LISTENING TEST (dialogue or discussion): Listen to the recording and recap in French what you have understood

6 / L'élève a pu relever des mots isolés, des expressions courantes qui, malgré quelques mises en relation, ne lui ont permis d'accéder qu'à une compréhension superficielle ou partielle du document (en particulier, les interlocuteurs n'ont pas été pleinement identifiés
10 / Certaines informations ont été comprises, mais le relevé est insuffisant et conduit à une compréhension encore lacunaire ou partielle. Le candidat a su identifier le thème de la discussion et la fonction ou le rôle des interlocuteurs.
16 / L'élève a su relever les points principaux de la discussion (contexte, objet, interlocuteurs et, éventuellement, conclusion de l'échange). Compréhension satisfaisante
20 / L'élève a saisi et relevé un nombre suffisant de détails significatifs (relations entre les interlocuteurs, tenants et aboutissants, attitude des locuteurs, ton, humour, points de vue, etc.). Compréhension fine.

1) Anticipate what the document is about after reading the title of the document

2) First listening: Focus to

- get the main idea. Do NOT translate! Use all the clues at your disposal:

-get the nature of the document: radio show, news flash, interview, debate, speech, dialogue, etc

-get the number of voices you hear and their identity: man, woman, child, teenager, adult....

-listen to the sounds you hear: music in the background, applause, shouts, background noises, accent, tone of voice .....

-imagine the general meaning of the document: USE YOUR LOGIC. Use the clues that you heard to understand what you can't understand at first.


e.g.When you hear the words soundtrack and special effects you infer the document is about a film.

3) Second - third listening: Write the key words only. Pay attention to

- the words that are pronounced higher or stronger than others

- the stressed words (nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives). These are the most meaningful words.

- the intonation of some sentences. If you hear a falling intonation, it means that the speaker is certain of what he/she says but if you hear a rising intonation, it means that the speaker is not sure of what he/she says or maybe the sentence is not finished.
