Learning Objectives for Test #1
Chapter 7. Vectors and Matrices (pg. 294-334 of Rectenwald)
Extend traditional view of vectors being only 2D or 3D to multidimensions
Add, subtract, and scalar multiply vectors and matrices
Create linear combinations of vectors
Calculate inner (dot) product of two vectors by hand
Determine if two vectors are orthogonal/orthonormal
Define a vector norm and use L1, L2, L¥ to compare vector magnitudes
Compute the transpose of vectors and matrices by hand
Perform matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication by hand
Chapter 2. Running MATLAB
Create variables, vectors, and matrices in MATLAB manually
Create a matrix using the transpose operator
Create or modify an array using common Matlab built-in functions
Create, extract, and modify matrices using subscript and colon notation
Perform common matrix operations including element-by-element operations
Define and use strings
Read-in data or write to a file using save, load, fopen, fscanf, fgetl commands, etc.
Plot and append various 2D and 3D plots from vector or matrix data
Use the meshgrid command to transform vectors to matrices
Chapter 3. MATLAB Programming
Create ‘.m’ files and distinguish between function and script files
Include input and output variables in a function ‘.m’ file correctly
Call a function from the MATLAB window, a script, or another function file
Use subfunctions in a function file
Use the input, disp, and fprintf commands properly in a ‘.m’ file
Use relational operators to compare variables
Develop and read code that uses if…elseif…else…end blocks
Develop and read code that uses “for” and “while” loops
Develop and read code that uses a “break” command
Vectorize loops and vice versa
Develop and read functions that use multiple inputs and/or outputs
Use global variables in a set of ‘.m’ files and describe the advantages/disadvatages
Chapter 4. Organizing and Debugging MATLAB Programs
Properly organize and document m-files
Consistent style
Meaningful variable names
Documentation (I do not expect comments in code on tests unless specifically requested)
Develop a program using stepwise refinement
Create multiple m-files to solve a problem
Utilize the type, dbtype, error, pause, and keyboard command for debugging
Chapter 5. Unavoidable Errors in Computing
Define a bit, byte, and word
Convert integers and floating point numbers into binary numbers
Evaluate problems outside of numerical range limits
Define, distinguish, and identify roundoff and truncation errors
Measure absolute and true/approximate relative errors using a known answer as well as in a convergence sequence
Use a Taylor series to calculate a function at a specified point