MSITA Quick Start - E-Learning

Assigning E-Learning to Students

E-Learning can be used as a classroom activity or as independent study. Most ITA teachers use the E-Learning as a supplemental resource to classroom instruction. E-Learning includes quizzes, tutorials and student practice files, and can offer students a blended learning experience. Microsoft E-Learning was developed for a broad audience and does not include a grading scale or instructor keys.

This guide is meant to get you started with the least amount of steps. For full details and descriptions see the E-Learning Getting Started Guide, under Getting Started in the ITA Member site (steps 1-3 below).

Create a Microsoft Account

Ø Go to and complete the fields to create your account – you will need to go back to your email and verify your account.

Launch ITA Member Site

1. Copy and paste this link into your browser:

2. Enter your Microsoft Account and password, click

a. For first-time sign in, you will need to enter your ITA Member ID (nine or ten digit number starting with 1203, 700 or 768)

3. Click My Academy on the home page

4. Click Curriculum

5. Click

a. Complete profile page upon first-time sign in

E-Learning Quick Start Process

This is the recommended process for the quickest method of assigning E-Learning. If you wish to import your students as Users, see Appendix below before getting started here.

Process: Groups > Learning Plans > Access Codes

Step 1 - Create Groups

Creating groups allows you to keep your students organized in the system, and allows reporting by teacher and by class period. If you only have one class, or you wish to keep all of your students (regardless of class period) under just one group, skip sub-group steps (4-7 below).


2. Type in your name (ex: Ms. Doe)

3. Click When group name appears on left, you know your group has been saved.

4. To create sub-groups, click from the top left corner of your screen

5. Type name of your course/class period then

6. Select your name from drop down menu and

7. Continue this process until you have created groups for each of your class periods. When the group name appears on the left, you know it has been saved. Once your groups have been created, proceed to Learning Plans.

Step 2 - Create Learning Plans

Learning Plans are simply a set of specific courses you group together to assign to students all at one time.


2. Note- you can use Learning Plans created by other teachers, just open the plan to view the content

3. Click Select Academic All Library then click

4. Click for full list of courses

a. Select your language preference, if applicable

b. To narrow your results, use the search box

5. Check the box next to the courses you would like to include in this Learning Plan

6. Click to move the courses into your plan

7. Click Continue then Save – you will see your Plan show up in the list of Learning Plans on the left

Step 3 - Create Access Codes


2. Select the Learning Plan you want to assign and you will see a box appear for your Access Code settings

3. Enter the number of students for the particular class period you are assigning +10 extras for late additions


Tip - type in your initials + course abbreviation (ex: LSCA1). Note, this is not required, if left blank the system will create one for you.

Do not add spaces or special characters

5. Select the Group that corresponds to this class period

6. Click and code will appear at the bottom of the screen

7. Click to email the code to yourself then Distribute code and instructions to students

You are almost there! Read the important information below before launching with your students.

Student E-Learning Access

Students will need a Microsoft Account to access E-Learning. They can create a Microsoft Account using any email address just as you did. Before your students create their accounts you must Whitelist your IP address. You can do this quickly by completing this simple online form. Do this at least 2-3 days before assigning the E-Learning. TIP: Don’t know your IP address? Visit

Districts and schools NOT allowing student email accounts

If your school does not allow student email, you can create accounts on their behalf using the IT Academy Log-in ID Creator. These accounts will give students a valid user name and password to activate E-Learning. However, the email accounts are not functional. You do not need to whitelist your IP address if using this method.

DO NOT enter students as Users in the E-Learning Central site if you use the Log-in ID Creator. Use the access code process outlined above to assign E-Learning courses. The Log-in ID tool can be found on the IT Academy member site (steps 1-4 in ITA Member Site above).

My Academy > Curriculum> E-Learning > Create Microsoft Accounts

Prepare your Lab Computers

It is recommended that you scan your lab computers to be sure they are compatible with the E-Learning. Click here to run the scan from your lab computers:

Need Help? Contact us:

ITA Customer Support

For customer support, call 1-800-508-8454 or email . Customer support hours are 9:30am ‑ 8:30pm EST / 6:30am – 5:30pm PST. To validate your identity you will be asked to answer 3 of the following questions regarding your school:

· ITA member ID number

· ITA School Name

· School Address

· School Phone Number

· Program Administrator’s Name

· Program Administrator’s Email Address

Student E-Learning Support

If students are having trouble viewing or loading E-Learning courses, they can click the Contact Us button on the bottom of the screen to contact the tech support team via Live Chat, phone or email.


Importing Students to E-Learning Central Site

Student accounts will be created automatically once a student activates an access code through the recommended process outlined above. However, if you wish to import or manually create the student accounts in E-Learning Central, read the requirements below.

a. Courses must be assigned via the Learning Plan assignment process - do not create an access code

i. Requires that students have a fully functioning E-mail address

ii. Requires that the instructor create a Learning Plan

b. When a Learning Plan is assigned to a student, an automated email with an activation link is sent to the student(s) School Email address (the email address you entered into the User account)

c. When the student clicks on the activation link in the email and signs in with their Microsoft Account, the courses are available to the student. They are found in the “My Learning” section.

Do not pre-load students into E-Learning Central and then distribute access codes -this process will not work.

Learning Plan Assignment Process:

Users > Groups > Learning Plans

Ø Import Users – students can be entered individually, as a class or an entire school

Ø Follow steps 1 and 2 above to Create Groups then and

Ø Follow Learning Plan steps above, plus

For full details, see E-Learning Getting Started Guide in the ITA Member Site > Getting Started (follow steps 1-3 in ITA Member Site above, and click Getting Started).

Updated November 14, 2012