To utilize inductive and deductive mathematical reasoning skills in finding solutions, and be able to explain how these skills were used.

(h)  To explain the overall process and the particular steps by which a mathematical problem is solved.

(i)  To demonstrate a sense of mastery and confidence in the ability to solve problems that require mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.

These goals are achieved through the course work, including homework, classroom activities, quizzes, exams, and projects, which require the students to demonstrate understanding of the mathematical concepts presented in the course and to apply these concepts to the solutions of real-world applications.

Learning Goals as a GE Course: This course may be used to satisfy the General Education requirement III.A.1 (III. Disciplinary Learning A. Mathematics and Natural Sciences 1. Mathematics). A grade of C (2.0) or better is required. This course achieves all of the general education learning goals in this category which are:

(a)  To understand and appreciate the varied ways in which calculus is used in problem solving, such as graph sketching, function maximizing-minimizing, etc.

(b)  To understand and appreciate the varied applications of calculus to real-world problems, such as marginal analysis for cost and revenue, profit maximizing, elasticity analysis, etc.

(c)  To perform appropriate numerical calculations, with knowledge of the underlying mathematics, and draw conclusions from the results.

(d)  To demonstrate knowledge of fundamental calculus concepts, symbols, and principles in differentiation and integration.

(e)  To solve problems that require mathematical analysis and quantitative reasoning, such as model fitting, maximum-minimum problems, etc.

(f)  To summarize and present mathematical information with graphs and spreadsheets that enhance comprehension.

(g)  To utilize inductive and deductive mathematical reasoning skills in finding solutions, and be able to explain how these skills were used.

(h)  To explain the overall process and particular steps by which a mathematical problem is solved.

(i)  To demonstrate a sense of mastery and confidence in the ability to solve problems that require mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.

These goals are achieved through the course work, including homework, classroom activities, quizzes, exams, and projects, which require the students to demonstrate understanding of the mathematical concepts presented in the course and to apply these concepts to the solutions of real-world applications.

In the event of an emergency such as earthquake or fire:

·  Take all your personal belongings and leave the classroom (or lab). Use the stairways located at the east, west, or center of the building.

·  Do not use the elevator. They may not be working once the alarm sounds.

·  Go to the lawn area towards Nutwood Avenue. Stay with class members for further instruction.

·  For additional information on exits, fire alarms and telephones, Building Evacuation Maps are located near each elevator.

·  Anyone who may have difficulty evacuating the building, please see the instructor.

Special Needs via the Disabled Student Service Office: Students’ right to accommodations for documented special needs via the Disabled Student Service Office: UH 101, (714) 278-3117, or as documented at

Math 135 Topics Business Calculus

Topics Number of Classes

Chapter 1: Differentiation 8

1.1 Limits and Continuity: Numerically and Graphically

1.2 Algebraic Limits and Continuity

1.3 Average Rates of Change

1.4 Differentiation Using Limits of Difference Quotients

1.5 Differentiation Techniques: Power and Sum Rules

1.6 Differentiation Techniques: Product and Quotient Rules

1.7 The Chain Rule

1.8 Higher – Order Derivatives

Chapter 2: Applications of Differentiation 6-8

2.1 Maximum and Minimum Values and Graph Sketching: Using First Derivatives

2.2 Maximum and Minimum Values and Graph Sketching: Using Second Derivatives

2.3 Graph Sketching: Asymptotes and Rational Functions

2.4 Using Derivatives to Find Absolute Maximum and Minimum Values: Using Derivatives

2.5 Optimization Problems

2.6 Marginals and Differentials

2.7* Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates

Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 6

3.1 Exponential Functions

3.2 Logarithmic Functions

3.3 Applications: Growth

3.4 Applications: Decay

3.6 An Economics Application: Elasticity of Demand

Chapter 4: Integration 6-7

4.1 The Area under a Graph

4.2 Areas, Antiderivatives, and Integrals

4.3 Limits of Sums and Accumulation

4.4 Properties of Definite Integrals

4.5 Integration Techniques: Substitution

4.6* Integration Techniques: Integration by Parts

4.7* Integration Techniques: Tables

Chapter 5: Applications of Integration 6-7

5.1 Consumer’s and Producer’s Surpluses

5.2 Applications of the Models ∫T0P0ektdt and ∫T0P0e-ktdt

5.3 Improper Integrals

5.4 Probability

5.5 Probability: Expected Value; The Normal Distribution

5.6* Volumes

5.7 Differential Equations

Chapter 6: Functions of Several Variables 3-4

6.1 Functions of Several Variables

6.2 Partial Derivatives

6.3 Maximum-Minimum Problems

6.5* Constrained Maximum-Minimum Values: Lagrange Multipliers

Total: 35 - 40

*Instructors should cover a minimum of two (2) of the five (5) sections labeled with asterisks. It is imperative that the topics without asterisks be covered carefully.