Key Stage 2 Chinese Language and

Culture Immersion Courses

application form

Please read the application guidelines carefully before completing this form


This section should be completed by the person responsible for coordinating the application and all administrative duties beyond the application stage. This person can represent the local authority or one of the schools within the cluster submitting an application.

Name of Local Authority:
Coordinator full name:
Coordinator job title (within LA/School):
Name of School (if applicable):
Co-ordinator’s contact details (email address and telephone number):



Name of school:
Address of school:
Name & job title of contact person at school:
Email address & telephone number of contact person:
The British Council would like to send you details of British Council activities, services and events, which may be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive this information from us please tick this box.
I do not wish to receive further information from the British Council:

Please answer the following questions concisely, using bullet points.

Has your school taken part in this course previously? (If yes, please state year and course location)

Is Mandarin Chinese taught at any of the secondary schools to which your school feeds?

Outline the teaching of Chinese language and culture that already exists within your school.

How would involvement in the course be used as a springboard in your school for the future teaching of Chinese language and culture?

Declaration (to be completed by the Head teacher)

I have read the course description in the application guidelines and understand that students participating in the course must have sufficient maturity to spend a week away from home and fully participate in an intensive, fast-paced language and culture course. I am very confident that, should our cluster’s application be successful, our school would have 3-5 (depending on number of schools in cluster) Year 5 students who would be very keen and able to take part.

I confirm my support, should our application be successful, to introducing/increasing the teaching of Chinese language and culture in my school after the course, and to supporting local school in doing so as well.

Signature Date

(Please type your name above)



Name of school:
Address of school:
Name & job title of contact person at school:
Email address & telephone number of contact person:
The British Council would like to send you details of British Council activities, services and events, which may be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive this information from us please tick this box.
I do not wish to receive further information from the British Council:

Please answer the following questions concisely, using bullet points.

Has your school taken part in this course previously? (If yes, please state year and course location)

Is Mandarin Chinese taught at any of the secondary schools to which your school feeds?

Please outline what teaching of Chinese language and culture there is already within your school.

How would involvement in the course be used as a springboard in your school for the future teaching of Chinese language and culture?

Declaration (to be completed by the Head teacher)

I have read the course description in the application guidelines and understand that students participating in the course must have sufficient maturity to spend a week away from home and fully participate in an intensive, fast-paced language and culture course. I am very confident that, should our cluster’s application be successful, our school would have 3-5 (depending on number of schools in cluster) Year 5 students who would be very keen and able to take part.

I confirm my support, should our application be successful, to introducing/increasing the teaching of Chinese language and culture in my school after the course, and to supporting other local schools in doing so as well.

Signature Date

(Please type your name above)



Only to be completed if there are 3 schools in the cluster.

Name of school:
Address of school:
Name & job title of contact person at school:
Email address & telephone number of contact person:
The British Council would like to send you details of British Council activities, services and events, which may be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive this information from us please tick this box.
I do not wish to receive further information from the British Council:

Please answer the following questions concisely, using bullet points.

Has your school taken part in this course previously? (If yes, please state year and course location)

Is Mandarin Chinese taught at any of the secondary schools to which your school feeds?

Please outline what teaching of Chinese language and culture there is already within your school.

How would involvement in the course be used as a springboard in your school for the future teaching of Chinese language and culture?

Declaration (to be completed by the Head teacher)

I have read the course description in the application guidelines and understand that students participating in the course must have sufficient maturity to spend a week away from home and fully participate in an intensive, fast-paced language and culture course. I am very confident that, should our cluster’s application be successful, our school would have 3-5 (depending on number of schools in cluster) Year 5 students who would be very keen and able to take part.

I confirm my support, should our application be successful, to introducing/increasing the teaching of Chinese language and culture in my school after the course, and to supporting other local schools in doing so as well.

Signature Date

(Please type your name above)



Please provide details below about the support teacher who will accompany the students to the immersion course centre. The nominated support teacher should also be a key contact at one of the schools within the cluster. For more information about the role of the support teacher during the immersion course please contact us via the email address below. All teachers accompanying student to the immersion courses must have a clear Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS) / Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) within the last 3 years.

Support Teacher Name
Trained in First Aid? / Yes/No

Please provide details of experience accompanying school residential trips:

Preferred course location / Frensham / Oakham (please delete as appropriate)
Clear CRB/DBS within last 3 years / Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)
If not, will have a clear CRB/DBS by June 2015. / Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)

Marketing and Promotion

1.)  How did you hear about the Programme?

Promotional Flyer

Word of mouth

China Education Pack

Schools Online


Would you be happy for some of your comments to be used in our promotional material and/ or website if applicable? Yes No

Please submit applications by Friday 27 February 2015 via email to

Clusters will be notified of the outcome of their application by email no later than mid-March 2015.

HSBC China Team, British Council

Data Protection notice

Your personal information will be used in line with British Council standards. The British Council will treat all personal information in accordance with UK law and its own privacy policy. The British Council will not sell or disclose your details to third parties for commercial reasons.

Under UK Data Protection law you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you, for which we may charge a fee, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. If you want more information about this please contact your local British Council office or the Data Protection Team , or see our website: