Mandarin Introduction 2012-2013

Week / 1 / Lesson / Grade / 6th grade
Topic / Get to know each other / Time / 2 weeks
l  To get to know each other
l  To learn to say the daily greetings
l  To learn about the fundamental knowledge about China (Asia, capital, etc)
l  To learn the course requirements (esp. classroom behavior)
Day 1 Hello, China! 你好,中国!
Learn to say hello in Chinese and talk generally about China.
l  Lead-in: Get to know each other (T introduces herself/name, laoshi; SS introduce their names and hobbies; T announces classroom requirements)
Q & A: Why do you want to learn Chinese? (kongfu, pandas, food, …); what do you know about China?
Directions: T encourages SS to ask questions about the country, language and culture (using maps, PPT slides, posters and other classroom decorations as clues).
Location, the shape of Chinese map, 9.6 million square kilometers,
Capital, major cities
Mount Everest – the highest mountain peak, the Yangtze River – the 3rd largest river, population,
56 nationalities (PPT, pictures of the major ethnic groups)
What do you know about the Chinese language? (initials, finals, tones, characters, using charts)
l  Conversation: 你好,黄老师。你好,...。再见。
l  Practice: Shake hands and say hello (Wave hands and say hello)
Directions: T and SS go around the classroom, shake/wave hands and greet to each other.
l  Wrap-up: Assign homework (teach your family how to say Nihao and Zaijian)
Day 2 Greeting Rhyme-1 问候歌-1
Learn the words and phrases in daily greeting.
l  Lead-in: T greets SS by using what has been learnt, and introduces the rhyme. (handouts)
l  Vocab. study: Make your own flash cards (pinyin, hanzi, meaning). – T explains the tones
Directions: T asks SS to pronounce the new words one by one. Those who can correctly pronounce the words and say the correct meaning will be give a colored slip. SS write the pinyin of that word on the paper slip (initial, final, tone). T collects the flashcards.
l  Word game: Say the words – who is faster?
Students play a round of Paper, Rock and Scissors. The winners stand on the left side. They compete with each other and see who is faster to correctly pronounce the word. The winner either stays or goes to the winner side. After a few rounds, SS go back to their seats, and T distributes the cards to them. SS write the English meaning on the other side. Then T recollects the cards and the class do the game again. This time T shows the English meaning and SS speak out the Chinese.
l  Wrap-up: HW-try to read the rhyme.
Day 3 Greeting Rhyme-2 问候歌-2
Learn and practice the greeting rhyme.
l  Lead-in: T checks SS vocabulary. (Use the flashcards made by SS)
Learning the greeting rhyme: Students follow the teacher (clap and bend at 3rd tone). For small class size, ask everyone to repeat each line. Then split the lines according to the function of each (students say to each other, to the teacher, teacher to students…). Ask the students to play the role of teacher.
l  Simulation: Wave hands and say hello
Directions: Students walk around the hallway with two/three playing the role of teacher. They say hello to each other.
l  Wrap-up:
Day 4 How Are You? 你好吗?
Learn to say the major cities in these countries; talk about which city you are from; learn about the city of Beijing (landmarks)
l  Review: your self-introduction
l  Lead-in: Do you know these cities? What can you find in these cities? (PPT/flashcards;Pinyin worksheets; how the cities are expressed in Chinese?)
l  Q & A: Which city do you want to live?
Sentence patterns: 我从北京来。(Handouts; 我从Indiana来。)
Cultural Background: Do you know these places in Beijing?
l  Wrap-up: HW (find out the major cities in China, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi’an, etc)
Day 5 The City of Beijing
Learn more about the historic interests in Beijing; make a paper-cut of Tian’anmen Square
l  Review:
l  Lead-in: Matching (Cities and historical interests); Video (Beijing Welcomes You)
l  Word study: Color all 北京 and you will get a landmark in 北京.
l  Project: Make a paper-cut of Tian’anmen Square
l  Wrap-up: Summarize the week and preview the following week


Name tags students make.

Paper-cutting cards 7th-graders make

Chinese dishes menu 8th graders make: