Coosa Pines Golf Club was established in 1952 by Kimberly Clark Corporation in order to furnish their employees a place to play golf and gather for both company and community events. The course itself evolved from three holes to nine and then finally culminating in eighteen holes in 1986. The club is operated as a private facility but due to demand a limited amount of play is allowed to the general public. The 6,429-yard, par 72 has challenges around every corner and is maintained to please the most demanding golfer.
- Benefits of Membership -
*20 % discount on your guest’s golf fees playing along with you or a family member
* discounted cart fees
*opportunity to play in member only events
*ability to charge to a member account and pay monthly
*preferred tee times
* discounted use of Banquet/Restaurant Facility
Coosa Pines Golf Club possesses all of the necessary facilities to improve your game and provide the highest amount of enjoyment. The club has a driving range, chipping practice green and putting green to encourage improvement in every phase of the game.
- MGA (Men’s Golf Association) -
The MGA is an organization started by members during the early years of the clubs history. This group was formed to have a regular game for all skill levels. Members pay a yearly fee and sign up to play up to five days a week (Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun) all year long. It is open to all male members of the club that possess a current USGA handicap. To be a part of this organization, please inquire in the Golf Shop.
The Ladies Golf Association at Coosa Pines Golf Club also exists to provide Ladies with the same opportunity as the male members. To be a part of this organization, please inquire in the Golf Shop.
The club regularly host tournaments of all types providing local organizations, clubs, schools and other non profit groups the ability to raise money through the use of our facility. The major events hosted by the Club include the Member/Member/Guest, the Club Championship, the Junior Club Championship, the Senior Club Championship and the Catfish Classic (two-person scramble). Other events are hosted from time to time and are announced in the club’s monthly newsletter.
Lockers are available for an annual fee. The club is also a member of The United States Golf Association allowing us to provide a handicapping service for our club members. Subscription to the handicap system allows you to post scores here at the club or on the internet @
- RESTAURANT / Banquet Facility -
Coosa Pines possesses a comfortable restaurant / bar area that is open daily and doubles as a Banquet/Event Center. The restaurant features a scenic back patio overlooking the eighteenth green, a huge television for that favorite team gathering along with a full service kitchen/bar. This area is perfect for your next luncheon, club gathering or golf event. Coosa Pines members receive discounted prices for use of the facility.
Membership Opportunities
The following memberships are presently offered at Coosa Pines Golf Club with one year contractual terms:
The Family Membership – qualifies all members of an immediate family for a one year period
Initiation $200 Monthly Dues $125
The Single Membership – qualifies a single individual for a one year period Initiation $200 Monthly Dues $100
The Resolute Membership is open to all active employees or retires at Resolute Forest Products.
No Initiation Monthly Dues $100
The School Age Membership is open to individuals under 23 years old and enrolled in a high school, college or university. No initiation Monthly Dues $40
For a tour of the facilities or other information, please contact the golf shop. Or you may visit us @ on the internet
Coosa Pines Golf Club
16615 Plant Road, Childersburg, AL 35044
Attention Course Operator:
I solicit membership to your Club. I the undersigned, do herby make a commitment to pay dues as a member of Coosa Pines Golf Club for ONE YEAR from the day of this contract’s beginning date. I do understand that I may be subject to dues increases at the conclusion of this year.
I further understand that my membership, if approved, will be subject to the following. 1) No part of the initiation fee is refundable. 2) Failure to conform to all Club rules and policies will result in forfeiture of membership. 2) Payment in full for prior month charges is due and payable by the 25th of the following month. Any check returned “insufficient funds” will be justifiable cause for forfeiture of membership. 4) I will be responsible for any debts incurred by myself, family members or my guests for charges to my account at Coosa Pines Golf Club. In the event that services of an attorney are required to collect any delinquent monies, I will be liable for all attorney fees and collection cost. 5) All changes to membership status must be in writing. 6) Rejection of this application may be made without explanation to me
Signature: Date:
******* Application must have signature and date or contract will be rejected ******
Type of Membership Applied For (check one)
Family Membership_____ Single Membership_____ Resolute Membership_____
School Age Membership ____
Home Address___________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone____________________________________ Business Phone___________________________________________
Social Security #____________________________________Drivers License #_______________________________________
Email address ____________________________________________Spouses name____________________________________
Referred by: ____________________________________________________________________________(Coosa Pines Member)
Names of Children “in household” (children must be in household to qualify for a “family” membership)
___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Credit Reference: (Must be a Banking institution & Checking Account Number)
Bank Acct. #