Manufacturer: / Catalytic Materials LLC325 Heartland Drive
Pittsboro, NC 27312 / Telephone: 919 918 7638
Fax: 919 918 7638
Product: Graphite Nanofibers
Section 1 Product Identification
Chemical name: Carbon Nanofibers
Formula: Carbon
Chemical Family: Graphite
Other Names: Graphite Nanofibers, Carbon filaments, Carbon Nanochips, Platelet GNF
CAS Number: 7782-42-5
Section 2 Composition and Information Ingredients
Component / % / OSHA (PEL) / ACGIH (TLV)Synthetic graphite / 100 / 15 Mppc / 2.5 mg/m3 respirable dust
Metallic impurities / < 1
Section 3 Hazards Identification
Eye Contact: May cause irritation
Skin Contact: No known hazards, but may be mildly irritant
Inhalation: May cause irritation to respiratory tract and is possibly allergenic.
Ingestion: No known hazards, but may be irritate gastrointestinal tract
Acute and Chronic High concentration of dust may be irritating to eyes, skin, mucous
Health Effects: membranes and respiratory tract.
Section 4 First Aid Measures
Eye exposure: Immediately flush eyes with copious amounts of water for 15 minutes. Consult physician.
Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing, flush skin with water. Wash with soap
Inhalation: Remove individual to fresh air area. If breathing difficulties persists, consult physician.
Ingestion: Not expected to require first aid. If large amounts swallowed, get medical advice.
Section 5 Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point: Not applicable
Explosion limits: Unknown
Extinguishing media Flammable solid. Use carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder or water spray.
Special Procedures: None
Other hazards: Thermal decomposition or combustion may produce dense smoke.
Section 6 Accidental Release Measures
Spill Procedures: Sweep or vacuum
Section 7 Handling and Storage
Handling and storage: Keep in closed container. Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Wash thoroughly after use
Section 8 Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Eye Protection: Use ANSI approved glasses or goggles.
Respiratory Protection: Use of a high efficiency particle respirator.
Skin protection: Impervious gloves and protective clothing is recommended
Ventilation: Laboratory fume hood.
Section 9 Reactivity
Stability: Very stable
Hazardous Decomposition Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, smoke
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
Incompatibility: Strong oxidizing agents
Conditions to avoid: Incompatibles
Section 10 Environmental Information
Ecological effects: Unknown
Section 11 Disposal
Dispose of this material in accordance with local, state and federal regulations
Section 12 Comments
Danger: Flammable irritates skin and eyes.
Employers should use this information only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and should make independent judgment of suitability of this information to ensure proper use and protect the health and safety of employees. This information is furnished without warranty and any use of the product not in conformance with this Material Safety Data Sheet or in combination with any other product or process is the responsibility of the user.
April 21, 2010
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