David J. Mulder
525 2nd Ave. NE
Sioux Center, Iowa 51250
Home Phone (712) 722-0359
As an enthusiastic and passionate Christian teacher trained to teach all classroom subjects K-6 and with experience teaching several subjects in middle schools, I would be an excellent instructor for undergraduate methods courses.
M.Ed. Candidate in Curriculum and Instruction, Dordt College
Thesis Title: “A Standards-Based Assessment System in a Christian Middle School Science Classroom”
1994-1998 B.A. Elementary Education, Dordt College
Fall 2006- Present: Adjunct Instructor of Education
Dordt College, Sioux Center, IA
· Courses Taught:
§ Methods for Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle Schools (Fall 2007 – present)
§ Methods for Teaching Social Studies in Elementary and Middle Schools (September 2006 – December 2006)
August 2001-Present: Teacher
Sioux Center Christian School, Sioux Center, IA
· Teach two sections of 8th grade science, two sections of 7th grade science, and one section of 7th grade Bible in a junior high setting of approximately 90 students.
· Design, implement, and assess units of study.
· Collaborate with colleagues in planning and presenting multidisciplinary units.
· Lead staff development in curriculum and instruction.
· Chairperson of the Science Curriculum Committee, 2007 – present.
· Chairperson of the Chapel Committee, 2003 – 2007.
August 1998-June 2001: Teacher
Calvin Christian School, Escondido, CA
· Taught two sections each of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade mathematics in a junior high setting of approximately 160 students.
· Designed, implemented, and assessed units of study.
In Press: Technology Connects: Chemistry (Level I). Albuquerque, NM: Gravitas Publications.
A supplemental workbook for the Chemistry (Level I) curriculum. Offers explanations of technological applications of chemistry topics studied in the general chemistry curriculum.
October 2007. “Don’t Study Science”.
An examination of current thinking of “best practices” in science education.
Presented at Heartland Christian Teachers’ Convention at Dordt College
October 2007. “Ahab vs. Elijah: A Backward-Designed, Differentiated Unit Plan”.
Aimed at encouraging teachers to employ backward design and differentiation strategies in their classrooms, I shared a Bible unit I teach to my grade 7 students from planning to assessment.
Presented at Heartland Christian Teachers’ Convention at Dordt College
August 2007. “No Boredom Allowed”.
An exposition of current research on sources of boredom in classrooms, and strategies teachers can employ to reduce student boredom.
Presented at a joint inservice meeting for teachers from Sheldon, Sanborn, and Ocheyeden Christian Schools.
August 2007. “Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners”.
A full-day workshop designed to help teachers explore and understand the unique learning profiles of their students, and tailor instruction to those profiles through differentiated instruction.
Presented at Cono Christian School, Walker, IA.
October 2006. “No Boredom Allowed”.
An exposition of current research on sources of boredom in classrooms, and strategies teachers can employ to reduce student boredom.
Presented at Heartland Christian Teachers’ Convention at Dordt College.
October 2005. “Keep It Cool: an Interdisciplinary Math and Science Unit”.
A summary of a multidisciplinary integrated unit prepared and taught by junior high teachers at Sioux Center Christian School during the Spring of 2005.
Presented at Heartland Christian Teachers’ Convention at Dordt College.
March 2005. “A Response to Arthur Jones’ Keynote: Problems and
Challenges in Science Education”.
Presented at B.J. Haan Educators’ Conference, Dordt College.
March 2005. “Food Labs”.
An action lab presented to fellow science teachers.
Presented at B.J. Haan Educators’ Conference, Dordt College.
Dr. Dennis Vander Plaats, Professor of Education, Dordt College
(712) 722-6331,
Timothy Van Soelen, Instructor of Education, Dordt College
(712) 722-6228,
Dana Broers, Junior High Teacher, Sioux Center Christian School
(712) 722-3359,