MAPP Vision Statements
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MAPP Vision Statements
(Examples from MAPP Users in the United States)
Northern Kentucky
MAPP Vision Statement (adopted 2001) :
“A healthy community is one that is safe, knowledgeable and engaged, nurturing, diverse, tolerant and has access to health care. A healthy community has a strong Local Public Health System that includes planning and policy development, shared leadership, accountability, responses to challenges, and protects and promotes the health and well being of neighborhoods and their residents.”
MAPP Vision Statement ( revised 2008) :
“Thriving people living healthy lifestyles in a vibrant community.”
Lee County , Florida
MAPP Vision Statement:
“LEE COUNTY 2010, Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Caring Community”
Atlantic County , New Jersey
MAPP Vision Statement:
“An Atlantic County where our diverse population is committed to a safe, caring and clean environment that provides:
· excellent educational and career opportunities
· quality health care for all
· community centers with recreational cultural and outreach programs
· an extensive transportation system with access to all locations within the county.”
DeK alb County , Georgia
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Healthy people living in healthy communities.”
Se minole County , Florida
MAPP Vision Statement :
“To promote and develop a comprehensive, seamless and sustainable healthcare system in Seminole County.”
McHenry County , Illinois
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Our community embraces the belief that health is more than merely the absence of disease. A healthy community includes those elements that encourage people to maintain a high quality of life and productivity while respecting diversity. A healthy McHenry County reflects the following values: pride, respect, involvement, accountability and wellness.”
Envisioning a Healthy Arlington : Destination 2017 , Arlington , Virginia
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Arlington is a vibrant and diverse community with a public health system that serves and protects the community and that promotes optimal health and well-being of all of its residents, employees, commuters, and visitors.”
East Tennessee Regional Health Council
MAPP Vision Statement:
“All stakeholders in East Tennessee will be engaged in creating conditions for improved health and quality of life.”
State of Florida
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Communities achieving improved health and quality of life by mobilizing partnerships and taking strategic action.”
Chicago , Illinois
MAPP Vision Statement:
“A responsive, sustainable public health system that, through cooperative efforts, planning and policy development, a broad focus on health promotion and disease prevention, and shared leadership and accountability, is positioned to respond to current and future public health challenges, and protects and promotes the health and well-being of all Chicago communities, residents and visitors, particularly the most disadvantaged.”
Fountain Valley Healthy Community Initiative (FVHCI) , El Paso County , Colorado
MAPP Vision Statement:
“A community owned process that creates a healthier Fountain for this and future generations through assessing needs, filing gaps, evaluating impact and ensuring accountability.”
Garrett County , Maryland
MAPP Vision Statement:
· “Where all individuals are empowered to accept personal responsibility for their own health, as well as that of their family and their community through a holistic approach to wellness and respect for self and others,
· Where individuals of all ages have access to education and resources to make healthy choices for a lifetime,
· Where all individuals have access to facilities and an active community design including a healthy environment,
· Where all have a commitment to the continual evaluation and quality improvement of health outcomes, the community health system and supporting infrastructure.”
Magoffin County , Kentucky
MAPP Vision Statement:
“To have a safe, clean, healthy, family-oriented, drug free, united community with opportunities for economic, educational, recreational and personal development.”
Achieving a Healthier Gloucester County , Gloucester County , New Jersey
MAPP Vision Statement:
“To provide a healthier future for Gloucester County residents through community partnership and involvement.”
Ocean County , New Jersey
MAPP Vision Statement:
“A unique community where all are empowered to access opportunities and resources to achieve a healthy and fit lifestyle.”
Nashville , Tennessee
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Healthy Nashville seeks to improve health and quality of life for those who live, work, learn, worship and play in Nashville.”
Delaware County , Ohio
MAPP Vision Statement:
“A welcoming environment where all can thrive and enjoy emotional and physical wellbeing.”
Columbus , Ohio
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Quality health care and a high quality of life for every citizen in Franklin County (as a right for every member of the community).”
San Antonio , Texas
MAPP Vision Statement:
“A safe, healthy, and educated community in which all individuals can achieve their optimum physical, cultural, social, mental, and spiritual health – today, tomorrow, and en el futuro.”
South Carolina , Region 5
MAPP Vision Statement:
“Creating healthy communities by improving the health and well-being of all residents.”