Lesson Plan

Unit Topic: Oceans

Grade: Second

Lesson Topic: Location of the five major oceans

Lesson Objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify the location of each ocean: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Ocean (recently added in 2000).

2. Students will know the major continents surrounding each ocean.

Instructional Technique:

1. Students will label a map with the location of the oceans.

2. Presentation by teacher introducing the map with the locations of both the continents and the oceans.

3. Students will work in pairs at computers to complete the Web Quest.

4. Students will label a second map with both the continents and the oceans.

5. Trip to Mystic Seaport.

6. Finding Nemo movie

Instructional Materials:

1. Computers

2. Worksheets and Evaluation Papers

3. Maps and Globes


5. Colored Pencils and Crayons

6. VCR

Theoretical Perspective:

This is an introductory lesson to geography and is key to understanding the world in which they live. This is also important for their success in later years as a student when their knowledge of geography will expand.

ISTE Standards:









A. Introductory Activity:

Watch the movie Finding Nemo.

B. Step-by-step:

1. Teacher gives a presentation introducing the oceans and continents to the children.

2. Teacher will pass out blank maps and students will fill them in. They may refer to the map or globe in the front of the room.

3. The students will then be paired up by the teacher at the computers.

4. The students will then be directed to the web site.

5. The students will work together to navigate the site with help as needed by the


6. The students will be given an hour to complete their quest.

7. When the quest is finished, the teacher will assign the homework due next class.

C. Closure:

At the end of this lesson the students will complete an evaluation sheet that will tie together everything they have learned in this lesson. An added activity would be a field trip to the Mystic Aquarium.

D. Adaptations for different learners:

Any student in the classroom with typing or reading difficulty will be accommodated by being paired with a classmate that can be of assistance.

E. Homework:

The students will be asked to choose their favorite sea creature featured in the quest, draw and color a picture of them, and give at least two facts to share with the class, as well as the ocean(s) it can be found in.


Each student will be given a blank map and be asked to fill in the names of the oceans and continents.


The only concerns for this lesson are the availability of computers in the classroom, and receiving permission to coordinate a field trip the aquarium.