Managing Your Online Identity

Living online is all about managing what information is associated with your name and using that information to brand yourself to the world.

The Golden Rules:

1. Deleting does not mean deleted--think of everything you do online as permanent!

2. You will be judged by the company you keep--your friends speak volumes about you!

3. Treat others as you wish to be treated!

4. Grammar and spelling ALWAYS count!

Presenting Yourself Online...

· Consider Google your reputation management system.

· Know that even if you don’t make a digital footprint, someone else will be making it for you.

· Always conduct yourself with the highest standards even when you think no one else will see.

Personal vs. Professional

· Make an active choice in how to engage with social media.

· What information do you want to share with... employers, family, friends, etc.?

o What contact information will you share?

o Who will the primary audience be for each platform?

o What content will they see (unique posts, shares, linked applications, etc.)?

Major Networking Sites

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Slideshare

Google+ Google Scholar Orchid

Creating a Brand & Crafting Your Persona

· Always be in charge of creating the persona that you want to appear online.

· Start with consistency across your platforms. Use the same...

Profile photo Bio statement

Contact information Title/Job Description

Handles or screen names

· Always be creating original content--new content keeps your site relevant to search tools.

Warren D. Allen Music Library 2014

Created by: Patrick Fulton & Sara Nodine