Lanier Frances Basenberg


380 6th St Apt 10

Atlanta, GA 30308

Telephone: 615-500-8501



PhD Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA


2009-current (Anticipated completion date: Spring 2015)

Concentration in Gender and Sexuality

Dissertation: “The Impact of Language on the Sexuality of College Men”

Committee: Dawn Baunach (Chair), Wendy Simonds, and Griff Tester

M.A. University of Tennessee

Knoxville, Tennessee



Concentration in Criminology

Thesis: “Conflicts and Compromises: College Women Talk About Sex and Sexuality”

Committee: Lois Presser (Chair), Susanne Kurth, and Harry Dahms

B.S. Kenyon College

Gambier, Ohio



Senior Thesis: “How Do College-Aged Women Define What is ‘Sexy’?”

Chair: Jan Thomas


“Playing charades to teach sexuality and gender social scripts.” 2013. The Southern Sociologist. Winter 2013.

Areas of Interest

Criminology, deviance, gender, sexuality, sexual deviance, sexual education, domestic violence, social psychology, and linguistics

Works in Progress

“Conflicts and Compromises: How College-aged Women Negotiate Discordant Messages Regarding Sexuality.” (Under review)

“Wage Discrimination and ‘Outness’ for LGB Professionals.” Co-authored with Dawn Baunach.

Chapter on current issues regarding sex education for “Social Problems” reader for Oxford Press. Mindy Stombler and Amanda Jungles, Eds.

Professional Presentations

2013: “The impact of language on the sexuality of college men.” The Mid-South Sociology Association annual meeting. Atlanta, GA. October 23-26, 2013.

2012: “Is my boyfriend gay?” Advice Columns and the Determination of Masculinity. The Southern Sociological Society annual meeting. New Orleans, LA. March 21-24, 2012.

2010: “I’m Still a Good Christian”: Identity Salience, Emotion Management, and Loss of Virginity. The Southern Sociological Society annual meeting. Atlanta, GA. April 21-24, 2010.

2009: Rhetoric or Reality: Third Wave Feminism and Social Movements. The Southern Sociological Society annual meeting. New Orleans, LA. April 1-4, 2009.

2008: The Linguistic Discourse Surrounding Homoerotic Experimentation. The Southern Sociological Society annual meeting. Richmond, VA. April 9-12, 2008.

2005: How Do College-Aged Women Define What is Sexy? Midwestern Sociological Society. Minneapolis, Minnesota. March 31-April 3 2005.

Professional Organizations

Southern Sociological Society, 2007 to Present

American Sociological Association, 2006 to Present

Society for Women in Sociology, 2012 to Present

Treasurer, Society for Women in Sociology (South) 2014-2015

Relevant Work Experience

Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA

Research assistant and teaching assistant

August 2009-2011


June 2011-present

Courses taught: Introduction to Sociology, Sexuality and Society, and Gender and Society

Great American Condom Campaign

Atlanta, GA

2013- present