Resources at a Glance

Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) & Work-Life/Wellness Resource

Print this document for convenient access to information about LifeWorks’ services, contact numbers, website addresses/log-in credentials, and more. You may also contact your Customer Success Manager directly, or a member of the Account Support team at or 1-866-267-6255.

Telephonic Program Access / Contact your toll-free EAP line @ 1-877-207-8833 (Français : 1 877 307-1080)
·  Available 24/7/365 in French and English.
·  Telephonic intake support available in 140 languages through our translation service. / Your gateway to hundreds of helpful articles and resources, as well as to information about LifeWorks services. Log in using the following credentials:
English access: Username: XXXXXXXXXX Password: XXXXXXXX
French access: Username: XXXXXXXXXX Password: XXXXXXXX
Online Program Administrator Access
(HR admin website) / Visit this companion website for program administrators regularly to access promotional and support materials, including topical flyers, recorded webinars, survey reports, research articles, and more.
·  Log in to the site using the same username and password you use to log in to
·  Visit to access links to a recorded website tutorial. You can copy/paste this link into an email for other program administrators and managers.
Management Consultation / Contact the EAP @ 1-877-207-8833 to request a confidential management consultation. Whether your issue pertains to an organizational change, performance concern, or about how best to have a difficult discussion with an employee, a management consultant can provide coaching and support.
Important: We are not in a position to interpret your organization’s policies, and we will direct you to consult with your organization’s HR professionals, if required.
Monitored Referral / Contact the EAP @ 1-877-207-8833 to request a confidential management consultation to discuss the appropriateness of a monitored referral. A monitored referral requires that an employee connect with the EAP as part of a formal performance improvement/management plan. If deemed appropriate, we will provide the required documentation to initiate the service and to secure releases of information.
Important: We are not in a position to interpret your organization’s policies, and we will direct you to consult with your organization’s HR professionals, if required.
Concerns About an Employee / If you have concerns about an employee due to a decline in performance; increased absenteeism; or increased emotional inconsistency, fragility, or volatility, you should share your concerns confidentially with the employee. If you feel the employee is at imminent risk of harm to self or others, contact emergency services immediately or accompany him/her to the hospital.
·  If you do not deem the employee to be at imminent risk, encourage him/her to call the EAP @
·  If the employee states that s/he is not comfortable calling the EAP, ask if you can place a call together. This will enable you to share your reasons for concern with our triage team, while ensuring we can connect the employee with a professional to support him/her with a safety plan.
Crisis Management / Contact LifeWorks any time @ 1-877-207-8833 to request support for a critical incident such as a workplace tragedy, trauma, or an organizational restructuring/termination.
·  We will connect you with a specialist to: 1) assess the situation and determine an appropriate intervention; 2) provide support, guidance, and information; 3) coordinate the service intervention.
Training & Development / LifeWorks offers more than 100 employee and workplace effectiveness seminars, ranging from stress management and work-life fit strategies to conflict resolution, parenting, budgeting, manager training, and more.
·  Visit to download our complete training catalogue.
·  Contact your account management representative or a member of the account support team @ to discuss available training options.
Account Updates, Reports, and Promotional Materials / Your account management representative will send your utilization reports by email within 15 business days of the end of the reporting period.
·  Please update us with the number of covered lives each year to ensure that our reports accurately reflect usage, and to enable invoice adjustment.
·  If you require promotional materials, please contact your account management representative, or a member of the account support team @ or by phone @ 1-866-267-6255.
·  Visit to download and print a wealth of promotional materials.
Employee Orientations
(Pre-recorded and live webinars – available in English or French) / Did one of your employees miss a live orientation, or do you have a group of new hires who would benefit from an EAP information session?
·  Visit to access our calendar of all upcoming live webinar orientation sessions to share with employees.
·  Visit to locate .wmv files of pre-recorded orientation sessions.
·  Contact your account management representative @ to request a link to a pre-recorded session.
Annual Employee Communication Plan and Monthly Features / Each month, you’ll receive an email from “LifeWorks Canada Ltd Communications” highlighting a theme of interest and links to resources on to share with employees. Monthly features are based on the Annual Communication Plan, delivered by email prior to the start of each new year.
·  Visit to access the Annual Employee Communication Plan and features.
Annual Manager Communication Plan and Monthly Features / Our manager features -- delivered as part of the monthly promotional email you’ll receive from “LifeWorks Canada Ltd Communications” -- highlight themes of interest and links to resources on to share with HR colleagues and people managers. Monthly features are based on our Annual Manager Communication Plan, delivered by email prior to the start of each new year.
·  Visit to access the Manager Communication Plan and features.
Newsletters / Our quarterly newsletters can help you promote LifeWorks. Each edition includes helpful tips, informative articles, and featured resources to support the topic.
·  We will email you links to each issue from “LifeWorks Canada Ltd Communications.” You may email the links to your employees, or post the links or files to your intranet.
·  Visit to access all quarterly newsletters.
Rapid Response &
Timely Help
Communications / We produce supportive content in response to traumatic incidents, and in situations of high public profile or high anxiety. Examples include acts of violence, accidents, and natural disasters.
·  We will post this content in the “Timely Help” section on the homepage of, and on when appropriate.
·  We may also send you a bilingual communication by email, and include information and resources you may wish to forward on to employees.
Service Concerns / If a client has a concern about an experience with our service, s/he is to call the EAP toll-free @
1-877-207-8833 to discuss the issue with our intake staff, or request to speak with a manager. Most often, we are able to address and resolve a concern quickly and easily.
·  If a client escalates a concern to you, please contact your account management representative who will ensure that we review internally and take appropriate steps to address the concern.
·  To protect confidentiality, if you wish to receive feedback on a service concern escalated to you, we will provide a Release of Information form to the client to sign (the client is the person who accessed the services). This form will detail the nature of the service concern, the information we are permitted to release, and with whom we can share the results of our review.
Other Organizational Needs? / LifeWorks provides a full suite of employee engagement and wellness solutions. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager or a member of the Account Services team toll-free at 1-866-267-6255 or email .