Marine Mammal Practice Test

31. Which of the following is an effective buoyancy mechanism for whales?

A. blubber

B. rigid gas container

C. swim bladder

D. urea in their blood plasma

49. Sperm whales use a __________ to modify the complex sounds that they produce.

A. spermaceti organ

B. tympanic bulla

C. statocyst

D. lateral line

50. The structure that produces clicks in whales is called a

A. nasal plug

B. lateral line

C. melon

D. labyrinth

53. The aerial phase, or leaping motion, during rapid swimming in dolphins is known as

A. porpoising

B. flying

C. sprinting

D. crossing over

66. The high-frequency sounds used during echolocation are known as

A. ultrasonic

B. infrasonic

C. supersonic

D. megasonic

1. Which of the following is false concerning migrations of marine mammals?

A. They follow oceanic gyres.

B. They are well defined.

C. They are often extensive.

D. They occur 3-4 times per year.

2. California gray whales feed during the summer months in

A. the Bering Sea

B. North Atlantic

C. Baja California

D. Sargasso Sea

3. Most mammals have __________ as a characteristic reproductive trait.

A. paraviviparity

B. viviparity

C. ovoviviparity

D. oviparity

4. The newborns of blue whales can weigh ______ ton(s).

A. 1.

B. 3.

C. 5.

D. 7.

8. ?????? are not air-breathing tetrapods.

A. Aves

B. Mammals

C. Amphibians

D. Reptiles

E. Agnatha

9. Which of the following is not a Mysticete?

A. sperm whale

B. humpback whale

C. fin whale

D. blue whale

10. Sperm whales are capable of diving for periods of time up to

A. 20 minutes

B. 90 minutes

C. 11 minutes

D. 2 minutes

11. Porpoises and other whales store oxygen for use during a deep dive in their

A. blood and muscle tissue

B. swim bladder

12. Which of the following buoyancy mechanisms is used by whales?

A. hydrofoil lift

B. gas bladder

C. fat and oil storage

D. all of the above

e. none of the above

13. Oxygen is transported in vertebrate blood in close chemical association with

A. blood plasma

B. hemoglobin

C. myoglobin

D. white blood cells

14. Gray whales exhibit the most unique feeding of any mysticete in that they consume

A. Arctic seals

B. benthic invertebrates that they suck out of mud

C. penguins

D. schooling anchovies

18. Long-lived aggregations in which killer whales travel are known as

A. pods

B. packs

C. herds

D. flocks

24. Bubble-net feeding is only known to occur in _______ whales.

A. blue

B. humpback

C. killer

D. bowhead

27. True of false? Delayed implantation is a feature of seals.

30. false? California gray whales feed in Baja California and mate in the Bering Sea.

31. false? No marine mammals undergo long-distance seasonal migrations.

32. false? Gestation for marine mammals never exceeds two months.

33. True Killer whales give birth to live young.

48. True Mysticete whales all filter feed on planktonic crustaceans or small shoaling fishes.

56. True Killer whales are the only cetacean known to eat other marine mammals consistently.

1. false? Whales and porpoises have no dorsal fins as most fish do because they evolved from land mammals.

2. True Marine mammals are usually quite large because large size provides a low surface area to volume ratio.

3. True Unlike land mammals, marine mammals have gestation periods that last about one year.

4. True Most species of large whale's alternate between cold-water feeding grounds in the summer and warm-water breeding grounds in the winter.

5. True The harbor seal is a tetrapod.

6. false? Myoglobin is an oxygen-carrying pigment found in the blood of vertebrates.

7 True.Sperm whales frequently feed on deep-water squid.

57. True Killer whale pods are matrilineal.

62. True A mature blue whale might engulf as much as 70 tons of water in a single mouthful.

63. True The feeding method used by rorquals is engulfment feeding.

64. True of false? Mysticete whales never employ echolocation. (NO ONE IS REALLY SURE)

65. True Overexploitation from whalers has caused a shift in the reproductive parameters of minke whales.

70. True The melon in a dolphin is located in front of the brain.

71. True The melon contains the spermaceti organ in the sperm whale.