LLC Research Fund Application Form
(UK and Overseas Conference Grant application form available here)
How to proceed:
· Read the regulations
· Save this form to your hard drive or personal folder.
· Open and complete the form from the new location.
· Email the form to your local Research Adviser and Head of Subject Area for authorisation by way of initials in the designated fields.
· Email the completed form to mailto:
Please indicate (Y/N) that you have read and accepted the regulations before proceeding:
Full Name and Title:
Subject Area
Planned Research
Please give a description of the research to be undertaken (continue on a separate sheet if necessary). If funds are to be used for teaching relief please provide a full breakdown of time and duties required:
Amount Requested _______________________________
External Assistance (all applicants must complete this section)
What action have you taken to secure financial assistance from other sources?
This section may not be left blank. If you have not applied for external funding (e.g. Carnegie Trust for travel expenses), please explain why this was not appropriate.
Further Information
To what extent does this activity fit into your Subject Area’s REF strategy? Please give details.
Subject Area Research Adviser initials…………………………….. Date…………
Head of Subject Area initials………………………………………. Date…………