Definition of Manager

For purposes of this section, Managers shall include all: Vice-Presidents, Deans, Directors, Managers, and Coordinators.

Purposes of Management Evaluations

Evaluations serve a number of important purposes for both the manager and the manager’s supervisor at the College of the Sequoias.

Evaluations provide managers:

n  Feedback on their work quality;

n  Feedback on their overall work performance;

n  Feedback on their work behavior;

n  Feedback on strengths and weaknesses;

n  An opportunity to gain insights into the supervisors perceptions of work performance;

n  An opportunity to become aware of the supervisor’s concerns;

n  An opportunity to learn what the supervisor views as important to be successful at the College; and

n  An opportunity to learn how to improve and enhance performance.

Evaluations provide the manager’s supervisor the opportunity to:

n  Provide feedback to managers;

n  Critique manager’s work performance;

n  Recognize managers’ achievements and accomplishments;

n  Recognize contributions managers have made to the College;

n  Recognize measurable progress or improvements made in manager’s performance;

n  Identify managers work strengths and weaknesses; and

n  Provide managers with guidance and suggestions for improvement.

Management Evaluation Schedule

Managers shall be evaluated at the conclusion of his/her first twelve months in the management position.

Thereafter, managers shall be evaluated every two years or as deemed necessary.

(Note: For continuing managers, evaluations shall take place during the month of October).

Management Evaluation Process

A.  Notification: The Office of Human Resources will notify the manager and the manager’s supervisor when the manager is due for an evaluation.

Along with the notification, the Office of Human Resources shall provide the following to both the manager and the manager’s supervisor:

  1. A copy of this document;
  2. A job description (of the manager to be evaluated);
  3. The Management Evaluation Report (see below);
  4. Manager Self-Evaluation Report (see below).

B.  Manager’s Supervisor completes his/her portion of the Evaluation Report.

C.  Manager completes Self-Evaluation and submits a copy to his/her supervisor prior to the Evaluation Meeting.

D.  Manager’s Supervisor provides a copy of the Evaluation Report to the Manager prior to a formal Evaluation Meeting: After receiving and reviewing the Self-Evaluation, the manager’s supervisor will submit the completed Evaluation Report to the manager. At that time, a date (at least five working days from submission and receipt of the Evaluation Report) will be scheduled for the manager and the manager’s supervisor to discuss the Evaluation Report and Self Evaluation.

E.  Evaluation Meeting: At the Evaluation Meeting, the manager and the manager’s supervisor will discuss the contents of the Evaluation Report and Self-Evaluation.

  1. At the conclusion of the Evaluation Meeting, the manager will sign the Evaluation Report. However, his/her signature only acknowledges the Evaluation Report has been discussed with him/her. The signature does not necessarily mean the manager agrees with it.
  2. Within five working days of the signature date on the Evaluation Report, the manager may also request a review of his/her Evaluation Report with his/her manager’s supervisor’s immediate supervisor. This meeting shall take place as soon as possible after the request. The Evaluation Report may only be changed if it was based upon fraud or mistake.

F.  Manager Comments: Following the Evaluation Meeting; the manager will have the option of attaching additional comments to his/her Evaluation Report before it is placed within his/her personnel file.

The manager shall provide the Office of the Human Resources and his/her supervisor with a copy of his/her comments he/she wishes to attach to the Evaluation Report.

The Evaluation Documents

A.  Management Evaluation Report

B.  Manager Self-Evaluation

College of the Sequoias

Management Evaluation Report

Employee Name: / Management Position:
Department: / Supervisor’s Name:
Date of Last Evaluation: / Date of Evaluation:
1.  Performance deficient and requires immediate improvement / 4.  Performance frequently exceeds expected standards
2.  Improvement needed for performance to meet expected standards / 5.  Performance consistently exceeds expected standards
3.  Performance meets expected standards
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Performance Factors / Comments are required for each performance factor. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
1. management skills: Consider quality of work; quantity of work; planning; use of judgment; problem solving; resource management; accountability; personnel decisions; knowledge of job.
2. working relationships: Consider relationships; attitude; ability to communicate (both written and oral); and trustworthiness.
3. leadership skills: Consider creativity and innovation; credibility of leadership; risk-taking; staff development; is informed; sets goals; and commitment to diversity.
4.  personal abilities/qualities: Consider self-motivation; openness to change; knowledge of position; seeks professional growth; flexibility; contributes to positive staff morale; ability to remain calm in crisis situations; and respects ethics of profession.
5.  Quality/Quantity of Work: Consider extent to which completed work is accurate, well organized, thorough, effective, and timely.

Additional Comments:

Manager Self-Evaluation
Manager Name:
Job Title:
Review Period:

GOALS ACCOMPLISHED (since last evaluation)

General overview of department and personal progress (including meeting the needs of the department while participating on committees and/or outside organizations):

Goals accomplished:

Goals in progress:


Areas for improvement:

Support needed to achieve desired results:


Additional Comments:

Signature: Date: