Marin Day Schools Infant / Toddler Needs and Services Plan
Name:____________________________Birth date:_________________
School Schedule: Days__________________Hours:_________________
General temperament of your child:_____________________________
Your child enjoys:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Your child dislikes:__________________________________________
What is most important in the care of your child?___________________
Are there any specific needs of your child you would like met? _______
Security and Sleep Patterns
Usual wake time (am)_______________ Sleep time (pm)_______________
How many naps daily?_______________ How long?___________________
Does you child sleep through the night?_____If no, how many times up at
What security items does your child use? (Pacifier, blanket, stuffed animal,
How does your child usually go to sleep?_____________________________
Does your child usually cry? __________For how long?_________________
If your child wakes during nap, can s/he be comforted back to sleep?
Do you go to your child immediately or wait a few minutes?_______________
Feeding Plan
Bottle or breast fed?__________Type of Formula/Milk__________________
How many ounces are typical for each feeding?________________________
How frequently does your child have a bottle?_________________________
What solid food does your child eat?_________________________________
How frequently does your child eat?________________________________
Does your child drink juice?______water?_______use a tippy cup?________
Favorite foods:_______________________________________________
Allergies or food sensitivities:_____________________________________
Type of diapers used:________________Brand of disposable:____________
How frequently does your child need to be changed?_____________________
Type of wipes used:____________Plain water or soap solution:____________
Special cream, ointment, powders used:_____________________________
Allergic reactions/sensitivities:___________________________________
Any unusual bowel or bladder problems?_____________________________
Toilet Training
Date started:______________Words used at home:____________________
Patterns, routines and methods:___________________________________
Progress information:
Day time: Bladder________________ Bowel______________________
Night time: Bladder________________ Bowel______________________
Nap time: Bladder________________ Bowel______________________ Toilet or
potty chair?___________Training pants or pull ups?____________
Developmental History
Which of the following does your child currently do? You are welcome to add
any information?
Smiles________ Sits propped_________
Holds head up______ Sits independently_______
Holds head steady_______ Sits in a child size chair________
Rocks on all fours_______ Creeps around crib_________
Rolls over: Grasps objects with both hands______
Front to back_________ Holds items in one hand_________
Back to front_________ Follows objects with eyes________
Pulls self up_________ Makes requests__________
Crawls_________ Talks________
Climbs__________ Walks with assistance_________
Stands with assistance_______ Walks alone__________
Stands alone_________ Other_________________________
Does your child have any disabilities or health concerns? If yes, please
explain in detail (special routines that need to be followed, special
exercises, regular medication, special equipment,
Parent’s signature______________________ Date___________________
Caregiver’s signature____________________ Date___________________
Next update due: (issued quarterly)________________________________