LESSON PLAN – Career Skills Development Profile

Theme – Managing Transitions

CAREER SKILLS – Career Management

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Problem Solving, Improving Own Learning and Performance


COMPETECIES – – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *ci, *cii, *di, **ei, **eii, **eiii, **eiv, **evi, ***fiv, ***kiv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi, ****pi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Personal Development, Social Studies

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

·  Review Careers Education skills acquired during Grade 8.

·  State ways they have demonstrated each skill.

·  Judge their progress against each of the criteria.

Preparation and Materials

·  Copies of Career Skills Development Profile and Info Sheet to each student.

·  A set of Career Skills Cards for each group.

·  All the Careers Education work the students have done this year.

·  It is possible to use the full Profile or to complete the Key Skills and Work Related Learning section in another lesson if this is preferred.


  1. Put students into secure groups of 4 to 6.
  2. Give out the Careers Skills Development Profile and Info Sheet to the students.
  3. Give each group a set of Career Skills Cards.
  4. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the Career Skills Development Profile.
  5. Explain the Career Management Skills and if appropriate the Key Skills and Work Related Learning and in-house certification if you use this.
  6. Start the group work by choosing a card and prompting some examples from the class.
  7. You may need to facilitate on an individual basis and check that each student has completed their profile.
  8. Conduct an individual performance review with each student on their progress.
  9. Check evidence collection for in house certification.
  10. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.
  11. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

·  Review Careers Education skills you have gained during year 8.

·  State ways you have demonstrated each skill.

·  Judge your progress against each of the criteria.

Page 1 – Career Skills Development Profile

Self Development: I have shown this by…..

Career Exploration: I have shown this by….

Page 2 – Career Skills Development Profile

Career Exploration cont: I have shown this by:

Career Management I have shown this by:

Career Management I have shown this by…
PAGE 3 – Career Skills Development Profile
Career Management cont… I have shown this by…
Page 4 – Career Skills Development Profile

Key skill I have demonstrated this by…

Work related learning I have demonstrated this by…

INFO SHEET – Career Skills Development Profile

What are Career Skills?

Career skills are the skills you need to do your best at school. Career skills will help you to plan ahead and work towards your career goals.

At the moment your career may seem a long way away, but there are lots of ways you can improve your career skills now.

By looking back over the past semester or year you can “review” your progress. This means that you try hard to remember what you have done and then weigh up how much you have learned.

Using the Career Skills Cards

One way to do this is to use the Career Skills Cards with a small group of friends.

It will be helpful if you have your completed Career Activity Sheets from the past year or semester with you to remind you of what you have learned.

·  Each person takes a card from the pile.

·  In turn each person will read out what is on their card.

The rest of the group should suggest ways that they could have used the skill. Ideas can come from previous careers’ lessons or from other lessons, leisure time or other school activities.

See the examples below.

You pick up the card below you pick up the card below

Your friends suggest – Your friends suggest -

Complete Activity Sheet “Dream, Dream, Dream” talked to my friends about whether

Played “Strengths and Weaknesses” game other members of their families work

Did a 5 minute speech about my interest in fast cars asked visitors who worked in our school about their jobs.

Looked at newspaper advertisements

For jobs.

When each of you has shown your card, you can start to complete your own CAREER SKILLS

DEVELOPMENT PROFILE. If you get stuck find the card fort he skill you need help with

and ask the rest of the group for their ideas.