Volume 1 1859-1957, Volume II 1958-1992
Relationships, Vital Statistics, Marriages, Abstracted from Obituaries and Notices in Hamilton County Newspapers
Compiled and annotated by Harold G. and Christine Felty
The Hamilton County Historical Society is pleased to announce the reprint of the most authoritative and comprehensive genealogy reference books for Hamilton County, IL and southern Illinois. These books contain many obituaries and related notes abstracted from Hamilton County newspapers by Harold and Christine Felty over 14 years. Obituaries since the late 1890s mention relationships, vital statistics, marriages, places of residence, former residences, cemetery of interment, names and residence of survivors. Notices include senior citizen sketches, wedding anniversaries, family reunions (if relationships were noted), and some probate information in the early time. Many annotations contain references to related obituaries, which can be very helpful in researching family names.
A general highway map of Hamilton County locating the area of seventy-three cemeteries is on page v of each volume. There are over 1000 pages of text in each volume plus every-name indexes. Entries are cross-referenced to aid you in searching families.
A limited amount of these books is being printed at this time. To ensure availability, pre-order your copy today. Pre-order is strongly encouraged.
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409 N. Pearl Street
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